Sun Transit in Aquarius on 13th February 2022: What Can You Expect?

Wed, Feb 09, 2022
Astro D Rana
  By Astro D Rana
Wed, Feb 09, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Astro D Rana
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Sun Transit in Aquarius on 13th February 2022: What Can You Expect?

On 13th February 2022, at 3:42 am (IST Time New Delhi), the Sun will come out of Capricorn and transit in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This transition is an important transition for everyone, and everyone’s life will be affected because of it. As we know that the Sun is the source of all life on our planet; similarly, it is the guiding source of our life in our horoscope. As a result, when the Sun is strong in our chart, it implies that the person will achieve status and a good position in every aspect of his life. These people are deemed to be very attractive and are always the center of attention. These individuals are full of knowledge and wisdom, and they always inspire the people around them. 

However, just like everything else in life, there is a flip side to this. These people also showcase some negative points. They can be difficult since they are quite headstrong. They sometimes ruin their prospects because of their anger. They are also stubborn by nature and which makes their life complicated for them sometimes. However, if they work on these negative aspects of their personality, they can achieve everything that life has to offer!

Need personalized predictions regarding the Sun’s transit in Aquarius? Call our expert astrologers today!

So, what will be the impact of this important transit on each of our lives? Curious to find out?

Let us take you through a detailed analysis of how the Sun’s movement into the Aquarius sign can turn our lives upside down in the article below-

Impact of Sun Transit on Aries

Sun will transit in your 11th house. This transition will prove to be favorable for you. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • Those who are working a desk job will receive good benefits at their workplace. 
  • Those who are doing a business will be able to forge useful connections, thus getting more success. 
  • Your Siblings will support you in this period. 
  • Due to a lot of workload, your health can be affected, so take care of your wellness and health.
  •  Overall, this period will be a good period for you, and it will also increase your name and fame.

Impact of Sun Transit on Taurus

Sun will move into your 10th house. This period can be a time that brings a lot of struggles for you. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • If you put your efforts and hard work into doing something, then you will surely get positive results. 
  • Due to a lot of workload, you will feel stressed.
  • Take all major decisions wisely. It will be beneficial for you. 
  • Take care of your mother’s health in this period. 
  • Overall, in this period, you have to think twice before taking any action.

Impact of Sun Transit on Gemini

Sun will transit in your 9th house. Your efforts will meet with unbridled success in this period. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

You can go on work-related trips in this period, and all those trips will be successful. 

  • Your name and fame will increase in society. 
  • For those who are working in a technical field or in media, this period is favorable for you.
  • Your connections will increase, bringing you unexpected success. 
  • Those who are trying to get transferred might finally hear the good news in this period. 
  • You can go on religious trips with your family, and you will certainly enjoy it. 
  • Overall, this period will be a successful period for you, ushering in a lot of savings. 

Impact of Sun Transit on Cancer

Sun will transit in your 8th house. Income might be a source of concern for you during this period. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • Your unnecessary expenses will increase in this period, but on the other hand, your sources of income will also increase. 
  • Relations with your family will be more harmonious in this period, and long-term family rivalries will be over. 
  • Think before saying anything negative to anyone in this period, as it can impact your work.
  • Do not get into unnecessary arguments or fights with anyone in this period. It will be harmful for you. 
  • Overall this period is beneficial for you and your family for money-making.

Impact of Sun Transit on Leo

Sun will transit in your 7th house. This period will increase your name and fame, but it will also make you stubborn by nature. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • You have to control your stubborn behavior; otherwise, it can be harmful for you. 
  • In this period, you have to stay as calm as possible. Doing that will make sure that you get success in every aspect of your life. 
  • Due to fights with your life partner, there will be a negative environment engulfing your family. So, try to solve things with love. 
  • Overall, this period will give you results according to your actions.

Impact of Sun Transit on Virgo

Sun will transit in your 6th house. Your family will be a source of joy for people belonging to this sign. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • Your son will achieve very good results in his endeavors during this period.
  • Those who are trying for a government job will get a good opportunity in this period.
  •  Those who have been waiting for a promotion for a long time have strong chances of getting it now. 
  • This period will be very difficult for your enemies, which will be beneficial for you. 
  • You can go on a long trip. Those who want to go abroad should try in this period as the chances will be favorable. 
  • You have a lot of workload, and your health might get affected so, take care of your health. 
  • Overall, this period will be a favorable period for you.

Impact of Sun Transit on Libra

Sun will transit in your 5th house. This period will be a mixed period for you. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • In this period, you have to work very hard for every small or big thing you want to achieve. 
  • It’s better not to start any new project in this period.
  • Do not get into any kind of unnecessary arguments or fights with anyone. Try to let this period pass patiently. 
  • Try to avoid unnecessary expenses in this period and try to save more. 
  • Overall, you have to exhibit a great deal of tolerance and patience for getting good results.

Impact of Sun Transit on Scorpio

Sun will transit in your 4th house. This period will be good for you, bringing you success in many aspects of your life. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • You’ll be able to make good relations with your seniors, which will prove to be favorable for work. This will also be beneficial for gaining money. 
  • You will move on towards leading a more luxurious lifestyle in this period. 
  • Take care of your mother’s health in this period. 
  • You’ll also get good support from your father, and your love life will also be very good. 
  • Overall, this period is your lucky period so, use this opportune time wisely.

Impact of Sun Transit on Sagittarius:

Sun will transit in your 3rd house. Pending issues will once again gain momentum during this period. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • Your work which has been facing hindrances for a long time, will be completed in this period. 
  • Your hard work will get the desired results, and all your work-related trips will be successful in this period. 
  • Your luck will be in your favor. 
  • You will take more interest in religious activities, and you will also go on religious trips. 
  • This period will increase your happiness while also increasing your luck. 
  • Overall, this period will be a favorable period for you so, use this period wisely to make your future better.

Impact of Sun Transit on Capricorn

Sun will transit in your 2nd house. In this period you have to work very hard for everything. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • You have to stay cautious of your hidden enemies so that your endeavors are not met with failure.
  • Do not share confidential matters with anyone in this period; otherwise, you can face losses. 
  • This period is good for self-analysis.
  • In this period, you should start meditating for your mental relaxation.
  • It’s better to avoid all unnecessary arguments and fights in this period. 
  • Overall, this period is for introspection and improvement.

Impact of Sun Transit on Aquarius

Sun will transit in your 1st house. This period will be full of responsibilities. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • You have to be responsible at your workplace and even at your home. 
  • You can face mental stress in this period, but you will get support from your life partner.
  • Take care of your health and try to strike a balance between your work and family life. 
  • Overall, this period will depend on how efficiently you balance your tasks.

Impact of Sun Transit on Pisces

Sun will move into your 12th house. This period is good for the prospect of making money. Here’s what more you can expect from this transit-

  • Your expenses will also increase and can be a cause of concern. 
  • Those who want to make a career abroad have strong chances of moving overseas.
  • Those who are in the field of business will stay very busy in this period. However, be warned that this busy lifestyle can affect your family life. 
  • Your enemies will not be able to hurt you. 
  • Those who are suffering from any kind of health issues will get relief in this period. 
  • Overall, this period is a mixed bag for you, so try to strike a balance in your work and your family life.

The mighty Sun’s transit in Aquarius will herald a lot of changes in everybody’s life, both positive and negative. However, it is not only the impact of the celestial bodies that have the power to change the course of your life. Your actions play an equally important role in deciding your destiny. So, make use of the above predictions to better prepare yourself for the influence of the planetary movements and plan your path to success!

To know more about how the Sun’s transit in Aquarius will impact your work, relationships, and life, connect with Astro D Rana right away!

By- Astro D Rana

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