October Birthstone - The Resplendent Opal and the Majestic Tourmaline

Thu, Sep 14, 2023
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Thu, Sep 14, 2023
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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October Birthstone - The Resplendent Opal and the Majestic Tourmaline

A birthstone refers to a gem that represents the month in which a person was born. The idea of a birthstone is very popular and people often wear it in accordance with their birth month. According to traditional beliefs, a birthstone is a powerful piece of jewelry that is said to have a strong and positive impact on the wearer. It is said that a birthstone can help one overcome his/her obstacles and promote success in all their endeavours.

There are two birthstones for the month of October: tourmaline and Opal. People born in the month of October can choose from these two birthstones and wear them as an exquisite piece of jewelry. But one must surely consult an astrologer so as to know about the stone that would effectively work for them and yield positive results.

Both these stones are quite different from each other and both have a mesmerizing beauty of their own. These stones date back to several hundred years in history and are being used since time immemorial. The bright hues of the tourmaline and the breathtaking beauty of opal are so appealing to the eye that you would love to wear it forever. 

The term ‘opal’ is derived from a Greek word ‘opallios’ which literally means ‘to witness a change in color.’ Originated in Australia, opal is also referred to as the ‘queen of gems’ as it has the colors of all other gemstones captured within its smooth structure. The beauty of the opal is so enthralling that it has been often compared to sparkling fireworks and fiery volcanoes. Opals come in many colors like black, white, orangy red, etc. It must be taken care that the opals are not stored in air-tight containers because if their moisture is lost, cracks begin to appear on its surface tarnishing its beauty forever.

Tourmaline is also a winsome gem that is available in a variety of colors such as cranberry, magenta, forest green and many more. The name ‘tourmaline’ is derived from the Sinhalese word ‘turomalli’ that means ‘the stone of mixed colors.’ There are not many stones that can match the brilliant hues of tourmaline. The stone becomes extremely charged when it is exposed to heat and pressure and is said to develop magnetic properties. 

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How do Wear October Birthstones?

These October birthstones are extremely rich in colors and vibrancy of these stones is unmatchable. They can be used in different forms of jewelry, such as rings, necklaces, pendants, and earrings. The stones can prove to have an everlasting impact on the wearer and therefore, one must contact an astrologer before wearing the stone.

Effects of Wearing Opal and Tourmaline

Opal is often referred to as the stone of hope and innocence and is said to instill purity in the soul of the wearer. It is believed that opals help in cleansing the blood and activate the sexual aura of an individual.  Tourmaline, on the other hand, implies a connection between mankind and nature and is said to channelize the energies of the wearer in order to wipe out the negative thoughts from his mind and body. It was used by the ancient magicians to ward off the evil spirits and is still in use today for protecting oneself against toxins and pollutants. 

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Healing Properties of the October Birthstone

Opal is said to clean the mind of a person by removing the long-buried regrets and desires of the past and helps the wearer to see the limitless opportunities lying ahead in the future. Tourmaline is a powerful stone that nourishes the nervous system as well as the lymph system. It is also said to be more beneficial to men and is used to enhance creativity and stimulate the financial affairs of a person.

The October birthstones, opal and Tourmaline, are said to bring a vibrant energy to people born in this month. These gemstones are said to enliven the soul and enrich the spirit with their bright and beautiful hues that have a deep and lasting impact on the wearer.

Do you want to know about the impact these birthstones will have on you? Speak to our astrologers and find out the stone that best suits your personality.

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