Certain movie and story characters create such a huge impact that they become etched in our memories forever. Ever wondered what could be the sun sign of your favourite movie or story character? Presenting you the most probable sun signs of popular movie and story characters!
Aries-Jacob Black
The fiery sign of Aries is a perfect match for the hot blooded and sometimes impulsive werewolf Jacob Black played by Taylor Lautner in the popular Twilight series. His intensity and honesty make him a perfect contender for the fire sign Aries.
Our very own Indian Super hero Krrish is most probably a Taurus. Hrithik Roshan played the part of the loyal and trustworthy Krrish, in arguably one of the best performances of his career. The two most common traits of Taurus loyalty and helpfulness are very well highlighted in the character.
Gemini-Captain Jack Sparrow
Who else could the intelligent Captain Jack Sparrow be but a Gemini? His chirpiness and charisma completely matches with the typical traits of the Gemini.
Cancer-Bridget Jones
Sensitivity and moodiness are hallmarks of the Cancer sun sign and someone who would perfectly fit the bill would be the sassy Bridget Jones from "Bridget Jones Diary". She is emotional and sometimes tends to engage in self pity but this never brings down her spirits.
Leo-Harry Potter
JK Rowling’s Harry Potter won rave reviews perhaps because of the leading character’s magnetic personality. Harry Potter is most likely to be a Leo for he displays leadership qualities and ambition which are characteristic of a Leo.
Virgo-Bella Swan
She fits the role of a Virgo to the T. Stephanie Meyer got it absolutely right when she revealed that the leading character in her very famous Twilight series to be a Virgo. Just like a Virgo she seems to be gentle, helpful, reliable and also a bit interfering if we may say so (we bet even Edward Cullen wouldn’t disagree!)
The adorable and charming Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series is certainly a Libra. He is balanced and always trying his best to make things right.
Scorpio-Edward Cullen
As revealed by Stephanie Meyer, the protagonist of the super popular Vampire movie franchise "Twilight" Edward Cullen, born on June 20th is a Gemini, though he seems more like a Scorpio. He is always protective, intense and even a little jealous, which is why one is forced to wonder if he really is a Gemini.
Sagittarius-Elizabeth Bennet
Remember Elizabeth Bennet from Jane Austen’s novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’? She does not shy away from pointing out the haughtiness of Mr. Darcy and rejects his proposal for not treating her as an equal. She sure is a woman of grit and which is why we think she is a Sagittarian.
Capricorn-Mr. Darcy
Another character from Jane Austen’s novel features on our list - Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy is someone who many girls still think of as the "Perfect Man". He has a sense of pride and is contemptuous of others; however, he also has a heart of gold which ultimately makes Elizabeth Bennet accept his proposal.
Aquarius-Howard Roark
Howard Roark in Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead does not believe in compromising his artistic and personal beliefs. Not the one to be tied down by society, he has in abundance the individualistic and intellectual traits of Aquarius and thus qualifies as a typical Aquarian on our list.
Pisces-Willy Wonka
The character of Willy Wonka was immortalized on screen by two very famous stars- Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory written by Roald Dahl. The character Willy Wonka has a very imaginative mind and is many a times shown getting lost in his thoughts.