In the epic Ramayana, Lord Hanuman played a pivotal role which we are all aware of. But do you know that Lord Hanuman was also present in the Mahabharata? Hanuman made his presence felt in the form of a flag placed on top of Arjuna’s chariot
‘Nase Rog Hare Sab Peera, Jo Sumirey Hanumat Balbeera’ is a line from the Hanuman Chalisa which implies that by reciting Hanuman Chalisa, one can get rid of all his diseases, sufferings and pain. To believe Hindu saints, Hanuman Yagya is another powerful way to please lord Hanuman and get blessed with good health and prosperity. If performed properly, it can help fulfill all your desires. Maybe this is one of the reasons why many Hindu emperors used to conduct a Hanuman Yagya before going for a battle, as mentioned in many Hindu mythology stories. astroYogi will now give you an insight into performing a Yagya:
You need a Brahmin or a priest to conduct a Yagya as per the proper procedure. This Yagya bestows you with health, wealth and fame. Conducting Hanuman Yagya helps one relieve his/her sufferings. During this Yagya,0020by chanting some mantras, you invoke Lord Hanuman and also the other deities. It is believed that the moment you take Lord Rama’s name, Lord Hanuman gets pleased and appears at the place of Yagya in pratyaksh (with) or apratyaksh (without) form.
Requirements for Yagya
In order to perform the Yagya, you need red flowers, roli, kalava, havan kund, wooden havan sticks, gangajal, a small brass jar of water, panchamrit, red loin cloth (langot) and five kinds of fruits. You can also ask the priest to give you a list of the puja items prior to conducting a Yagya. Tuesdays are considered very auspicious for performing Hanuman Yagya. But only a learned priest can perform it for you as it is important to follow the correct procedure.
If due to some reason, you are unable to find a priest to perform the yagya for you, then Astroyogi astrologers suggest you to perform a simple way to perform a puja at home.
Method to do Hanuman puja at home
You need to place Lord Hanuman’s idol in a clean corner or in the mandir of your house. Keep in mind that when you sit for puja, your face is in the eastward direction. Take some rice and flowers in your hand and chant the mantra given below:
Atulit Bal Dhaamam, Hem Shailaabh Deham
Danuj Van Krashaanum Gyaaninaam Agraganyam
Sakal Gun Nidhaanam Vaanaraanaam Dheesham
Goshpadikrat Vaareesham Masakikrat Rakshasam
Raghupatipriyabhaktam vatajatam namami.
Now offer the rice and flowers in your hands to Lord Hanuman. While chanting the mantra given below, sprinkle some water in a vessel kept in front of Lord Hanuman’s idol or on the floor three times.
Om Hanumate Namah padyam samarpayami
Arghyam samarpayami
Achamaneeyam samarpayami
In the next step, offer gandh, vermilion, kumkum, rice and flowers to Lord Hanuman. Then chant Hanuman Chalisa for at least five times. At the end, light a ghee diya and do Lord Hanuman’s aarti.