The Sun in Sagittarius transit will usher in a few highs and lows in your life. Will this turn out in your favor? Let's dive in to find out.
The Sun transit into Sagittarius will happen on 15th December 2024 (Sunday). The Sun takes one year to go through all the zodiac signs and complete 360 degrees. Thus, the Sun or Surya pauses in one particular zodiac sign for almost a month, which is why it takes a full year. The next Sun transit will transpire in the Capricorn zodiac sign in 2025 on 14th January 2025 (Tuesday).
Sun transit in Sagittarius date- 15th December 2024 (Sunday)
Sun transit in Sagittarius time- 10:19 PM (IST)
About The Sun
The Sun (Surya) is associated with your soul. It signifies your father, success, societal position, leadership traits, and relationship with the government and senior officials.
The Sun is also the significator of your name and fame. It governs the East direction. The Sun has the lordship of one zodiac, which is Leo, thus giving it vitality and leadership qualities.
The planet Sun usually gives positive results in the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh houses from the Natal Moon. On the other hand, it is malefic in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and twelfth houses from the Natal Moon.
The Sun in your birth chart is known to give you fame and name. It offers success in many fields. No wonder everyone wants their Sun to have a strong placement in their natal and Navamsa chart, or you must take up as many remedies as required to make it happen.
What are the good timings today? If you want relevant details, turn to Astroyogi.
Here are the exclusive predictions of the Sun transit effects on the 12 zodiac signs, as per the holistic healer Tarot Sonia.
The transit of the Sun in Sagittarius 2024 will transpire in the 9th house in December. This makes Ariens religious and God-fearing.
Being one of the strongest Trine houses, it will allow many Aries natives to enroll in higher education. You will always be lucky, so make the most of this time.
Remedy- Invest your time and effort in learning a new skill that broadens your career or personal growth.
The 8th house of the Taureans will get activated with this Sun transit in Sagittarius 2024. Therefore, many hidden things will start coming onto the surface, and you will be forced to deal with them.
According to Sun transit predictions, most Taurus natives will have a burning desire to grow and evolve in order to become a better version of themselves. During this time, occult and mysticism will attract you quite a bit.
Remedy- Meditate in nature and practice deep breathing exercises while you ground yourself in the natural surroundings.
The 7th house will get affected by this Sun in Sagittarius transit. This will make you incredibly lucky when it comes to your collaborations and networking.
This is when you will start connecting with new and more people and start forming various meaningful associations. This will be a win-win situation for the people involved.
Remedy- Participate in online or local workshops and seminars, especially in areas of personal growth, communication, or leadership.
The 6th house (Bhava) is where the Sun transit 2024 will transpire in December 2024. Therefore, it will make you much stronger so that you can stand out in the fierce and cutthroat competition.
Due to the Sun transit effects, you will get to know many of your hidden talents and your internal strengths. While navigating your challenges, you will learn more about your self-worth.
Remedy- Use positive affirmations to strengthen your inner power.
The 5th house, or the Pancham Bhava, will witness the Sun in Sagittarius transit.
Some Leo natives will meet their soulmates, and some lucky souls will get engaged. Making lucrative investments and growing your money will become your passion, and you will make immense gains.
Remedy- Donate wheat to needy people.
The 4th house (Bhava) is the placement where the Sun transit in Sagittarius 2024 will take place in December 2024.
This will be an auspicious period to buy a new house and move into that space on an auspicious Griha Pravesh Muhurat. Also, this will be a more conducive time to purchase a new car or a splendid luxury vehicle if that has been on your bucket list for some time.
Remedy- Channel your energy into regular physical activities, especially outdoor exercises like jogging or hiking.
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The 3rd house will get triggered with this Sun transit 2024. This will make the Libra natives develop new and refined tastes and hobbies.
When the Sun transits in Sagittarius, you will be inclined to try new things, and your travel bag will always be ready. Some Libras will spend time with family, especially their brothers and sisters.
Remedy- Donate jaggery to the people in need to strengthen the Sun's position in your chart.
The 2nd house, or the Dwitiya Bhava, is where the Sun transit in Sagittarius will occur in December 2024. Since this is the house of your Kutumb (family), all the action will happen around your home and the other family members during this transit.
When the Sun transits in Sagittarius, be careful of what you speak; do not say anything that you might regret later. Avoid saying anything in haste or anger. Your investments will do well, and you will be ready to accumulate more money.
Remedy- Clear out unnecessary things from your home to create space for new opportunities in your life.
The 1st house is where the transit of the Sun in Sagittarius 2024 will occur in the last month of 2024.
Due to the Sun transit effects, your life will revolve around your own self and your needs, which is wonderful as you will be experiencing a peak in your journey of self-love. Your diet, work-life balance, love relationships, family, and above all, your own quality "me time" will exist in the right proportions in your life.
Remedy- Plan a trip to explore new environments, even if it's just a short tour. If travel isn't feasible, connect with nature through walks in the forests or parks.
The 12th house is associated with expense, and this is where the Sun in Sagittarius transit will transpire for the Capricorns in December 2024.
You are advised to be careful of unnecessary expenses. Take care of what and where you spend your hard-earned money. Think twice before involving yourself anywhere emotionally. Your emotional investment should also be considered an essential and integral part of your investments. According to the Sun transit predictions, new foreign contacts will be formed, which will give you gains in the future.
Remedy- Doing charity on Sundays will make your Sun stronger.
The 11th house is where the Sun transit in Sagittarius will ensue.
You will gain multiple benefits during this time; whatever you engage in or touch will turn gold. Most Aquarius natives will get creative and think out of the box. You will usher in new and positive changes in your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Remedy- Volunteering for a social cause or donating to a charity can help you channel your energy into giving back to society.
The 10th house, or the Dasham Bhava, is where this Sun transit 2024 will happen in December.
According to the Sun transit predictions, your career will reach new heights. You will be highly professional during this time, and this will make your bosses and stakeholders happy. You will meet all your task timelines and project milestones, and even the most challenging work assignments will be a cakewalk.
Remedy- Fasting on Sundays will help your system balance the five elements and make your Sun stronger.
*Note- These forecasts mentioned above for the transit of the Sun in Sagittarius 2024 are general. So, for personalized predictions, consult Tarot Sonia on Astroyogi.
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