With Uranus all set to end its retrograde journey in the sign of Aries, quirkiness and eccentricity will be the reigning forces. And all we can do now is bow down to them. Uranus is known for the sudden changes it brings whenever it transits into a new sign or changes direction. From when Uranus entered Aries in 2010 to now, many unforeseen changes have taken place. The assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 and the uprising in Egypt and Syria shocked the world. Moreover, technology became smarter with the advent of smart phones. And now, Google is all set to launch Google glasses which will be a step ahead of the smart phone. These glasses will revolutionize our worlds and pretty much turn science fiction into reality.
Unpredictability will be the order of the day for the next 4 years, till 2018, because that's how long Uranus will be staying in the me-first Aries. Taurus, being a more stable sign would definitely be a much better place for the unpredictable Uranus but that is not going to happen very soon. So, let's learn to bear with the quirky choices and decisions that Uranus will make for us.
However, just like every coin has two sides, there are many positive things that Uranus in Aries promises for us, say Astroyogi astrologers. Read on to know how you can make Uranus in Aries work for you.
This is a good time for the completion of pending tasks. So get down on completing any tasks that are in desperate need of your attention. However, overzealousness may cause you to make mistakes. So be careful.
With the full Moon in Gemini, today and the next few days will be a good time to socialize and expand your contacts.
This is the time for you to let your enthusiasm and energies take you forward and do things that seemed impossible before. Be assured, if you work hard enough, nothing is impossible.
Surprisingly, this New Moon in Gemini and Uranus in Aries will impel you to bring changes in your life, especially the kind of changes that you usually avoid. And these changes may prove to be good for you in the long term.
The Gemini full Moon makes us want to socialize and establish new relationships. So break out of your shell and plan out some fun get-togethers with your friends.
Move on. Forget the past and enjoy the present. If you are nursing a broken heart, the cosmic forces will enable you to let go of the pain and sadness and start life afresh.
Now, the not so good things about Uranus in Aries.
Uranus in Aries might cause you to become impulsive, so it is advisable to exercise restraint and be patient. Don't get swayed by what others say. You must make sure that you know the facts well before coming to any conclusion.
Expect the unexpected. Untimely death of relationships and revival of old relationships will be quite common.
Be flexible. Since the Sun and the Moon are in opposite signs, the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Gemini, the need for flexibility and striking the right kind of balance will be important.
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