As per the Gregorian calendar, July is the seventh month of the year! The seventh month of the year promises many favorable prospects. To attain new goals and fulfill your aspirations, you must initiate tasks at an auspicious date and time, commonly known as Shubh Muhurat. Read to know the July 2022 Shubh Muhurat so that you can plan things accordingly in your life.
A new month always brings in new opportunities. Everyone eagerly waits for a new month to start things afresh and reach new heights. In July 2022, good times await you as you will be able to accomplish everything that your heart desires. July, like all months, will be full of planetary transits and their repercussions. No matter what its effects, you will likely come across many unexplored possibilities and life lessons.
Want to make the most of everything that July has to offer you? You must know the auspicious dates and times in July 2022. This is where Astroyogi's July 2022 Shubh Muhurats become significant. Shubh Muhurat is the auspicious time or moment when one is supposed to undertake certain tasks. Following auspicious timings increases the likelihood of completing the tasks and getting desired results. The auspiciousness of the given date and time is one of the most important things you must pay attention to when starting something new, commencing any propitious task, or taking a significant step in life. Performing auspicious religious ceremonies, important tasks, etc., on Shubh Muhurats can magnify your chances of prosperity and development.
Shubh Muhurat is used for performing any auspicious task or deed. Whether it's a wedding, starting a new business, naming your child, the right time to change a job, buying a vehicle, or pursuing a new career path, you should always do the task on auspicious dates and times to attain success. The favorable positions of the celestial bodies can bring you fortune, luck, and success. It can offer us the positivity we require to accomplish a task. But, if you do not perform important tasks or rituals on auspicious dates and times, you will get undesirable results or fall short in all your endeavors.
So, to avoid such unfavorable circumstances and get positive results, you must know all about the monthly auspicious dates and times. This is where Astroyogi can offer you the right guidance.
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Here is the list of the auspicious dates and times in July 2022 that you should know.
Hands down, marriage is a milestone in an individual's life. It marks the beginning of a new phase in a person's life. Marriage brings two individuals together wherein they make a lifelong commitment to each other to face life together. Marriage is one of the sixteen sacraments in Hinduism. As marriage is such a massive step in your life, everyone who plans to get married should get every facet checked by trustworthy astrologers and take the necessary steps to ensure that their marriage will be a success.
When it comes to marriage, the 'Shubh Muhurat' is vital as it ensures that the couple's married life is stable, harmonious, and prosperous. If the wedding is conducted at an unfavorable time, there is a higher probability of negativity causing trouble in your life. Hence, you must ensure the wedding is conducted at an auspicious date and time.
Below is a list of the Shubh Muhurat for Marriage in July 2022.
Nowadays, with the prices of everything skyrocketing, buying a vehicle is a significant achievement. As vehicles are quite expensive, when someone purchases one, they hope to make a quality purchase. However, many unfortunate people have purchased a vehicle on a particular date and time, which has only made life more troublesome. A reason for this could be because they bought their precious vehicles at an inauspicious time.
Therefore, Astroyogi astrologers always recommend buying vehicles at an auspicious date and time as this could usher fortune and luck in the vehicle owner's life.
Here are the monthly auspicious dates and timings for buying a vehicle.
Anyone who purchases a piece of property or land has given their best efforts to save money, check out the property, and acquire all the funds, and only then can they make the purchase. No wonder purchasing a piece of property or land is nothing short of a spectacular accomplishment! As it's an expensive purchase, nobody wants to incur any losses in the long run. Whether you have plans to purchase a house, apartment, office, factory, or plot, expert Astroyogi astrologers suggest that you must always buy the land and get the Puja performed at an auspicious date and time. This will ensure that wealth and luck favor you.
Below are the auspicious dates and times for buying property or land in July 2022.
29th July 2022 (Friday), Muhurat- 09:47 AM to 05:41 AM, 30th July 2022
We all wish to own a dream house of our own, where we can spend a harmonious and blissful life with our family. Undoubtedly, this is your haven. Individuals who purchase their own house check the location and amenities around the house and critically analyze every aspect of their new home so that it attracts prosperity, positivity, and contentment into their lives. You can achieve this by selecting an auspicious date and time to move into your new residence and getting the Griha Pravesh (housewarming) ceremony conducted.
The Griha Pravesh, or housewarming ceremony, is a pious Hindu ritual people perform before entering their new home. The ceremony is known to spread positive vibes in the house and eliminate all the negativities that can affect your home, directly influencing the inhabitants' quality of life. The ceremony also allows you to attract the blessings of the celestial bodies. Therefore, you must not move into your new home without performing the Griha Pravesh ceremony. Always remember that the ceremony should only be conducted on a Shubh Muhurat.
No auspicious dates and times in July 2022 for the Griha Pravesh ceremony.
Your name is the marker of your identity and individuality in society. Your name offers validity to your existence, defines your personality and identity, and makes you a proper community member. Thus, a child's name should be decided with proper thought and utmost care. The Namkaran or Naming ceremony should always be executed at an auspicious date and time. This is why the Namkaran ceremony plays an important part and should be conducted at a Shubh Muhurat.
The Namkaran Sanskar, or Naming ceremony for your baby, is one of the sixteen sacraments mentioned in the Hindu scriptures. It is commonly believed to give lifelong results to the child. Thus, you should pay close attention that your child's Namkaran ceremony should be performed at an auspicious date and time to benefit the child in every manner.
No auspicious dates and times in July 2022 for the Naming ceremony.
Did you know that the right time to start a business can make or break your business in the long run? Yes, it's true. This is why Astroyogi astrologers suggest considering the Shubh Muhurat when starting a new business. Whether you are opening a new shop or office or launching a start-up or a new business venture, you should consider the auspicious dates and times to ensure the blossoming of your business. The right timing for your business can provide growth and guarantee success. Pay attention to the Shubh Muhurat to start your business when the celestial bodies are favorably aligned. This will ensure that your business plans are successful.
Below is the list of auspicious dates and times in July 2022 to begin a business.
Here are the important festivals and occasions.
When you perform any auspicious task or start something new while abiding by the Shubh Muhurat, it assures that you will get blessings from the divine forces. This will ensure that success and profit will be in your life and offer you desired results. Therefore, make the most of the auspicious dates and times in July 2022 to get optimum results in your endeavors.
If you want more in-depth information regarding July 2022 Shubh Muhurat, connect with Astroyogi astrologers.
✍️By- Team Astroyogi