Numerology Tarot Predictions December 2020 By Tarot Pooja

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Numerology Tarot Predictions December 2020 By Tarot Pooja

Here comes the last and also one of the most important months of the year 2020 - December. It is the 12th month of the year and adds up to Number 3, which is for Jupiter or Guru, which gives us Knowledge, Wisdom & Light. The Year 2020 adds up to Number 4, which is for Rahu or Uranus. Even though the entire year gave us some complications however, a lot of Online Working & New Lifestyle also evolved. The Total of the Month & Year ( 12 + 2020 ) adds up to Number 7, given to Ketu or Neptune. 

To know more or get personal details about yourself, consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Pooja, now on Astroyogi.

Ketu symbolizes Humanity's deep Inner need to find Depth, Meaning, and Spiritual Connection. Once our basic needs of food & shelter are met, we turn Inwards to find the Deeper levels of life, to find a Purpose. Hence this month, we as a society will start to look at the bigger picture. A lot of people will turn Inwards & Intensify their Spiritual Journeys. Many will begin to look beyond their 9 to 5 Life and start to think about how they can add more value to their own lives & the Society. This is the beginning of a Golden Period, Self Reflections, Introspections & Meaningful Work. 

Please also make a note of the following Transitions this Month - 

11th Dec - Venus moves into Scorpio 

15th Dec - Sun moves into Sagittarius 

17th Dec - Mercury moves into Sagittarius 

24th Dec - Mars moves into Aries

Now let's see how all of this is going to Impact us as per our Date Of Birth. All you have to do is add your Date Digits to arrive at a single-digit number and read the Predictions below.

Number 1s - Number Of Sun or Surya 

A lot of Positivity is coming into your life this December for sure. This is a period when you will go through Expansion, Growth in your life both in the Personal and Professional sphere. Time for new beginnings, so good time to start a New Project, Assignment, Business. Take care of your Eyes this Month as some eye infection can crop up.

Remedy - Donate blankets to the needy

Healing Ritual - Surya Namaskar 

Number 2s - Number Of Moon or Chandra 

Health can be a concern area, so be careful of that this month. Financial gains are expected & some sudden Inflow of Money can happen. Overall a good month for Money, Finances & Career. Decisions on Investments can be made post Introspection. 

Remedy - Donate milk to the orphanage, nursing home, temple, or any needy person 

Healing Ritual - Meditation 

Number 3s - Number Of Jupiter or Guru

Release the past & let it go. It's high time that you need to move on in life. Past is over & you have to create a beautiful Future working in your Present. Forgive the people who hurt you, as your own construction is more important than their destruction. Once you totally release and shed the past's negativity, you will welcome new people, situations in your life. This month which will be highly beneficial for you in the long run. So the choice is yours to Receive the Grace & welcome a promising future or keep stuck in the past painful memories. 

To know more or get personal details about yourself, consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Pooja, now on Astroyogi. 

Remedy - Donations to Kinner

Healing Ritual - Draw & Paint Mandalas 

These are Generalized Predictions based on Numerology & Tarot. If you wish to get your Personalised Readings for Your Love & Relationship, Money, Finance & Career, Health, Family, Travel, Foreign Settlement, or anything else, reach out to your GPS @Tarot Pooja. You can also ask her for Powerful & Effective Remedies to Manifest your Desires.

Number 4s - Number of Uranus or Rahu 

You will be meeting a lot of new like-minded people and enjoy being a social butterfly. This new circle of friends will bring you happiness & new opportunities in life. Some mood swings can happen in personal life, so try to ignore things & do not be sentimental about everything. 

Remedy - Donate Lentils

Healing Ritual - Chant Om Mani Padme Hum 108 times every day 

Number 5s - Number of Mercury or Buddh

Be strong & show courage whenever any challenging situation arises instead of running away or quitting. You can win any battle with your Intellect & Power of Speech. Understanding in your relationships will Increase & you will enjoy Harmony in your Relations. Luck will favor you this month in everything that you do.

Remedy - Donate Salt 

Healing Ritual: Walk bare feet on grass for 15 minutes every day.

Number 6s - Number of Venus or Shukra

Work on your focus as concentration seems to be wavering right now. Someone senior or the one with you share a competitive spirit at work can misuse your diverted focus to harm you. Some manipulation & office politics is seen on the cards. So it is in your best interest to keep yourself Centered. Even people who are not working need to work on Being Grounded.

Remedy - Feed the birds. 

Healing Ritual - Breath Work

These are Generalized Predictions based on Numerology & Tarot. If you wish to get your Personalised Readings for Your Love & Relationship, Money, Finance & Career, Health, Family, Travel, Foreign Settlement, or anything else, reach out to your GPS @Tarot Pooja. You can also ask her for Powerful & Effective Remedies to Manifest your Desires. 

Number 7s- Number of Neptune or Ketu

You will have to make some important decisions this month that you have been postponing for a while. Love is on the cards, so for Singles, it's an excellent time to meet your Soulmate & people already in a Relationship will experience more Love & Romance. Remember Right decision at the Right Time is important. 

Remedy - Donate Tea 

Healing Ritual - Sacral Chakra Meditation 

Number 8s - Number of Saturn or Shani

Your Creativity will be at its peak this month, and you will be getting Innovative ideas that will make you successful in whatever you try your hands on. Abundance will be there in your life & hence all the required resources will be available to you in plenty. Health needs to be watched this month. Remember, Health is Wealth !!!

Remedy - Donate Wheat 

Healing Ritual - Light a candle every day in South East of your house 

Number 9s - Number of Mars or Mangal 

You will be working extremely hard at work & this will be noticed by your bosses this month. Praises, promotion, appraisal & appreciation from seniors will come easily to you. You will get all the Attention that you need & some people might be jealous of you for this. Enjoy this phase as you have really worked very hard for this. 

Remedy - Donate Rice 

Healing Ritual - Chant Om 

These are Generalized Predictions based on Numerology & Tarot. If you wish to get your Personalised Readings for Your Love & Relationship, Money, Finance & Career, Health, Family, Travel, Foreign Settlement, or anything else, reach out to your GPS @Tarot Pooja. You can also ask her for Powerful & Effective Remedies to Manifest your Desires.


Tarot Pooja

Certified International Reader ( Tarot, Numerology, Vastu, Reiki Grand Master ) 

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