“When the stars threw down their spears
And water'd heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?”
William Blake, like the rest of us, was fascinated by the imposing stature of this animal who is indisputably the King of the Jungle, the original alpha male. To coexist alongside Lambs must be cumbersome for an animal that burns with the passion of a thousand suns. In the department of love, Leos are as dominating as in real life.
To keep the interest of such a man intact, here are five tips to incorporate in your love life -
1) Leos have a weakness for adventure and the adrenaline. A leash around their necks might not be the best approach to keep them close to you. Plan weekend getaways that revolve around intense hiking and outdoorsy activities. By the time you are done with an excruciating and reinvigorating physical pain, he’d be gasping for breath. For you.
2) Given their natural leadership qualities, they like to be in the driver’s seat of the relationship. This might be problematic for an independent person, but lo and behold, the greatest compatibility that Leos find is with Aries. Yes, the fierce Aries. Ah, the wonders of the stars. Given that trivia, it’s safe to assume that your relationship will survive, but let him take the initiative of planning that getaway we talked about and he will be brimming with happiness; so will you. Don’t attempt to manipulate and control them, they would take the exit door without the slightest hesitation.
3) The most generous of all signs, Leos are quite faithful to their posse. If your lover is also your friend, it is an unbeatable combination. They make for dedicated friends and respectful lovers, so work on creating an honest bond as friends. If he is in love, he will shower you with all the attention he can draw out of himself. They treat their lovers lavishly and spoil them rotten once they are sure of their paramours. They have a lot to offer the world, their love being one of these many things.
4) Humor is the key to a long-lasting relationship with Leos. This stands true for all, irrespective of the signs, but Leos are more than interested in people who tickle their funny bone. They are brimming with creative energy, so dullness and a slow pace makes them agitated. That creativity is matched only with the humor that they employ, more often than not, to get out of awkward situations. If nothing else, you will have regular a good ol’ riot fest every time he decides to make a crude joke to get out of that never-ending party. Is it any surprise that they want their partners to be their metaphorical and literal partners in crime?
5) They enjoy compliments and human contact considerably. So slight brushes your hands against his arms as you marvel the shape of his bicep will stroke his confidence. They are sensitive creatures under the facade of the tough exterior. Don’t cheat on them, and you will always have a shoulder to cry on when life gets you down.