Get ready as the Sun in Capricorn transit will invite some major highs and lows in your life. Dive in to find out what lies ahead.
The transit of the Sun in Capricorn 2025 will be on 14th January 2025 (Tuesday). Makar Sankranti, or the Surya Sankranti, will fall on the 14th January 2025. This is considered an auspicious and important day for various reasons. On this occasion, people donate, do charitable activities, and indulge in many prayers and rituals.
The planet Sun (Surya) lingers in one certain zodiac sign for nearly a month, so it takes a full year to complete the zodiac cycle of 360 degrees. The following transit of this planet will transpire in the Aquarius zodiac sign on 12th February 2025 (Wednesday).
Date- 14th January 2025 (Tuesday)
Time- 09:03 AM (IST)
About The Sun
The Sun is your Soul and life energy. Hence, it helps to have it as strong as possible in the chart to have a pure soul and high life energies, as only then can one excel in every field of their life. According to Vedic astrology, your father symbolizes this planet in our day-to-day lives. This is why paying respect to him and caring for him strengthens the Sun's placement in your birth chart.
This mighty planet is the significator of your career, profession, and leadership style. It also oversees your association with government officials and government agencies. It helps you get name and fame. Representing the East direction and the fire element, the Sun is the most important planet for your well-being and growth in life.
The Sun oversees the Leo zodiac sign. The Mahadasha of the Sun, as per the Vimshottari Dasha system, takes 6 years to complete in a native's life.
The three Nakshatras of the Sun are as follows.
Krittika Nakshatra
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Uttarashadha Nakshatra
Are you on the venture to find a good time today? This is your cue to turn your attention to Astroyogi for guidance.
The Sun transit predictions for the 12 zodiac signs given below are by the holistic healer Tarot Sonia.
For Ariens, the 10th house, or Dasham Bhava, will be influenced by the Sun transit 2025. This will bring focus to your career and ambitions.
This planetary transit will trigger your professional house or Karmasthana. You will be more engrossed and try to achieve the maximum in the workplace. You will go beyond the set expectations and try delivering much more. Some Ariens will also get name and fame in their careers. They will become famous for their work achievements.
Remedy- Dedicate time to improving leadership skills through workshops or mentorship programs.
The 9th house, or Navam Bhava, will be influenced by the Sun transit 2025. Hence, you will get all the love and respect in your social circles.
People in like-minded communities will start to notice you and talk about you. You will be quite famous in all the areas you are involved in.
Remedy- Doing meditation can help you embrace changes positively.
For the Gemini folks, the 8th house, or Ashtam Bhava, will be affected by the powerful Sun transit in Capricorn 2025.
When the Sun transits in Capricorn, you will have the energy to work on yourself. You will devote your energies to the upliftment of skills and knowledge. Some Geminis would like to study more and sign up for highly skilled courses.
You will have total control of your surroundings and anything from the past. You will overcome the challenges that life throws at you thanks to your vigor and experience.
Remedy- Donate wheat to a temple, Gurudwara, orphanage, or an old age home. This will enhance your Sun's energy.
The Sun's movement into the Capricorn sign will impact the Saptam Bhava, also known as the 7th house.
Due to the Sun transit effects, your business will thrive in collaborations and partnerships. However, you must avoid making any rash decisions or taking impulsive steps. Your spouse might be complaining about you not spending sufficient time with them. Therefore, you will spend more time at home than usual.
Remedy- Improve your communication skills through public speaking clubs or conflict resolution training.
The strong Sun in Capricorn transit will trigger the 6th house. Thus, this is a crucial time to stay vigilant and cautious of your adversaries or those who do not like you very much.
When the Sun transits in Capricorn, you must stay away from politics in your workplace and not be a part of any gossip. Some people might want to damage your reputation, so you must take a strong stand for yourself.
Remedy- Keep a journal to reflect on challenges and achievements in your daily life.
In January 2025, the Sun transit in Capricorn will illuminate the 5th house, or Pancham Bhava, for Virgos. This will empower you to shine in specific areas of your life like never before.
Your love life will shine, and your partner will take the lead. On the other hand, your children will win awards and trophies, which will make you very proud.
Remedy- Prioritize self-care by setting aside "me-time" to nurture your emotional well-being.
The Sun transit in Capricorn 2025 will illuminate the 4th house for the Libra natives.
Your mother might need more of your time and attention, and so will your maternal aunts. This will be a good time to buy a property in your name for staying in it and for investment purposes.
Remedy- Wake up early before Sunrise to gain the Sun's energy and make your Sun happy and powerful.
Check out this blog: Mercury Transit in Capricorn: Money Gains Await Pisceans—What Else to Expect?
The Sun transit 2025 will illuminate the 3rd house for the Scorpions in January 2025
This will make you plan some short trips. It will also make you socialize more. You will attend many parties, social get-togethers, group lunches, and group dinners during this time.
Remedy- You must improve your communication skills through a writing or speaking course.
For Sagittarians, the 2nd house or Dwitiya Bhava will be influenced by the Sun transit 2025. This is your Kutumb Bhava, which is why this will bring changes in your home lives.
Due to Sun transit effects, your speech might get a little harsh and aggressive, so you must put some constraints on it. Your family life will be abundant and prosperous.
Remedy- Clear out your living and working space to invite fresh energy. You must let go of items that no longer serve you.
The mighty Sun transit in the Capricorn sign will ensue in the 1st house for the hard-working Capricorn natives.
The Sun transit predictions indicate that your overall luck factor will increase. You will also have some good connections with government offices and higher authorities. If any matter has been stuck for a while and needs government intervention or approvals, those matters will get sorted out during this time.
Remedy- Take a sunbath in which you close your eyes like a meditation and absorb and soak in the energies of the Sun. You must do so first in the front part of your body, and then you turn around, facing your back to the Sun, and let your back absorb the Sun's energy.
The Sun's transit in the Capricorn in the 12th house for Aquarians. This planetary transit is set to bring good news from the foreign shores.
The Sun transit predictions indicate that you will get good name and fame from foreign countries and offshore clients. Your expenses might increase, but that will be for good as you invest in your own growth.
Remedy- Avoid a non-vegetarian diet in order to please the Sun.
The Sun in Capricorn transit will trigger the 11th house, or Labhasthana Bhava, for Pisceans.
During this time, your gains and profits will increase. You will get lucky in almost everything that you set out to do.
Remedy- Stay away from alcohol in order to make the Sun happy and not shrink your aura and vibrations.
*Note- These prophecies noted above for the transit of the Sun in Capricorn 2025 are generic in nature. So, call or chat with Tarot Sonia on Astroyogi for personalized forecasts.
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