Vastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu system of architecture which suggests construction of a building or public space in such a way that different energies from the atmosphere can be harnessed to bring peace, prosperity and achievements. The principals of Vastu, when applied inside homes, will help in the general well-being of the occupants and remove any negativity which causes stress. This is a science that is applicable to plants as well and so, to make optimum use of plants that will bring harmony and prosperity in our lives, we must know which plants promote positivity in our homes and which can have a negative effect.
Plants can work like magic to soothe a stressed mind and even a sceptic likes to keep a few potted plants in his house, even if it is in the pretext of making the house look beautiful. Many of us have the following plants in or around our homes. The important point is to be aware of where to keep them and why.
Tulsi / Basil
This is one of the most revered and auspicious plants in a Hindu household and is believed to bring prosperity for the members of the house. It has excellent therapeutic properties and is said to clean and purify the air. It is useful in treating many diseases.
It should be grown in the North or North East balcony, where it gets enough sunshine. Remember to water it daily.
Bamboo Plants
Most homes keep bamboo plants to bring them good luck and protect them against evil powers. These ‘Lucky Bamboos’ are not really bamboo plants, but a type of tropical water lily. They are easy to grow and hardly require any maintenance. They bring positive energy into the surroundings. Different number of bamboo stalks placed, have different effect. For e.g.; Two bamboo stalks represent love and luck, three is for happiness and longevity, five is for health, six for good luck and harmony and so on.
Place the bamboos in the South East direction to gain wealth. It needs adequate sunshine and a change of water every two weeks.
Yellow Flowers
Its one of the best colours used in Vastu to balance energies. Keeping yellow rose or Marigold flowers inside house helps in bringing positive energy.
Peace Lily
The green leaves and white flowers of this plant bring peace and harmony to the surroundings.
Other ‘Yes’ pointers
Growing Lemon, Jasmine, mango, Jackfruit, coconut and lotus plants, brings luck. Grow the fruit yielding plants in the East direction.
Purple coloured plants attract wealth
Place flowering and decorative plants in the North, East or North-East part of the garden and make sure they don't grow beyond a height of three feet.
Never keep a cactus or other thorny plants inside the house with the exception of roses. They bring negativity into the house and cause health problems. Since cactus grows in dry regions, placing this inside the house brings loneliness and scarcity of water among other ill things.
Other ‘No’ pointers
Avoid growing milky plants as their presence take a toll on the health of family members.
Do not keep bonsai plants inside houses as they restrict growth in any sphere of life.
Do not grow big trees in the centre of your garden.
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