In Hinduism, an auspicious time is required to perform any task. The work is started at an auspicious time or Muhurta for the success of the work and auspicious results. Then, whether it is a wedding, starting a business, buying a car, etc., we get an auspicious time from the astrologer. According to the Hindu calendar, the Muhurta is derived based on the date, constellation, the moon's position, and the planets' position.
So let us tell you in detail about the auspicious time of April 2021 in this article.
Today's Panchang | Today's Shubh Muhurat | Today's Horoscope | Today's Rahu Kaal | Today's Choghadiya
Marriage Auspicious Dates in April 2021
Among the 16 rites of Hinduism, the fifteenth is the marriage ceremony. Therefore, an auspicious time is also important for a marriage. According to the Hindu calendar, at the beginning of January, Masant Dosh and Kharmas will be considered inauspicious for Hindu weddings. At the same time, auspicious things like marriage will stop after Jupiter and Venus go into the setting mode. After this, the marriage ceremony will begin on 22 April 2021. Therefore, the best and auspicious date and time for a person's marriage should be determined after consultation with an experienced astrologer. The most suitable and auspicious date and time for marriage depend on the bride's and groom’s birth chart and the place of marriage as well.
22 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta Time - 05:02 pm to 23 April 05:48 am, Nakshatra - Magha, Date - Dashami, Ekadashi
24 April 2021, Saturday, Muhurta Time - from 06:22 am to 11:43 am, Nakshatra - Uttara Phalguni, Date - Dwadashi
25 April 2021, Sunday, Muhurta Time - 08:05 am to 26 April 01:55 am, Nakshatra - Hasta, Date - Trayodashi, Chaturdashi
26 April 2021, Monday, Muhurta Time - 11:06 am to 27 April 05:44 am, Nakshatra - Swati, Date - Poornima
27 April 2021, Tuesday, Muhurta Time - 05:44 am to 08:03 am, Nakshatra - Swati, Date - Purnima, Pratipada
28 April 2021, Wednesday, Muhurta Time - 05:13 pm to 29 April 05:42 am, Nakshatra - Anuradha, Date - Dwitiya, Tritiya
29 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta Time - 05:42 am to 11:49 am, Nakshatra - Anuradha, Date - Tritiya
30 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta Time - 05:40 pm to 01 May 05:40 am, Nakshatra - Origin, Date - Chaturthi, Panchami
Monthly Horoscope | Monthly Tarot Reading | Monthly Numerology Predictions |
Auspicious Time to Buy A Vehicle April 2021
Any vehicle, be it bike, car, bus, etc., should be purchased at an auspicious time to exploit the best possible natural benefits. On the other hand, a vehicle purchased in an unfavorable or inauspicious time can bring many difficulties to the vehicle owner, besides hindering the owner's potential progress and prosperity, so let's know about the auspicious time.
01 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - 10:59 am to 02 April 05:19 am, Nakshatra - Anuradha, Date - Panchami
07 April 2021, Wednesday, Muhurta - 06:04 am to 08 April 02:28 am, Nakshatra - Dhanishtha, Date - Ekadashi
16 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - 06:05 pm to 17 April 05:54 am, Nakshatra - Rohini, Mrigashira, Date - Panchami
25 April 2021, Sunday, Muhurta - 05:46 am to 04: 12 pm, Nakshatra - Hasta, Date - Trayodashi
26 April 2021, Monday, Muhurta - 12:44 pm to 27 April 05:44 am, Nakshatra - Chitra, Swati, Date - Poornima
29 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - 05:42 am to 02:29 pm, Nakshatra - Anuradha, Date - Tritiya
Auspicious Time to Buy Land April 2021
If you buy land at an inauspicious time, then you may face loss. Therefore, we are telling you about the auspicious time to buy land in April 2021.
01 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - from 06:11 am to 02 April 05:19 am, Nakshatra - Visakha, Anuradha, Date - Chaturthi, Panchami
09 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - 06:02 am to 10 April 06:01 am, Nakshatra - East Bhadrapada, Date - Trayodashi, Chaturdashi
16 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - 11:40 am to 17 April 05:54 am, Nakshatra - Mrigashira, Date - Panchami
22 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - 05:49 am to 23 April 05:48 am, Nakshatra - Ashlesha, Magha, Date - Dashami, Ekadashi
23 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - 05:48 am to 24 April 05:47 am, Nakshatra - Magha, Purva Palguni, Date - Ekadashi, Dwadashi
29 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - 05:42 am to 02:29 pm, Nakshatra - Anuradha, Date - Tritiya
30 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - 12:08 pm to 01 May 05:40 am, Nakshatra - Mool, Date - Chaturthi, Panchami
Auspicious Time to Start New Business April 2021
Highly auspicious business dates in April 2021 can also be beneficially used to open a shop, conduct any commercial transactions or execute financial deals. If the business is started in auspicious time, there is a possibility of expansion and business growth in the future. So let's know the auspicious time to start a new business.
09 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - from 06:49 am to 12:35 pm
09 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - 2:55 pm to 07:29 pm
14 April 2021, Wednesday, Muhurta - 06:30 am to 08:05 am
14 April 2021, Wednesday, Muhurta - 10:00 am to 04:49 am
15 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - from 06:27 am to 09:57 am
15 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - 12:11 pm to 04:49 pm
22 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - from 07:33 am to 09:29 am
23 April 2021, Friday, Muhurta - 09:25 am to 11:40 am
28 April 2021, Wednesday, Muhurta - 07:10 am to 11:20 am
29 April 2021, Thursday, Muhurta - from 05:42 am to 11:48 am
Auspicious Time of Naming Ceremony April 2021
The most important of the 16 rites described in Hindu culture is the naming ceremony. For this ritual, a pundit or an astrologer is called and given a proper name after looking at the newborn's horoscope. Naming ceremonies are performed especially keeping in mind the auspicious time so that the newborn can get success, prosperity, happiness, peace, increase in business, and rank-reputation in life. So let us tell you in detail about the auspicious naming time lying in April 2021.
April 01, 2021, Thursday, 11:02 am to April 02, 2021 from 06:11 am
April 08, 2021, Thursday, 06: 03 am to April 09, 2021, 04:57 am
April 12, 2021, Monday, 08:02 am to 05:59 am
April 16, 2021, Friday, 06:07 pm to April 13, 2021, 05:59 am
April 25, 2021, Sunday, 05:45 pm to 04:15 pm
April 26, 2021, Monday, 12:46 pm to April 27, 2021, 05:44 am
April 28, 2021, Wednesday, 05:13 pm to April 29 2021, 05:43 am
April 29, 2021, Thursday, 05:42 am to 02:30 pm
Major Festivals of April 2021
Good Friday:In the year 2021 is on Sunday 02 April.
Easter Day: Easter in the year 2021 is on Sunday 04 April.
Chaitra Navratri: In the year 2021, Chaitra Navratri starts from April 13.
Vaisakhi: Baisakhi is on 14 April in the year 2021.
Ram Navami: Ram Navami is on 21 April in the year 2021.
Hanuman Jayanti: Hanuman Jayanti 27 April 2021.
13 April 2021 the 2078th Hindu New Year will begin.
Amavasya: In the year 2021, Chaitra Amavasya is on 12 April.
Purnima: Chaitra Purnima is on 27 April in the year 2021.
Ekadashi: Papamochini Ekadashi is on 7 April in the year 2021.
Major Home Transits on April 2021
Mercury Transit in Pisces: 01 April 2021, 00:45 am
Jupiter Transit in Aquarius: 06 April 2021, 00:20 am
Venus Transit in Aries: 10 April 2021, 06:30 am
Mars Transit in Gemini: 14 April 2021, 01:15 am
Sun Transit in Aries: 14 April 2021, 02:35 am
Mercury Transit in Aries: 16 April 2021, 09:00 pm