They are touted as the Brangelina of Bollywood and popularly known as Saifeena. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are the hottest couple in tinsel town. Stylish, glamorous, classy and beautiful, the two are just so perfect for each other.
And now Bebo is keen to take their relationship into another level. In an interview with a leading national daily, an excited Kareena said she wants to marry her beau Saif.
When asked if she wants to marry Saif Ali Khan, she replied, "Of course, I do. Doesn't every woman want to take her relationship to the next level? Saif and I are definitely going to marry. We just don't want to talk about it right now. It'll take away the focus from the good work we are doing currently."
How will they be as a married couple? Read on to find out what Astroyogi predicts!
Kareena is a Virgo and her date of birth is 21st September 1980 while Saif, born on 16th August 1970, is a Leo. Magnanimous Leo will overlook Virgo's tendency to be critical, while Virgo will take pride in Leo's accomplishments, good humour and loveable nature. Leo will respect Virgo's clever and alert mentality. If Virgo permits Leo to hog the limelight and refrain from being too critical of Leo's desire to hold the central place in the family circle, they should have no real barriers to a happy and successful partnership.
However, the leonine penchant for always having the last word, of always being proved right may irk the ultra-critical Virgo. As the virgin is extremely selfless and considerate by nature, her personality may clash with the thoughtlessness and insensitivity of the Leo male. In a marriage, it is best when Leo leads and Virgo follows and the differences can be bridged. But meanwhile, he is grateful to her for her tranquil presence and practical nature. She in turn likes his unshakeable optimism and his confidence. There is a very good chance of their marriage working out.