Sun would transit to Leo on 16th August 2020, at 07:27 pm (IST) and thus would be free from the negative influence of Rahu. Leo happens to be the zodiac sign owned by Sun itself so this transit is likely to deliver some favourable results. This transit would continue for almost one month until Sun would transit to Virgo.
Sun represents Father, fatherly figure, people in authority, boldness, decisiveness, government etc and many other things that are unique to a horoscope.
Let us try to understand the likely results of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo to various Moon zodiac signs. (Know your Moon Sign )
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Aries Sign:-
Sun would transit to fifth house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your children would occupy the centre of attraction and it would be wise to spend some quality time with them. It also appears to be a favourable time for initiating advance education or learning new skills at work. A learning workshop/training programme can deliver a lot of good to you. You’ll be acting bold in your actions and would be able to establish control over many things at work as well as at home. You need to be practical to score maximum benefit from this transit.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Taurus Sign:-
Sun would transit to fourth house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Work is likely to turn rewarding and certain aspects that appeared to be stuck for a while would start moving in your favour. It would be wise to choose work in case you have to make a selection between home and work. Avoid being authoritative at home and at the same point of time do not bring your office work back at home. Drive safely and avoid any kind of confrontations or rage on the road.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Gemini Sign:-
Sun would transit to third house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. There would be fresh flow of positive energy in you and it would be good time to accept new responsibilities at work. Luck would be in your favour and it would be advisable to take calculated risks at work. It also appears to be a favourable time for completing pending tasks at work and also to seek choiced favors from your seniors. Try to spend some quality time with your Father and clear off differences, if any. Your foes would dare not face you and you would be able to exhibit complete versatility in your actions at work as well as home. Work related travel would be rewarding. For a personal consultation with Acharya Aaditya on Astroyogi.com.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Cancer Sign:-
Sun would transit to second house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your personal savings are likely to improve considerably and your investment portfolio can deliver some valuable profits. You’ll be able to spend some quality time with your spouse and children so do not miss on the opportunity. At the same point of time you need to keep a check on your speech as it can turn harsh and deliver damage to your reputation. It would be really nice to maintain a happy-go-lucky attitude during this time. Buying jewellery appears to be a good option.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Leo Sign:-
Sun would transit to Lagna/First House and it is likely to deliver favourable results. It can be a favourable time to settle score with some people who tried to devalue/defame you earlier but watch out for any kind of excesses. You be acting very fearlessly and exceptionally bold in your actions but deploy this attribute in the right direction otherwise can cause harm to your reputation. Let actions speak louder than words for you during this time. You can expect support from and to Father. You need to stay polite with your spouse to enjoy martial happiness otherwise there can be discord.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Virgo Sign:-
Sun would transit to twelfth house and it is likely to deliver negative results. Minor disputes can take the form of long lasting problems so it would be wise to maintain calm and avoid any instance(s) of arguments. It may be good time for introspection and learn the deeper meaning of life. There can be some likely differences with your Father at home and with superiors at work so it would be wise to maintain a low profile during this time. You should delay any kind of capital expenditure during this time period. Avoid small matters of conflict at home and try to maintain a happy cheerful disposition.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Libra Sign:-
Sun would transit to eleventh house and it is likely to deliver positive results. This is very likely to be a favourable time for your Father and you can expect some good support from him. Work is likely to be very rewarding and it would just be that right time to ask for choiced favors from your seniors. In case you have been struggling with some government related work/issues then this transit can push things in the right direction so keep a follow up on all such matters. Income flow would be steady and smooth and it would also be a favourable time to realize some stuck/long outstanding payments.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Scorpio Sign:-
Sun would transit to tenth house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Work would shine and almost all your efforts would turn rewarding in nature. One word of caution here is that at all times you need to understand and differentiate between self-respect and ego as there is very thin line between the two of them. You would be meeting influential people who can deliver important opportunities for growth in the near future. It is also likely to be favourable time to assume responsibilities at work and expand your domain of overall work. It is likely that you may receive some recognition or award during this time.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Sagittarius Sign:-
Sun would transit to ninth house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Your overall luck factor would boom and you are likely to be fairly successful in your actions. You would be acting very versatile and bold in your actions so it would be wise to display your talents in front of people to whom it matters the most. At the same point of time you would be able to put your theoretical knowledge into practical use so try to deploy it in your core competencies to get suitable rewards. Business related travels would be very rewarding especially if they take you offshore. It may be a good time to talk about your promotion with your seniors.
For a personal consultation with Acharya Aaditya on Astroyogi.com click here.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Capricorn Sign:-
Sun would transit to eighth house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Keep a good check on any kind of surprise changes in your behaviour especially in case you start acting on impulse. Do not try to play with the law otherwise there can be serious repercussions. You may get an opportunity to do some favor for your superiors so act diplomatically. Some long lose painful event/thought can haunt you so it would be better to absorb yourself in fruitful activities during this time. Your Father may pick up some health problems so keep a track of his overall health pattern.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Aquarius Sign:-
Sun would transit to seventh house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You may find it hard to maintain a cordial relationship with your spouse so it would be advisable that you should maintain limited and a polite talk with him/her. Your temperament may be uneven so it would be nice to weigh your words before you speak and avoid giving quick temperamental reactions. On the other hand you may turn authoritative and you need to keep a check on whom it works well. At work you may come across some potentially good people who can turn your clients in the time ahead.
Impact of Sun Transit 2020 in Leo for Pisces Sign:-
Sun would transit to sixth house and it is likely to deliver positive results. You would turn very competitive and it would be a wonderful time to compete and contest in different events. You would develop a very strong urge to annihilate your enemies but watch out for any kind of excesses as there would be some unique instances for it. You’ be very competitive at work and it is strongly advisable that you should pick up some long pending activities, if any and complete them as such activities can become a point of objection in the future. You would be able to maintain a sound mental and physical health during this time.
Best of Luck