The Sun Transit in Aquarius is going to occur on 13 February 2020 at 03:18 PM. As the Sun enters the sign of universal brotherhood, Aquarius, it's time to appreciate and embrace the strangeness of life and revel in the joy of sharing. Do not hesitate to help anyone who comes to you for assistance. You will be surprised to find that it will make you more than happy.
With the sun transit in Aquarius 2020, we get encouraged by the Sun to begin our journey towards exploring ourselves. This is the time to step out of our monotonous lives into the unexplored and uncharted avenues. If not now, then when? What is it that you always wanted to be but were afraid to try? Skydiving, bungee jumping or taking up your hobby as a profession? Believe in yourself and have faith, says the Aquarius Sun and you will be able to achieve all that you wanted to have.
Sun transit 2020 will further help you make significant headways in your career and personal lives. The Sun in Aquarius is a wonderful time to infuse some newness in your lives. Here are a few things that you can do during this time.
Take Up a New Hobby
You are never too late to revive your old hobby or take up a new one. After all, it’s better late than never! Always wanted to play a musical instrument or learn a new dance form? The Sun in Aquarius is a good time for you to learn something new.
Sign up for a Cause
Aquarius is a kind and generous sign. Use this time to help as many people as you can. You need not donate large sums of money; do what you can. Donate warm clothes, old toys, quilts, blankets or whatever you can. You may also join an organization that works for the upliftment of the underprivileged members of the society and make a contribution to society.
Expand your Contacts
After spending the last month in the serious and no-nonsense sign of Capricorn, it is now time to bring out your social side. Join a book reading club or an organization where you can meet like-minded individuals.
Bring out your Quirky Side
Aquarius is one of the most intelligent and wisest signs of the zodiac. The Aquarius Sun bestows us with abilities that will help us move forward in our lives. Do not be ashamed of your crazy self! The Sun transit in Aquarius is the time to embrace all that is strange and quirky and allow this strangeness to help you grow internally. It's time to be happy and spread happiness!
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