If the soul is always healthy, any disease which comes from outside can be pushed back. Mind, Body & Soul have always been connected and this connection has been explored in Healing & Alternative Therapies.
Today I am going to touch upon the Mind part of it ...
Human Brain weight is only about 1.4 Kgs but it is the most complex human organ that has immense powers and potential which is yet to be explored completely and understood by the common man. It is said that even extraordinary people or Genius in history like Albert Einstein, they used only 10% of their total brain. Imagine what percentage of brain normal people like you or me use. However, the great news is that we can always harness the immense powers of our brain and reach our Highest Potentials as sky's the limit …
Most of you must have not heard about the word “Telekinesis “! If yes then surely you have a keen eye for this subject. It’s a science of moving things without even touching them with just the power of your mind
Sounds unbelievable right?
This Article is a confluence between Science & Spirituality and comes to you exclusively on this website and at the right time
Right time because during this critical time of global disturbance you decide if you want to empower yourself and ensure that you and your loved ones are Healthy – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Psychologically & Financially!
You can use this guidance anyway you want. Manifest your Desires in order of your preference. Though our Intent of writing this article is overall well-being & health of Humanity right now however the formula can be replicated to any walk of life.
Let’s begin with an understanding that in the broader perspective our Mind can be divided into three states or categories – Conscious Mind, Unconscious Mind & Subconscious Mind
- Conscious Mind is the one that is working for us right now while we are meeting people, talking, reading, etc while we are awake
- Unconscious Mind is when the person is not conscious, could be health reasons
- Subconscious Mind is the next category which consists of almost 70% to 80 % of our mind & is not only the major chunk but the most powerful one too.
It is like the hard disk of your computer as it stores all the information from the beginning not only from this lifetime but also of the previous lifetimes. It’s this part of the brain that the Therapist or the Healers use when they do your PLR (Past Life Regression)
To me personally, our Subconscious Mind is like that fertile soil in which whatever you put is like a seed that germinates quickly
Multiple books have been written on Programming of Subconscious Mind. Worldwide expensive seminars are taking place on the said topic. It has worked for the masses across the globe and shall continue to do so.
It is an optional study. If today you want to change your life after reading my article and implement the Healing Techniques in your life.
The easiest way to Program your Subconscious Mind is by Daily Affirmations
What are Affirmations – Positive Statements in Present tense, basically your desires that you want to be fulfilled in future but you frame your statements in the present tense?
When to do the Healing – The best time to do the Affirmations is Morning as soon as you wake up and the last thing before going to sleep as your Subconscious Mind is most active in these two time slots
How much time does it take to Manifest Desires -
There’s no thumb rule, it could be weeks, days & even hours. A lot will depend upon if you do it like a robot and just say the English sentences or you FEEL it emotionally while saying it
How to write the Affirmations –
* Like mentioned earlier in Present tense for desires that will happen in future
* Be as specific as you can
* No negative words to be used