Rahu and Ketu are known as shadow planets, considered in Vedic astrology which have no independent identity. They are the two intersecting nodes along moon's ascending and descending orbit with sun's ecliptic path. The consideration of Rahu and Ketu is one of the key difference between western and Vedic astrology. Their effects are mainly on the emotional level and take the traits of the sign in which they are posited. Only in rare instances, they prove to be favorable and much of their effects on one's horoscope are malefic. If they are in 'Dasha' or 'Mahadasha' in a horoscope, the native may suffer due to their malefic effects. Find out more about these malicious planets and their effects on your horoscope:
Birth of Rahu and Ketu:
Rahu and Ketu are believed to be the planets formed out of Head and body of the immortal demon sliced by Lord Vishnu. According to the legend of 'Samudra Manthan' in Hindu mythology, 'Devas' deceitfully procured 'Amrut'- the nectar of immortality, from the 'Asuras'. Asura Named 'RahuKetu' disguised as a Deva and sat amongst them while Amrut was distributed amongst the Devas. The Sun and Moon god recognized the disguise and informed Lord Vishnu, who beheaded RahuKetu with his divine discus, the Sudharshana Chakra. RahuKetu had already consumed Amrut by that time and he couldn't be killed. Later on his head became the planet Rahu and the body transformed into Ketu, two planets in the cosmos which are considered to be the enemies of Sun and Moon in Vedic astrology.
Effects on Horoscope:
Both Rahu and Ketu always move in retrograde motion. Rahu represents indulgence. Mental illnesses, theft, losses, death of family members, and legal hassles are some of its negative aspects. It also pertains to skin diseases, breathing problems and ulcers. Rahu can also bring about instant success or failure to a person. If Rahu is well placed, it can bestow the native with courage and fame. Click here for a personalized consultation with Astroyogi’s expert astrologers and a detailed horoscope analysis.
Ketu can cause diseases related to lungs, ear problems, brain disorders and digestion issues. It represents mystic activities, wounds, sufferings, bad company and false pride. Ketu also stands for moksha, sudden gains, interest in philosophical pursuits, spiritual pursuits etc.
Reciting the divine ‘Rahu Beej Mantra’ many times, with conviction is advised by our expert astrologers to reduce the malefic effects of Rahu on your horoscope. Beej mantra should be recited as "Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah". The tone and frequency for reciting the mantra are also important to get the desired effect. Saturday fasts are also advised to reduce the malefic effects of Rahu. Feeding the poor, helping someone suffering from leprosy or other skin deseases and also helping the poor for his/her daughter’s marriage is also advised. Wearing a Rahu Yantra may also help to overcome malefic effects of Rahu.
Chanting ‘Ketu Beej mantra’ is advised here. The Ketu Beej mantra is "Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketave Namah". Donating blankets, domestic animals, and iron equipment are recommended. Observing fasts on Tuesday and Saturday are also advised. Helping the old and needy also helps to reduce its ill-effects. Wearing a’ Ketu Yantra’ can be useful in overcoming the effects of Ketu.
Are you troubled by the malicious effects of Rahu and Ketu?
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