Sun will transit in its exalted sign on 14 April 2021 as Sun shows our inner self, personality, life focus, goals, and ego.
Aries is the sign of Mars, and here the person is headstrong, ambitious, and quick by actions and words. Here a person feels like a leader, and finds it hard to follow anyone (the Sun is the king of planets). In short, they don't want to be followers. Get expert guidance on various aspects of life by Astro D Rana.
Aries- Sun is in the first house and makes a person energetic and leadership kind qualities, but communication can be harsh and rude,
Taurus- Sun is in the 12th house; you may face a lack of confidence and need a lot of moral support. Here you want to do kind of charities or research to appease you more. Here you may also feel you are getting some intuitive vibes.
Gemini- Sun in the 11th house, you feel very social sometimes and sometimes alone. You feel you are a leader in a new field or involved with services having more responsibilities.
Cancer- Sun transit in 10th house, you feel., you are being noticed for your outstanding work. You want to prove your importance, so you actually work hard with complete dedication.
Leo-Sun transit in 9th house, you want to travel for enjoyment or holidays. You also want to learn, new language as it attracts you.
Virgo- Sun transit in 8th house, you may have inherited a property, or work, mainly based on other's money. You may also start learning occult, based on planets' positions in your chart.
Libra-Sun transit on the 7th, you may face difficulties in your marriage or how to balance; it can really be challenging for you. Must spend time with family, it is helpful.
Scorpio- Sun transit in 6th house, you may feel your work is appreciated, and you start organizing the things. A positive and balanced attitude can help you to overcome physical weakness and poor health.
Sagittarius- Sun transit in 5th house, you may feel strong, creative, and self-indulgent, you find great joy in love and relationships. You also may feel more connected to sports, arts, and speculations.
Capricorn- Sun transit in 4th house You may feel connected to home life and leave the office early to spend more time at home and with family members.
Aquarius- Sun transit in the 3rd house, you feel more comfortable for making any decision and taking any step, at the right time. You may be noticed for overconfidence and need to work on it.
Pisces- Sun transit in 2nd house, you may feel more splendor or try to work on your status. You may also face money problems, and expenses must be controlled.
Your stars are speaking, Aries! Unlock today’s predictions in your Aries Horoscope!