In Vedic astrology, a planet's transit from one zodiac sign to another can affect your life significantly. The same can be said for the Sun transit in Capricorn, occurring on 14th January 2023. Discover how your life will get affected by the Sun transit In Capricorn 2023!
The Sun transit in Capricorn date is 14th January 2023 (Saturday), and the Sun transit in Capricorn time is 08:57 PM (IST). The planet Sun continues to be there until 13th February 2023, after which it moves to the Aquarius sign.
The Sun or Surya is our soul and represents our father, success, position in society, leadership traits, and our relationship with the government and government officials. Surya (Sun) is the Karaka of your Atman and the significator of your name and fame. It represents the Fire Tattva (element) and rules our East direction. The Sun takes one complete year to go around the Bhachakra or the zodiac, which is 360 degrees; hence the Sun stays in each zodiac or Rashi for about a month.
The Sun usually gives positive results in the 3rd house, 6th house, 10th house, and 11th house from the natal Moon and is malefic in the 1st house, 2nd house, 5th house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house, 9th house, and 12th house from the natal Moon.
Now that you know a little about the mighty planet Sun, let's jump into how the Sun’s transit in Capricorn 2023 will influence your life.
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Every sign of the zodiac will experience the effects of Sun transit in Capricorn differently; some signs will benefit, whereas others might face some troubles.
Let's dive into it right away.
The Sun transit in Capricorn 2023 impacts the 10th house of Aries. It will have direct consequences on the native's professional life. The 10th Bhava (house) is always our Karma Sthan and the place from which we earn not only our bread and butter but also name, fame, and credibility in our chosen domain. Aries natives will get good news at work which could mean a promotion or a salary hike.
Remedy- Fast on Sundays as Sunday is the day of Surya. Keep the fast with a pure heart and pure intentions. The cleansing of the physical system will also open all the energy channels.
The Sun transit in Capricorn 2023 will impact the Taureans by giving them much-needed exposure and fresh air, as this transit impacts the 9th Bhava (house). It's time for Taurus natives to let their hair down and pack the travel bags to experience the places that were always on their bucket lists. You must have the vision to visit far-off places and create new memories.
Remedy- Place a Surya Yantra charged by an astrologer to enhance your Sun's energy. The astrologer can make it more effective and personalized with your birth details.
The Sun transit in Capricorn will impact the 8th house for Geminis. This house is crucial for your spiritual growth. Your hidden talents will come out to the surface and get more polished during this time. You are indeed gifted and have much more to offer than you can think of. This is when you shall surprise yourself with your inner qualities getting refined and better.
Remedy- Do Ram Raksha Stotra Paath. This is composed by Rishi Vishwamitra with the praises of Lord Rama.
The Sun transit in Capricorn for Cancer natives will affect the 7th house of marriage and business partnership. Due to this, partnerships of any kind will be under the limelight. This could be your business partners, work associates, lover, live-in partner, or spouse. You will be blessed by cupid and find love all around you. You will certainly get to spend quality time with your partner, and the association and interactions will be quite beneficial and mutually rewarding.
Remedy- Chant the Beej Mantra, "Aum Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah," as often as possible.
The Sun transit in Capricorn will govern the 6th house for Leo natives. It's that time of the year when you need to keep your ears and eyes open to ensure that no politics is happening against you. Make your presence felt and that you are assertive enough to knock down your hidden enemies. Also, look after your health and treat it as a priority.
Remedy- Donate food grains to the poor and needy on Sundays. You may donate wheat and jaggery.
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The Sun transit in Capricorn 2023 will govern your 5th house. Look out for a romantic meeting, as you may suddenly come across someone who will ring the bell in your heart. It will be random and so sudden that you will be on cloud 9. Before you can think or introspect, you shall find yourself on a date. If you are married, you will see more romance and passion entering your marriage.
Remedy- Chant Aditya Hridaya Stotra by Rishi Agastya. This was recited on the battlefield just before fighting Ravana. Chanting this Stotra activates and strengthens your Sun to defeat your enemy. Aditya is none other than Surya Dev.
The Sun transit in Capricorn will affect the 4th house for Libra natives. There are golden chances you will move to a new house or a new location. People who have been looking to buy a new house for quite some time will be able to take the final call now. Some of you might also start renovations and new interior design assignments at your current house.
Remedy- A picture of Surya Dev with his seven horses can be placed in your room. This will give you more power and strength.
The Sun transit in Capricorn 2023 will be of utmost importance to your 3rd house. Your brothers and sisters will consume much of your precious time but in a way that will be rewarding in the long term. They might approach you and look up to you for counseling, guidance, and handholding. They will immensely value your experiences and success and want to be in your shoes.
Remedy- A well-energized and charged Surya Yantra in your house is a must.
The Sun transit in Capricorn will happen in the 2nd house for the Sagittarius natives. Keep a check on your tongue and speech. Make sure you do not hurt anyone with your words, as once the words are spoken, they cannot be taken back, and they can have a lifelong and even damaging impact. Think twice before you utter something from your mouth, especially in anger or anxiety. It is better to hold back, stay silent, and respond later. Time for Vaak Shuddhi, i.e., clearing your speech.
Remedy- Charity on Sundays will make your Sun stronger.
The Sun transit in Capricorn will happen in your 1st house. You would spend most of your time, money, and energy beautifying or improving your physical appearance and making yourself fitter. Some of you will get a makeover. Many will enroll in gyms for workouts, take new and healthier diets from dieticians, buy new makeup, change their wardrobes, etc., during this time.
Remedy- Visit a temple on Sundays before noon.
The Sun transit in Capricorn 2023 will impact the 12th house, bringing opportunities from foreign lands. Aquarians might get good news from foreign lands. Students applying for admission to universities abroad will achieve success. People who are employed will have a chance to migrate. Self-employed individuals can get foreign clients or money in foreign currency in their domain of work.
Remedy- Give Jal (offer water) to Surya Dev every morning with some flowers, rice, and a little Gangajal (water from the Ganges) in the water.
The Sun transit in Capricorn will impact your 11th house. You will see yourself getting associated with some NGOs and social causes of various kinds. You will contribute to everything from the environment to children and older people. Employed people might join the CSR club of their employer. It's time that you create new Prarabdha Karma for your next lifetime.
Remedy- Do Surya Namaskar to activate the Surya energy in your system.
Remember that the above predictions for Sun Transit in Capricorn 2023 are general. However, a quick astrology consultation with Tarot Pooja can offer you a personalized prediction.
If you have any astrology-related questions, Astroyogi should be your number-one pick!