Numerology predictions for May 2022 promise you excellent prospects, favorable times, new goals, and better opportunities in life. Check out the article to know what the numerology May 2022 predictions can reveal about your life.
According to numerology, May 2022 makes the universal number 11/2. May 2022 has the great energy of the Sun, Moon, and Mercury. 11/2 is a spiritual number and a Karmic number. Business-related relations or relations with your life partner can be affected temporarily this month. However, this will be a remarkable period for inner illumination. This new awareness can lead to peace for oneself and others.
In numerology, May is denoted with the number 5. Number 5 is the number for freedom, knowledge, full of energy, love, changes, and entertainment. People born in May are quick thinkers, and they always complete their work. These individuals get many opportunities to be happy because the number 5 is a balanced number. People born in May have uncontrollable energy and excellent communication power. Their uncontrollable energy for their personal interests can put them in an awakened position. Their love for new things makes them successful in fields that deal with the public/people, like public relations officers, sales executives, managers for transportation, tourism, legal practitioners, or any line of civil work dealing with the public.
Moreover, the month number 5 and year number 6 are compatible with each other. Month number 5 will give the impact of 1, 2, 5, and 6. Therefore, this month will be full of enjoyment, family bonding, love, relationship, and doing new things in their career.
Do you want to know what numerology reading for May 2022 can tell you about your life? If yes, here are the numerology predictions for May 2022, along with easy and effective remedies.
Looking for accurate monthly numerology predictions? Contact Astro Nancy anytime, anywhere.
People born on dates 1, 10, 19, and 28 are ruled by the number 1.
The number 1 is governed by the Sun, and the number 5 is ruled by Mercury. The universal number for birth number 1 is 3. This means that for birth number 1, this month will be ruled by Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Sun.
Remedy - Take six white flowers, and offer them to the Shivling on Monday.
People born on birth dates 2, 11, 21, and 29 are ruled by birth number 2.
Number 2 is ruled by the Moon. The Moon is a fast-moving planet. These people have mood swings, which is why they are more prone to stress and tension. These individuals have a cooperative nature with a diplomatic mind. They believe in forgiveness and patience. People governed by number 2 have creative talent. They are fond of art, music, and dance. These individuals are friendly with everyone and peaceful. They might not be good leaders, but they are excellent followers. May will give you the energies of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Rahu.
Remedy - Use rose petals in your bathing water daily.
People born on birth dates 3, 12, 22, and 30 are ruled by the number 3.
The number 3 is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is regarded as the planet of knowledge, wisdom, and enjoyment. Number 3 is considered a lucky number. The number is known to denote joy and happiness. People ruled by the number 3 have artistic talent and creativity, and they know how to express new ideas. These individuals are energetic and full of confidence. They are talented, imaginative, and successful in whatever profession they are in. In May, people born under the number 3 have the energy of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Sun, and their universal number is 14/5. This is a semi-Karmic number.
Remedy - Mix Haldi (turmeric) with Gangajal (water from the River Ganga) and do Tilak with it daily in the morning.
People born on dates 4, 13, 22, and 31 are ruled by the number 4.
The number 4 is ruled by Rahu. Rahu denotes hard work and passion for work. People ruled by the number 4 are result-oriented. They are honest, faithful, determined, and always follow the law and limits of society. Their passion for hard work will take them places, and they can even get the top position. Due to their passion for work, they miss out on their family duties. This May, people who belong to the number 4 are getting the energy of Rahu, Mercury, Venus, and Sun. The universal number of May is 15 by 6 or 15/6. The number 6 is for Venus, and Venus is the planet of luxurious life, love, attraction, beauty, and family life.
Remedy - Go to Bhairav Baba's temple and worship him.
People born on the dates 5, 14, and 23 are ruled by the number 5. Mercury is the planet for number 5. The number 5 denotes knowledge, energy, wisdom, versatility, love for freedom and change, incredible personality, entertainment, and cleverness. People who belong to number 5 have uncontrollable energy. Their uncontrollable energy for their personal interests can put them in an awkward situation. They do not achieve perfection because of their restlessness and tension. They are dominating, but they also give love and care. The universal number for the number 5 people is 7. These individuals will get the energy of Mercury, Venus, Sun, and Ketu this month. People governed by the number 7 have introspection, perfection, and the courage to take up new projects anytime.
Remedy - Worship Goddess Durga. Also, chant Durga Saptashati on Wednesday.
People born on the dates 6, 15, and 24 are ruled by the number 6.
The number 6 is ruled by Venus. The number 6 denotes balance, responsibility, love for a human being, and domestic and dependable nature. These individuals are not selfish and let others also enjoy. They are ideal for love, marriage, and home. People ruled by the number 6 are never seen working hard; usually, they have a white-collar jobs. Due to their love for helping others, they find business opportunities easily. Due to their love for beauty and nature, they successfully produce or market goods related to beauty, luxury, restaurants, clubs, luxury apartments, etc. They can also do well in irrigation, horticulture, zoology, minings, etc. In May, the number 6 is ruled by the universal number 8. For people who belong to the universal number 8, this month will give the energy of Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Ketu, and Sun. You can do some property-related work this month. You will also buy your own house.
Remedy - Donate a black umbrella to needy people.
People born on birth dates 7, 16, and 25 are ruled by the number 7 and Ketu.
The people who are ruled by Number 7 are choosy. They give the best of their love and care if their partner behaves according to them. In some cases, their spouses are considered very lucky for them. People who are ruled by Number 7 are constantly questioning and are doubtful. These people are knowledge seekers, intuitive, and have excellent mental powers. They are researchers in fields like agriculture, science, social science, etc. They are skilled workers, whether they are a carpenter or a high-level scientist. As they are always involved in studies, they might appear unapproachable, due to which people misunderstand them. They are reserved and might seem unadaptable. Their lack of interest in others can make them seem aloof, confused, and depressed. The universal number for number 7 is 9 . Number 9 represents patience and forgiveness. Number 9 is a lucky number. It shows the completion of a journey. It is an energetic and hard-working number. The universal number 9 denotes traveling and meeting new people.
Remedy - Light a Diya filled with Jasmine oil in Lord Hanuman's temple.
People born on dates 8, 17, and 26 are ruled by the number 8.
Number 8 is ruled by Saturn. People governed by this number have authority, power, position, and money. They can achieve their materialistic goals. Being an all-rounder administrator, they can direct, supervise, and control. They are successful in large-scale organizations like industries, commerce, and politics. These individuals get less time to devote to their personal life. Once they find a suitable partner, they are caring and loyal, yet their love life is not the way it should be. The universal number of May for people with birth number 8 is 1. 1 is ruled by the Sun. The Sun and Saturn do not go with each other. This month, people who belong to number 8 have the energy of Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Sun. This year will be tough for people who belong to number 8. They will do hard work but not get the desired results.
Remedy - Feed Jaggery to bulls on Sunday.
People born on dates 9, 18, and 27 are ruled by the number 9.
The number 9 is the number for the planet Mars. Number 9 denotes patience, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, philosophy, and spiritualism. 9 is considered a lucky number, which is why these individuals succeed in almost all fields of work. They are not selfish or egoistic. They thrive in professions like doctors, lawyers, teachers, business people, and artists. They are especially successful in professions associated with imagination and creativity like writing, acting, painting, etc. People ruled by the number 9 are successful in marriage because of their professional success and friendly nature. This month is giving the energy of Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun, and the Moon to people who belong to number 9. For people with birth number 9, the universal number for this month is 2. The number 2 is governed by the planet Moon. The energy of the Moon this month is highly sensitive. The energy can fluctuate between partners this month.
Remedy - Offer water and raw milk to a Peepal tree daily. Chant the Lord Shiva mantra 108 times.
Do you want in-depth monthly numerology predictions for May 2022? If so, reach out to Astro Nancy on Astroyogi.
✍️By - Astro Nancy