The last solar eclipse of the year is going to occur on 4th December 2021. Know the time of the solar eclipse and what impact it will have on you!
The year 2021 is in its final phase, and the last month starts with a solar eclipse. The solar eclipse will fall on 4th December 2021. It is going to take place on the new moon day of Margashirsha month. The eclipse will start at 10:59 a.m. and end at 3:07 p.m on 4th December 2021 (Saturday). The maximum effect of this eclipse will be on the Scorpio zodiac sign and Anuradha and Jyestha constellation.
Solar Eclipse: What Is It?
In the phenomenon known as a solar eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and Earth, and it casts a shadow over the Earth. The solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are aligned, and a part of the Earth gets engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon, which blocks the sunlight.
Where Will This Solar Eclipse Be Visible?
The solar eclipse is considered quite important. As per astrology, the effects of the last and the second solar eclipse of the year will be seen on the twelve zodiac signs. This solar eclipse won't be visible in India. However, this eclipse will be visible in Antarctica, South Africa, the southern part of the Atlantic, Australia, and South America.
Sutak Period
As the solar eclipse occurring on 4th December 2021 is considered a shadow eclipse, the Sutak period and the Sutak rules will not be followed. According to astrology, the Sutak Kaal (period) is only valid when there is a total solar eclipse. Therefore, there is no need to follow any rules and regulations.
For more information related to the solar eclipse, or if you want to find out how the solar eclipse will impact you, contact expert astrologers on Astroyogi.
During this period, make sure to take care of your health. Do not buy any new stuff. Do not work in a hurry, and think wisely before doing anything. During this time, you will be in the mood for some deep thinking.
Remedy: Donate red jaggery tied in a red cloth.
Make an effort to stay away from unnecessary arguments and fights. Confrontation can create problems for you. Try to avoid work-related trips during this period. You can feel depressed because of stress, so try to avoid overthinking. Don't make any important decisions during this period.
Remedy: Tie rock candy in a white cloth and donate it.
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Your enemies will be defeated. Take care of your health and diet during this period. Try to avoid buying properties in this period; otherwise, you may face losses. Take care of your mother's health at this time.
Remedy: Donate green grass or vegetables to cows.
Try to avoid unnecessary expenses as there will be more expenses rather than savings. You might stay frustrated because of family matters. During this time, take care of your child. Students need to focus on their studies as it will be good for them during this period.
Remedy: Donate rice or milk.
Also read: ➭ Impact of Mars and Ketu Conjunction in Scorpio on Your Zodiac Sign
Overthinking will be a big problem for you at this time. You will not be able to focus well. However, your hard work can definitely give you success, so try to give your best. There can be grudges between siblings. You can go on short trips. You can make this period fruitful with your efforts, so try to stay more focused.
Remedy: Donate sweets made of wheat flour and jaggery.
Try to avoid trips during this period. Those individuals who want to go abroad for studies can succeed after putting in a lot of effort. You can feel stressed because of expenses. Do not lend money to anyone in this period. You will take more interest in religious work, and because of it, you will feel good and peaceful.
Remedy: Donate moong dal to needy people.
Your good efforts can make this period fruitful in money matters. You can also get benefits from the family in terms of finance. You will get good benefits from your siblings.
Remedy: Gift Puja samagri to the priests in the temple.
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You can feel confused for a while during this period. However, you will recover soon and get back to your work, which will be beneficial for you. You will get good support from your father in this period, which will be favorable for you. Government works that were stuck before can be cleared with your efforts.
Remedy: Donate yellow sweets.
You will not get results according to your hard work in this period, that's why you will not feel energetic. You might go on a religious excursion with your family, and you will feel good because of it. Unnecessary expenses will also make you feel stressed.
Remedy: Donate saffron and chana dal.
There will be problems between you and your partner. Do not do any work in partnership during this period. Try to avoid work-related trips. This period will be good for those who are doing overseas work. Those who want to go abroad will definitely get good opportunities.
Remedy: Donate mustard oil.
Make your business-related decisions wisely in this period. The right decisions will be beneficial for you. Take care of your partner's health during this period. You have chances to go on long trips during this period.
Remedy: Donate black urad dal tied in a black cloth.
Try to avoid unnecessary trips. Stay alert while driving or riding. Take care of your diet properly. You will feel relaxed because of religious work. Your interest in religious work will give you a good name in society. You will get good benefits from property investments but think wisely before you invest.
Remedy: Balls made out of wheat dough should be fed to the fishes.
✍️ By-: Astro Puujel