Pluto, the planet of truths and secrets is on a retrograde mode once again! How will this impact you? This is the time when some awkward moments during dinner time or when you are out on a date seem to happen. You all of a sudden blurt out embarrassing facts which you were never meant to share in the first place. Keep a hold on your tongue and keep your personal secrets to yourself.
Feeling confused about what you want? This happens everytime Pluto goes retrograde. Your thoughts are pulled in all directions and you just can’t seem to decide if it’s time you switched your job, got married or went out on a vacation. Confusion seems to rule your life. Blame it all on retrograde Pluto. Taking decisions would seem like an impossible task. You will have second thoughts and will not be able to make up your mind. Take a deep breath and reflect on what you want. Planning things will help you get your life back in order. Clean out that closet and do things that will take your mind off your problems.
During this retrograde phase some hidden secrets are going to be revealed. Pluto rules out the darker side and we need to watch out for incidences that are not in our favour. Some negativity is expected. We are driven by our desires and the lifestyles of the famous and the rich attracts us more than usual. A little impatience to get to the top is likely. All short cuts seem like a viable option and we just can’t wait to fulfill what we want.
This retrograde phase is however, a good time for everyone to understand one’s flaws and work at removing them. If you want to quit smoking, you should. A little determination is all you need. This is a good period to grow and transform into who we want to be. Are you hung up on an ex? Don’t be and move on with your life. Letting go of the past is the only way out if you really want to invite peace and happiness.