For the upcoming month, June 2020 below are the predictions based on Science of Numerology combined with Tarot Readings & Astrology.
We use your Prime Numbers, that is the date of birth
For an example, if your date of birth is 23 – March – 1980 then we will pick only the date, that is 23 which adds up to Prime Number 5 and then you read your Monthly Prediction under Number 5.
These are only Generalized Predictions and for your specific and more accurate readings, you may call us and connect with Tarot Pooja at Astroyogi. You may ask her questions about your Career, Health, Relationship or anything else that concerns you.
June Predictions For Number 1 People -
( Those born on 1st,10,19,28 )
Career & Finance -
Career & Finance looks good in June for number 1 people. There is nothing to worry about. You can just focus on performing your tasks and enjoy the rewards that come back to you. This is the time when you can invest in other avenues or projects. The mainstream career looks in control and hence will give you extra bandwidth to experiment with new things.
Health -
Number 1 people we see minor health issues coming up for you in June. Day to day issues can come up though nothing major to worry about. We still advise that you pay attention to your body, mind & soul.
Relationship -
We see a Family extension card for you this month which represents new family members getting added to the existing family. It could mean marriage or a baby coming into the family soon.
Lucky Color - Pink
Lucky Crystal - Pink Tourmaline
June Predictions For Number 2 People -
( Those born on 2,11,20,29 )
Career & Finance -
Number 2 people you will be overworked this month and might feel exhausted at work. You might find yourself in a situation where you will feel that you are working much more than required and this may lead to some frustration as well. Try to keep a positive mindset in this tough situation as only the strongest survive.
Health -
We foresee some health issues coming up, maybe due to overworking at work. Please try to take it easy as it's just a temporary phase and be very watchful of what you eat and your sleeping patterns.
Relationship -
Your relationship front shows that it will evolve and grow to the next level. Your partner will be very understanding and support you unconditionally during a rough patch. This transition will evolve your relationship to the next level.
Lucky Color - Black
Lucky Crystal - Black Obsidian
June Predictions For Number 3 People -
( Those born on 3,12,21,30)
Career & Finance -
Number 3 people you might be under a lot of stress and anxiety this month on the work & finance front. We strongly recommend that you include some Meditations in your daily routine to beat that stress and remain happy. You can call & consult us to learn more about these Meditations.
Health -
There might be blood-related ailments that may suddenly pop up or a relapse of an existing one. This might include high B.P, diabetes, etc. Bottom-line moves towards a Healthy Lifestyle and includes Alternate Medicine in your day to day life.
Relationship -
We have very positive cards for you in the relationship front in June. You will be blessed with an abundance of Love. So simply enjoy and pamper yourself & your partner.
Lucky Color - Red
Lucky Crystal - Red Jasper
These are only Generalized Predictions and for your specific & more accurate readings you may call us and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may ask her questions about your Career, Health, Relationship or anything else.
June Predictions For Number 4 People -
( Those born on 4,13,22 )
Career & Finance -
Number 4s we have cards showing that a lot is going on in your mind. June month your mind will be full of tensions, anxieties. Daily breathing techniques and some Healing work are mandatory for you. We can guide you with some daily rituals on the call that you can practice easily at home to keep your tensions away.
Health -
Health area is under control overall and we do not see any major problem coming up. Express your gratitude to the divine for blessing you with good health as remember “ Health Is Wealth “.
Relationship -
Relationship area needs work this month. Pay attention to the red flags and give the necessary time and attention to your partner so that he or she does not feel neglected.
Lucky Color - Grey
Lucky Crystal - Hematite
June Predictions For Number 5 People -
( Those born on 5,14,23 )
Career & Finance -
For Number 5 people our prediction shows that they might get involved in some office politics this month. Your team members or other co-workers might try to pull you down or tarnish your image. Hence along with the work please pay attention to safeguard your Image as it is in your best interest only. Simply keep your ears & eyes open and be aware of what is going on around you especially as most of us are working from home these days and hence communication is limited.
Health -
Physical health will be alright but we see Mental & Emotional Health getting impacted this month. Try not to overthink a lot and go about your daily healing rituals.
Relationship -
The relationship looks good for number 5s. You will enjoy Love & Romance in your Life and this will help you balance the stress of other areas of your life.
Lucky Color - Orange
Lucky Crystal - Selenite
June Predictions For Number 6 People -
( Those born on 6,15,24 )
Career & Finance -
Number 6 people please be very careful with your Jobs & career this month. There might be rough patches or job loss. Be prepared for unseen circumstances and maintain your cash liquidity and spend consciously.
Health -
You need to take care of your health this month. Keep your diet, sleep and water intake in check.
Relationship -
Express Gratitude to Divine for blessing you with beautiful relationships. You will be more than satisfied in your relationships.
Lucky Color - Green
Lucky Crystal - Green Aventurian
These are only Generalized Predictions and for your specific and more accurate readings, you may call us and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may ask her questions about your Career, Health, Relationship or anything else.
June Predictions For Number 7 People -
( Those born on 7,16,25 )
Career & Finance -
Number 7s please do not participate in any office politics. Only focus on your work and tasks assigned to you. Live & Let Live is the mantra of the month for you.
Health -
Number 7s will maintain excellent health in June so give thanks to the universe for blessing you with good health.
Relationship -
Love life is sorted too with no major roadblocks. Just enjoy your quality time with your partner and explore new things together.
Lucky Color - Silver
Lucky Crystal - Golden Pyrite
June Predictions For Number 8 People -
( Those born on 8,17,26 )
Career & Finance -
Number 8s there will be conflicts and clashes at work this month with management or maybe within teams. Please do not stretch any argument and compromise creating a win-win situation for everyone. The ego will not help instead damage things at work, so learn to take things with a pinch of a salt this month.
Health -
Health needs to be watched. Be careful while driving to avoid any road accidents.
Relationship -
You will be enjoying a beautiful & Harmonious time with your partner.
Lucky Color - Brown
Lucky Crystal - Unakite
June Predictions For Number 9 People -
( Those born on 9,18,27 )
Career & Finance -
Money Bliss !!! this month. We see some huge cash flowing in your life. Maybe some past Investments, or some new business idea. Even in this global crisis time, you will be making good money. Simply get used to being rich.
Health -
Health looks good too however do not get overconfident. Simply enjoy the best time coming your way.
Relationship -
We see a postponement card which tells us that if you are single or planning to propose to someone there will be delays. You will have to show some patience in this segment of love.
Lucky Color - Violet
Lucky Crystal - Sapphire
These are only Generalized Predictions and for your specific and more accurate readings, you may call us and connect with Tarot Pooja. You may ask her questions about your career, health, relationship or anything else.
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