Onam, the harvest festival of Kerala is here once again and on this joyous occasion Astroyogi.com astrologers wish you happy times ahead. During this festive season when Onam celebrations begin, various team sports are organized and played, which showcase the diversity and spirit that exists in nature's heaven, Kerala. Onam is celebrated in the month of 'Chingam', which is the first month in the Malayalam calendar.
"Maveli nadu vaneedum kalam,
manusharellarum onnupole
amodhathode vasikkum kalam
kallavum illa chathiyumilla
ellolamilla polivachanam
kallapparayum cherunazhiyum
kallatharangal mattonnumilla
adhikal vyadhikalonnumilla
balamaranangal kelppanilla"
The lyrics above are from the song sung every year during Onam to remind people of the beauty of living in a secular and peaceful society, of the good times when Maveli ruled, of how joyful and merry people were when people were treated as equals and there were no divisions on the basis of class or castes.
Onam is all about embracing something new. Keeping this in mind, Astroyogi.com astrologers recommend what will enhance your luck and present a sneak peek into the year 2020. Prepare yourself for the upcoming year and don't repeat the same mistakes all over again by being laidback about life.
Based on your zodiac sign find out what's likely to come your way once the New Year sets in!
Aries: Arians will notice a visible growth in leadership skills. Personally and professionally, you will take on the role of a mentor and will no longer be satisfied with the backstage. You are ready to unshackle yourself from chains that hold you in a fixed spot. You are ready to explore, learn and lead. It will be a good year to apply your many talents. Consistency will help you stay on the right path. Mercury and Venus will improve your chances as far as a new relationship is concerned. Your love life looks up towards March and April.
Taurus: 2020 is a year of opportunities for you on almost every single sphere of life. Fresh opportunities are indicated in February due to a favourable Moon. Its effect will help you in a very holistic manner when you find yourself re-evaluating the very fabrics of your life. Lessons that have become commonplace and routine are seen in a new light.
Gemini: 2020 will begin on a great note and will see you setting your priorities right! You will find yourself entering a stable phase in your life and will make up your mind as far as your maze-like love life is concerned. Things will certainly take a turn for the better, mainly in the sphere of your relationships and friendships. Mercury indicates there will be some reunions in store, with friends with whom you have been estranged for a while.
Cancer: The New Year is going to bring a whole bunch of changes in your life and work. During this time, just remember that the rule of thumb is that whatever you do in the area of everyday routine - it's not typically going to go as smoothly as you thought it would. This brings us to another important matter: remain flexible. If necessary, have a back-up plan. In fact, have two backup plans! But, breathe easy, for, this too, will pass.
Leo: The year ahead 2020 brings a fruitful time for you on all fronts, Leo - you realise you are so full of determination to succeed that almost nothing can pry you away from your mission. Nothing will stop you from accomplishing what you have set your heart on. This mystically charged period will remind you that efficiency is built upon stability, so think of it as a maintenance period, ideal for revisiting old problems that call for action but lay ignored. If communication problems exist, Mercury will bring them back to your attention.
Virgo: 2020 will bring some unexpected developments in your life, which will steer you in a completely new direction. The focal points of your activities this year will be planning and clarity in communications. Thanks to the Sun and Mercury, there will be a welcome change in issues that have been creating problems for you for the past few months. The year will have an excellent start for you, with your finances getting a huge increase and some of your past investments paying off.
Libra: Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn will play an all-important role in shaping your luck in the year 2020. You will be granted many rights that you'll earn by performing many important duties. This is a good year that'll test you in many ways only to show you how good you are under trying circumstances, Libra. Saturn adds to your responsibilities and will keep you in a busy mode till July. Your schedule is indicated to be chock-a-bloc k full and you may relentlessly pursue your goals and even your deepest desires. It is time for rewards in proportion to your efforts.
Scorpio: New ideas and great opportunities will truly make the year 2020 a highly exciting time for you. With Venus influencing your luck there are bound to be changes in all aspects of your life. You will leave all worries aside and focus on only the good things that life has to offer. This is seriously a time for you to be in charge of your life and take all your decisions only after deliberating and discussing them with someone you can trust. Life will only take a better turn and the first few months will seem to fly away without you even noticing it.
Sagittarius: 2020 may be a good year for you to expect the unexpected. Things are subject to sudden fluctuation and you may feel like you are so ready to take a risk and just blow off conventional wisdom or prescribed ways of doing things. All this changes as the months wear off before the last month of the year. Imagination, affection, music, arts- all these will be on the rise in 2020!
Capricorn: In 2020, keep yourself focused and totally in-charge, Capricorn. Do not fret, this does not mean you are not going to achieve what you set out to. It's just that you would need to work smart and more ingeniously, that's all. The last leg of the year is going to be totally outstanding and you are likely to achieve your personal and professional best at this time. You easily move from idealistic theories to practical applications.
Aquarius: 2020 will see your inbuilt communication skills coming to your rescue in many tricky situations. January itself will bring many revelations your way which will add a new ray of hope into your life. This year is about growth, in your personal as well as professional sphere. Your warm and affable nature will help you win people over which in turn, makes things very easy for you. There might be an unexpected turn in events, sometime in June, for which you must be prepared well in advance. Do not be wary of change for everything new that happens in your life this year will only serve to make things better.
Pisces: The year 2020 bears testimony to new and excellent opportunities that will give you a new lease of life to different aspects of your life like career, finances, love and relationships. Personally, you will mend relationships and also see increased harmony at home. On the professional front, things will be on an upswing, especially in the months of February and March. Saturn's positive influence will also bring an end to any ongoing professional problems. Students will enjoy a brilliant period in the months of May and June as you do exceptionally well in your studies.
Happy Onam!