Sun would make a transit to Taurus on 14th May 2020 and it would stay there for a period of one month. Taurus is owned by Venus and the planet is currently placed in Taurus only. This transit and conjunction is likely to generate some unique results for various zodiac signs.
Let us try to understand the potential results as per Moon sign ascendant.
Sun would transit to the 2nd house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Academic education and higher-level learning would come your way and some good learning to improve your skills at work may also be there. It appears to be a good time for your children too. You’ll talk and express yourself with command and would exercise authority at work. Just make sure you choose appropriate words in your speech and act wisely.
Sun would transit to Lagna/First House and it is likely to deliver mixed results. You would like to be in charge of all the things happening around you but it may not be a very good thing so better choose and decide wherever you want to practise authority. Your temperament may not be very supportive so avoid episodes of unnecessary debates and heated arguments especially at work. There can be cases of work overload so plan accordingly.
Sun would transit to the 12th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. Your actions may not be delivering the best of the results so take it normally as this would be a temporary phenomenon. You may develop foreign-based connections at work so keep up with yourself. You may get a chance to exhibit your talents/versatility so be prepared as opportunity waits for none. Avoid any activity that would put you across remorse.
Sun would transit to the 11th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. It would be a wonderful time to spend at both work and family front. Work would be very rewarding and your superiors would be acting in your favour. Interestingly you would be able to perform beyond their expectations and earn the right to ask for choices and favours. Your financial stability would be very sound. It may also be a good time to initiate new projects and take lead.
Sun would transit to 10th house and it is likely to deliver very favourable results. Sun turns “Dig Bali” in the 10th house so you would be experiencing complete safety and security from Sun. Your actions would be yielding wonderful results and no negativity would be able to harm you. Enemies would be at bay and they would avoid the chances to confront you. You would be booming with confidence and high spirits. It may also be a good time to clear off pending tasks as you would be able to handle them with ease. Family members and overall environment would be very joyous so enjoy this time to the fullest.
Sun would transit to the 9th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. Work-related travel can turn very rewarding in case you get a chance to do so. Your luck factor would be maximised so you need to put a hundred percent effort at work. Accept new responsibilities at work and you are likely to perform well. It would be wise to document your work for future reference as the same would be your ticket to success/promotions. Having a spiritual insight at this point of time would be a complete blessing.
Sun would transit to 8th house and it is likely to deliver very limited favourable results. Avoid acting flamboyant or classy at work as it can seriously harm your image. Also, avoid taking risks which are beyond your comprehension and stick to routine activities. Shortcut to success can attract disaster. Follow SOP at work otherwise, you can be checked by superiors harshly. Your temperament may not favour you so maintain limited speech. It is best to let this period bypass and act beyond your capacity should be either avoided or very properly assessed before acting.
Sun would transit to the 7th house and it is likely to deliver negative results. There can be discord in relationships. At work front, there can be disagreements with your clientele so better move with the group rather than acting in isolation. At home, front try to stay close to your wife and avoid difference of opinion with him/her. You may find it difficult to maintain a cool head and the best way of doing it is ignorance to the events that cause mental disturbances to you. Try to be a “YES MAN” to your superiors.
Sun would transit to 6th house and it is likely to deliver favourable results. You would feel fresh bursts of energy to act and finalise things in your work and family life. Your ability to fight odds would be rising so choose the areas wisely. Try to act on bottleneck activities and clear your future way to success. You will experience sound mental and physical health. Your enemies would be at bay and may even get some opportunities to settle scores with a few of them, act wisely. Your actions would deliver wonderful results.
Sun would transit to 5th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. There can be opportunities for higher education/learning that would be very beneficial in the long run. Mantra sadhana, Jaap and Hawan would be delivering a lot of mental peace and strength so practise it. Maintain a healthy workout and intake a healthy diet. Stomach related problems may cause disturbances so better manage it proactively by avoiding it. Your children may demand additional attention so stay close-knitted with them.
Sun would transit to the 4th house and it is likely to deliver mixed results. There can be instances of disharmony at home so it would be better to absorb yourself in work or other passionate activity. Have patience while dealing with your Mother in home related affairs. In case you face a property related issue then it would be wise not to finalize anything at this point of time. Work would be much better and you need to focus your faculties at work to avoid other distractions of life. You might be able to get a breakthrough in some activity/project and become an early performer.
Sun would transit to 3rd house and it is likely to deliver very favourable results. You would be completely action-oriented. A wonderful time to take lead in projects and bottleneck activities and deliver choice results. Your actions are very likely to get noticed it would pave the way for a healthy future. You would not/should not hesitate to take that extra dose of risk in order to deliver exceptional results. Work-related travel can be very rewarding.
Best of Luck