Saturn would be entering Capricorn in Direct motion around 12 pm on 29th September 2020 after almost four and a half months of Retrograde in Sagittarius since 11th May. Saturn naturally owns Capricorn and Aquarius zodiac signs and is the lord of the Tenth and Eleventh houses. So, it is likely that almost all other zodiac signs will positively influence it.
In Vedic astrology, Saturn is considered a malefic planet unless placed in certain houses or due to certain houses’ lordship in the chart. Saturn is associated with the labor class (those who work hard to earn a living), servants, service, etc. Saturn can also be responsible for delays and obstructions in a person’s life. On the other hand, it also represents longevity in the horoscope chart. Overall, Saturn’s direct progressive positioning indicates mostly auspicious results for all zodiac natives.
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Let us try to understand the likely results of this transit for various birth Moon signs.
Saturn would be placed in the 10th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Work would get stabilized and there would be foreign land-based growth opportunities heading your way. Acquiring higher level knowledge in your work base and acquiring fresh skills would be a complete blessing, as the same would be retained by you for a long time. Participation in new projects and accepting new responsibilities would be rewarding. The course of Saturn’ transit in Capricorn may also invite opportunities for building your own property so stay vigilant. A little word of caution would be while dealing with your love interest/spouse. It would be important for you to maintain a balance between your professional and personal life.
Saturn would be placed in the 9th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Good luck would prevail for you in your efforts and combined with hard work it can help you win accolades. Long-distance journeys related to work, leisure and pilgrimage would be very rewarding. Work would acquire the forefront and it would be wise to invest yourself in work on priority. New projects and activities should be accepted with vigour and it is very likely to cast you among the league of top performers. There would be a steady rise in income so just focus on hard work and relax on the returns part. Your Father may attract your attention so better keep close with him for his health and personal matters.
Saturn would be placed in the 8th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Saturn in 8th house has been termed as “Ayush Karak” meaning it bestows long life. Do not rely too much on your complacency and luck to earn good results. Stay away from speculative activities and windfall gain providing activities. Accept the teaching of life in the form of turbulence and obstacles that you receive during events. Do not experiment with day to day activities at work otherwise, there would be chaos. Following a seasoned approach at work and personal life can deliver some positive results so stay sincere.
Saturn would be placed in the 7th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Saturn turns “Digbali” or directionally strong in the 7th house so it promises protection and safety from awkward events and ill effects of other planets. It is very likely to deliver some very promising opportunities to build a property of your own. Your work-life would be intact and prosperous and be alert on the opportunities that you select for likely growth in the future. You may have an opportunity to gather and understand the deeper knowledge of things and put them to practical use in your life. Travel would be fruitful and spending some quality time with your Father would be a good option. Stay close-knitted with your spouse.
Saturn would be placed in the 6th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your enemies would be at bay and there can be occasions where you might even overpower them. Health would be good provided you are disciple in your eating and exercising habits. Those involved in physical activity-based work are likely to be very successful in the coming time. Having an interest in and learning in spiritual activities and occultism would be beneficial. It can be a good time for taking business loans in case you are planning to set up or expand your business. There will be favours from/to maternal relations.
Saturn would be placed in the 5th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. It appears to be a good time for progeny and go ahead with family planning. There would be gradual and steady growth at work and likewise, income patterns are also likely to settle down. Accept challenges to prove your worth in the organization and you’ll never regret it. Keep a close watch on your bonding with your love interest/spouse as there can be some unwanted situations of discord. The best way to control this would be to dedicate time for work and family appropriately. Stay away from unwanted and impulse expenditure and you’ll be able to save better during the year.
Saturn would be placed in the 4th house and it is likely to deliver good results. Property related issues can yield a breakthrough and it also appears to be a good time to invest in property. Enemies would be at bay and they would not be able to harm you in any way. Don’t try to settle scores with anyone rather save your energy and effort for your growth prospects. It would be a good time to spend some time and money on your children as they are likely to become your source of happiness in the year ahead. Work would be very stable and you need to stay humble while dealing with others. It would be wise to listen to others' viewpoints before acting on important matters. Results would be good but may approach with a delay due to the onset of Dhaiya on the Libra Moon sign. Aacharya Aaditya
Saturn would be placed in the 3rd house and it is likely to deliver good results. You’ll be versatile in your approach to work and life events. Don’t let your laid back attitude take over you otherwise this time won't be delivering any good to you. Work-related travel would be very fruitful. Convert positive thoughts into action and this time would be very rewarding to you. It also appears a good time to clear off your long pending issues at work and in personal life. There may be chances of some spiritual awakening triggering in you. Keep a close track on your children and Father. Long-distance pilgrimage can turn out to be very beneficial.
Saturn would be placed in the 2nd house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. There would be fresh avenues for saving money and subsequently making fresh investments. Invest time and money to build your savings portfolio to have a secure future ahead. Income level would improve with hard work so invest yourself thoroughly in work. Keep a watch on spoken words as they can either make you or potentially break you. Follow a logical approach in property-related matters especially when negotiating for sale/purchase. Sagittarius born natives would be observing the initiation of the last phase of Sade Sati so time would be relatively better than before. Put your learning of the recent past into practical use to gain positive results.
Saturn would be placed in the Lagna/First house and it is likely to deliver positive results. Capricorn people would be observing the start of the second phase of Sade Sati so they need to be cautious in their approach to life events. Stay optimistic and logical in your approach to work and do not hurry to decisions without understanding the consequences of it. Work would be stable and the next two years can deliver an exalted position provided you abide by Saturn’ learnings. There can be issues while dealing with a spouse but they can be managed as the same would be originating from your side. Try to stay humble and avoid bossy attitude while dealing with others.
Saturn would be placed in the 12th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your mind would be occupied with the thoughts of the Almighty and you would be inclined towards spiritual texts/knowledge. Association with a mentor/spiritual master would be very beneficial. You may find it difficult to save money but you need to keep trying and ultimately you will succeed. Avoid taking loans from others unless required. This zodiac sign would be observing the onset of Sade Sati so stay alert and be humble in your approach to life events. Stay close to your Father as he may be requiring your attention.
Saturn would be placed in the 11th house and it is likely to deliver good results. There would be opportunities for growth at work so stay alert to grab them. Make wise expenditures and it will not hurt your pocket. Having a charitable disposition would be very helpful. Avoid any kind of shortcut to success. Stay open-minded while dealing with people and upcoming opportunities at work which will eventually get you closer to success. A very evident foreign connection can sprout up at work so stay alert. Some awards and recognitions may be heading your way. Put some of your talents in to use and you may locate an additional income source in your favour.
Best of Luck