With the emergence of innumerable dating apps, relationships seem to be losing their charm. There now exist a variety of statuses for relationships, ranging from “We’re JUST dating.” to “We’re friends with benefits.” to “It’s complicated!” These new types of statuses allow for the new Break-Up trend! The sanctity of valuing the relationship and your partner has gone down, taking along it the importance of talking to your significant other about things not working out in the relationship. This new trend shows how casually people take relationships, and breaking up now simply either means ignoring the person till they ‘get the message’ or simply leaving a text saying “It’s not working out.” Yup! No reason or explanation required. Of course this trend is even more simplified on dating apps, when all you need to do is block the person you were earlier with or interested in, or simply deactivate/ delete your account.
This sucks if you're on the receiving end of the break up, but saves you an emotional or serious conversation if you’re the one breaking up. The ones breaking up tend to justify their behavior by “Saving their partner from having an embarrassing or humiliating conversation.” Not the fact that the ones breaking up get off easy, by ending the relationship without having to give any justification or reason!
That being said, the new generation doesn't seem to be having a problem getting accustomed to this trend. Nowadays, relationships are all about ‘fun’! From the point of view of a parent, go figure what this means!
This new trend and the generation linked to it are now looking at simply ‘dating’ which actually means going out together with your partner, spending time together, and maybe even getting intimate with your partner; just not getting ‘too serious’. This new dating trend doesn't exactly expect partners to be serious or ‘exclusive’ (which is the new relationship slang for faithful or committed) which then warrants for the new break-up trend. You don’t always owe your partner an explanation because you weren’t exactly in a ‘serious’ relationship to begin with.
Of course for those of you who aren’t looking to simply ‘hookup’ or have flings with someone, for those of you who are looking for something serious and want to have a committed relationship with your significant other, you can always find out more about both your and your partner’s sun signs and get your compatibility astrologically analyzed. You can get your ‘Kundlis’ and your sun sign charts compared and explored to see how you may be compatible with your partner and how successful your relationship may be. Interpreting your astrological compatibility with your partner can also help to understand what kinds of problems and conflicts you both might face in the long run.
Of course, its ideal to have a single partner and astrology could help people check if the partner they found is ‘the’ one.
Having flings and going with the new trend of ‘ hooking up and then breaking up’ can be fun until a certain period when the fun is fun no more. And then you may actually want to settle down and have a serious and meaningful relationship with someone who shares your beliefs and values, and someone who respects you and the relationship you share together.
Expert Vedic astrologers at astroYogi can help you by providing insights from a compatibility analysis (Kundli Milan). Click here
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