Parents' Day is a special day celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday of July. This year, Parents' Day will be celebrated worldwide on July 23, 2023. Make this Sunday special for your parents by gifting them something of sentimental value and don't forget to make it memorable. Astrologically, all parents have different traits and each zodiac sign is associated with unique traits and this is true in case of parents and their parenting ways too.
Aries: Aries parents are inspiring and they raise their kids with a firm hand. They'll never lose their identity even for their kids. They are natural leaders and at home, they like to lead their kids towards success and would want the very best. Aries parents are competitive and this may be a little frustrating for the kids.
Taurus: Taurus is often accused of being a pushover when it comes to parenting. Taurus parents like to give in to all demands of their kids and will be found over indulging their kids with whatever their heart desires. They'll raise their kids to be hardworking, loyal and honest.
Gemini: Communication is important to Gemini parents. They will be seen having intellectual discussions with their kids at home or playing board games. They want their kids to be intelligent and sharp witted, just like them. Showing your emotional side will help you connect even better with kids.
Cancer: Cancer parents like to create a safe and happy home for their kids. They like to experience the joys of raising their kids and every moment is special to this emotional sign. They like it when kids depend on them and they are able to provide. The caretaker role suits them.
Leo: Leo parents are generous and they shower their kids with love and affection. They remain in the limelight and have their insecurities too. Family protection is topmost on their mind and there are bad days only when Leo feels ignored.
Virgo: Virgo parents are extremely practical and they raise their kids to be perfect and multitalented. At times, Virgo may seem critical but they do it only for their kid’s happiness in the long run. They are strong and prove to pillars of strength for the family.
Libra: Courtesy and manners are important to the Libran parents. They will want their kids to treat everyone with respect. They will want to build and home that reflect style and luxury for their kids. Kids may manipulate them into giving them what they want - they are likely to be pushovers.
Scorpio: Scorpio parents are highly intelligent and when kids need help with their schoolwork, no one does it better than Scorpio. They tend to hide their feelings even with their kids but a strong. Loving bond can be formed when Scorpio decides to be more open and forthcoming with their kids.
Sagittarius: Freedom is important to Sagittarius and while parenting they will let their kids be free too. They want the world to be explored and they are optimistic about life. Travel will be an important part of families with Sagittarius parents.
Capricorn: Capricorn will do anything to provide for their family. They are workaholics who'll stop at nothing to meet their goals. They are not so comfortable with emotional bonding with their kids. They will expect their partner to do the nurturing while they focus on their careers.
Aquarius: An unconventional home life is guaranteed when Aquarius parents are in charge. They'll want their kids to be free and independent. They'll want their kid to be artistic and open to learning. Meeting people from all walks of life is expected with Aquarius parents.
Pisces: Pisces parents will keep their children's needs topmost on their mind. They are creative parents and will always think of new ways to connect with their kids. They like to nurture and may even give in to their imaginative side but it's best when they combine their dreamy side with the rigours of real life.