The Sun Transits in Taurus: Expect Many Major Ups And A Few Downs

Mon, May 15, 2023
Astro Neelu
  By Astro Neelu
Mon, May 15, 2023
Team Astroyogi
  By Astro Neelu
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The Sun Transits in Taurus: Expect Many Major Ups And A Few Downs

Brace yourself for the Sun transit in Taurus 2023, as it promises to bring forth transformative changes for every zodiac sign. Will it be a period of triumph or tribulation for you? Here are some insightful predictions and effective remedies to help you navigate through the life-altering effects of this cosmic event. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to take control of your destiny!

The mighty Sun is transiting in Taurus, and once it enters the Taurus zodiac sign, it will become structured and approachable. The planet Sun is most active when it enters the zodiac sign Taurus. The Sun will protect and resist the negative things happening around you and in your life. Once the Sun transits into Taurus, it will increase your sense of determination and security. The Sun transit in Taurus will make you realize the value of all important things in your life.

Taurus is known to be one of the most loyal zodiac signs. One can easily identify Taurus natives by their possessiveness and bullheadedness. Taurus is governed by its lord Venus, which is currently positioned in its sign.

Sun Transit 2023 Date And Time: Check Out Here!

The Sun transit in Taurus will occur on 15th May 2023 (Monday), and the Sun transit 2023 time is 11:32 a.m. (IST). The Sun transit in Taurus will happen till 14th June 2023 (Wednesday). 

Curious to know how planetary transits can bring ups and downs in your life? Astroyogi astrologers can answer your questions. 

What Will Be The Influence of The Sun Transit in Taurus 2023 on Your Life?

Like any planetary transit, this celestial event promises to bring significant positive and negative changes for you, depending on your zodiac sign and birth chart placements of the planets. The 2023 Sun transit effects will be unique for every zodiac sign.

Here you will get expert Sun transit predictions and remedies that can help you handle anything this transit brings you!

The Impact  of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Aries

The Sun is transiting in your second house, and there are chances that you may get mixed results in your life. 

  • Love Life- You should make sure to choose appropriate words while speaking with your special someone. It would be best if you also remembered to act wisely.
  • Career- You will work with full authority in your professional life. And you will have complete command over expression while communicating.
  • Education- You should go for higher education, as it will greatly benefit you. It will make you intellectual and improve your tactical skills. 
  • Finance- If you go for a job change, it will offer you a salary hike. However, this time is not good for making investments, so avoid it. You might get some good ancestral wealth or property from your mother’s side. 
  • Family- If you have children, times will be favorable, as this will be an encouraging time for your kids. Get to know more about the Aries sign here.

Remedy- Fill water in a copper vessel, mix Kumkum, and then offer it to the Sun daily. 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Taurus

The Sun will transit in the first house, giving you mixed results, but mostly, things will be positive for you.

  • Love Life- Due to the Sun transit in Taurus 2023, your loved one might go astray. And you might find yourself in a situation where you lack the support of the person you are in love with. 
  • Career- If you are working, you can go for a job change to find a better job. If you have a government job, you can get a transfer to a better place, a promotion, or other benefits that can help you move forward in your career. 
  • Education- If you want to change your field of studies during this time, it will not be a good move for you.
  • Finance- During this transit period, you can start your business, as that will be a good move in terms of your finances. You will also get the money that was stuck for some time. 
  • Family- The Sun is the ruling lord of your fifth house, so you might become outspoken. However, you should choose your words carefully so that they do not hurt other people emotionally. Get to know more about the Taurus sign here.

Remedy- You must recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotra every morning after waking up. 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Gemini

The Sun will transit in the twelfth house in your birth chart. This phase will deliver mixed results to you. 

  • Love Life- A new special person will come into your life, so get ready. This particular person will be lucky for you.
  • Career- The Gemini natives have to be careful in their professional life. They should not opt for a job change or take any career-related risk during this transit period.
  • Education- As the Sun is the Swami (lord) of the third house of your horoscope, the Sun's movement during the Sun transit in Taurus 2023 will allow you to improve your education.
  • Finance- Your financial condition will be mixed. You must pay attention to your mother’s health, or money will be spent at the hospital. During this time, be careful with your finances. 
  • Family- You have to be mindful of your bond with your siblings and make efforts to get along well with your siblings. Get to know more about the Gemini sign here. 

Remedy- Keep a copper vessel filled with water next to your pillow for the whole night. Take the copper vessel and give the water to a plant with red flowers the following morning.

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Cancer

The Sun will transit in the eleventh house. The good news is that the outcome of this transit will be favorable for you. 

  • Love Life- You will meet and build good bonds with good friends. When it comes to your love life, there might be some problems, and ego-related issues might cause trouble in your relationship. Your parents may feel bad about you not involving them in the development of your relationship. If you and your partner want to move ahead with your relationship, get approval from your parents, and keep them in the loop. 
  • Career- At your workplace, you will get support from your seniors. You will get financial benefits during this period. The Cancer natives will also benefit from their Government jobs and sector. Cancer natives who are working professionals will witness an increase in their salary and get promotions. 
  • Education- If you appear for any examination, you will pass the exam with flying colors. This is also a good time for getting Government jobs.
  • Finance- Make it a point not to give money to anyone around you. Also, avoid getting into any business partnerships. 
  • Family- For the Cancer natives who are married, this Sun transit in Taurus will prove to be favorable. Your children will also get good results. If you have been thinking about something or desiring something for a long time, your wish will be fulfilled during this period. Get to know more about the Cancer sign here. 

Remedy- You should recite the mantra "Om Ghrini Suryay Namaha". 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Sun will transit in the tenth house in your birth chart, and the outcome of this transit will be favorable for you. The Sun in the tenth house will become "Dig Bala", which is why you will experience complete security and safety.

  • Love Life- This will be a good time in your love life, as your ex-lover or ex-partner can come again into your life. 
  • Career- If you are looking for a Government job, the Leo natives can get a good job at a reputable place. Meanwhile, if someone has a private job, there are good chances of getting a promotion.
  • Education- Leo natives preparing for examinations for Government jobs for a long time will get good results. 
  • Finance- The Leo natives involved in online work related to the planet Jupiter, such as work related to gold jewelry, will financially flourish during this time. Additionally, if you are associated with Government-related business, your business will thrive. 
  • Family- During the Sun transit in Taurus 2023, do not have any arguments with anyone in your family. You must understand your family deeply because some problems might occur that might create disputes. Get to know more about the Leo sign here.

Remedy- Leo natives should recite the mantra "Om Brahmane Jagadadharaya Namah". 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Virgo

The Sun will transit in the ninth house for you, and it will give you favorable results.

  • Love Life- An ex-lover or an ex-partner from a previous relationship about two years ago might come back into your life during this time. If the previous relationship was good, then go ahead with building a new bond now. However, if your previous relationship with that particular person wasn’t a good experience, then it's best to move on. On the other hand, some Virgo natives have a good chance of having a love marriage. 
  • Career- If you get a chance to go on a professional trip, take up the opportunity as it will be beneficial for you. Luck will be on your side, so use this time to put your sincere efforts into your work.
  • Education- This is a good time for studies. So, go abroad and fulfill your dream.
  • Finance-  If you are associated with business and your money has been stuck or haven't obtained any financial gains for a long time, your money will likely come during the  Sun transit in Taurus 2023. 
  • Family- If you donate something during this time, your father's health will be good. Additionally, if you do some good religious work with him, then it will be beneficial for you. Get to know more about the Virgo sign here.

Remedy- You must recite the Gayatri Mantra daily 108 times.

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Libra

The Sun will transit in the eighth house, and it will deliver promising results.

  • Love Life- The good news is that you'll be getting married soon. There are chances of you having an arranged marriage. On the other hand, you might face some issues in your love life. If you love someone, don't commit quickly. You must think twice before committing.
  • Career- Focus on your work and stay away from any office politics; otherwise, your work can suffer, and it can seriously destroy your image and reputation at your workplace. Do not take any risks, and don't go beyond your boundaries. On the other hand, give your best in any competition. 
  • Education- According to the planetary positions, this is a good time to go for higher education. You can go abroad to pursue higher education. 
  • Finance- You must avoid taking risks. Don't invest in the Share Market too readily. Also, don't start any new business in this period. 
  • Family- A little attention will have to be paid to the people in your family because there may be health problems. So, take adequate measures for it. Get to know more about the Libra sign here.

Remedy- Worship and do the Puja of Lord Vishnu. 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Scorpio

The Sun will transit in the seventh house. And this can give you a few ups, but mostly negative results. However, don’t worry; things will work out in your favor soon. 

  • Love Life- The time will be favorable for your love life. You'll witness progress in your relationship. If you don't have a partner in your life, you might get one during this time.
  • Career- If you have a business or job, the transit will be favorable for you. You can also get a promotion if you work hard. Additionally, you'll earn much respect. This is also a great time for a job change. 
  • Education- For Scorpio natives, more or less, everything will continue the way it is going on. People who are associated with fields related to Mars, such as IT or marketing, will have to pay attention to their education. 
  • Finance- Some Scorpio natives will see some ups and downs when it comes to their finances. According to the planets, you might earn some money during this time.
  • Family- You have to pay extra attention to your partner. Separation is a possibility, so you must pay attention to your relationship. Do not trust any third person. Take care of your anger issues. Get to know more about the Scorpio sign here. 

Remedy- Put some red Chandan (sandalwood) in your bath water. 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The Sun will transit in the sixth house in your birth chart, and it will give you favorable results.

  • Love Life- Your love life will bloom during this time. However, if you are already in a committed relationship, you must be careful, or you might get entangled in multiple relationships. 
  • Career- You might get a new job. If you have any court cases going on during this time, the results will be favorable for you. You'll get profit in the Government sector. You might develop a better relationship with your colleagues during the Sun transit in Taurus 2023. 
  • Education- If any student is aiming to appear in Government exams or preparing for any competitive exams, this is a golden time for them. They should study in the Brahma Muhurta, and they'll get beneficial results.
  • Finance- You might get some of your old money back. You can revive profits from your business through your efforts.
  • Family- This will be a good time for your family. You may welcome a new member into your family. This could be a partner or a newborn child. Get to know more about the Sagittarius sign here.

Remedy- Donate Gehu (Wheat) and Gud (Jaggery) on a Sunday. 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Capricorn

The planet Sun will transit in your fifth house, and it will deliver mixed results. 

  • Love Life- The Sun transit in Taurus 2023 will be challenging for your love life. This is because there are chances of misunderstandings in your relationship, which could lead to bigger problems. So, don't let any misunderstandings occur between you and your partner. 
  • Career- This is a good time for a change. If you are looking to make any change in your job, then you can go for it. 
  • Education- It is important for students to give their complete focus to their studies and study in solitude.
  • Finance- Whatever work you are doing, give it your complete focus. Be careful when taking financial help or any help related to your business or job from people. Think carefully before taking help so that you are sure about your decision.  
  • Family- When it comes to your family, things will be normal more or less. However, there might be some financial crisis in the house. You must also stay away from any arguments because small issues can become huge during this time. Get to know more about the capricorn sign here.

Remedy- Worship Shani Dev as much as possible, as this will be important for you. 

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Aquarius

The Sun transit will be in the fourth house, and it will deliver mixed results. There might be instances that cause disturbance in the harmony of your family. 

  • Love Life- You must try to have a good relationship with your partner. During this time, you must avoid any argument with your partner. 
  • Career- You should have a good rapport with your colleagues at your workplace. This is important for you in order to get the results of your hard work.
  • Education- For students preparing for Government jobs, like preparing for the UPSC exams, and who have not been able to qualify for them for a long time, the Sun transit in Taurus 2023 can be of enormous help.
  • Finance- During the Sun transit in Taurus 2023, you will spend more money because there is more possibility of you buying new things, like a car or a house. This is why you must think carefully before spending your money.
  • Family- This time will be good for you. If there is any problem between the husband and the wife, the problems will get solved, and things will be fine. There is a chance of some new guests arriving during this time. Get to know more about the Aquarius sign here.

Remedy- Worship Lord Hanuman as much as possible and chant the Gayatri Mantra.

The Impact of The Sun Transit in Taurus on Pisces

The Sun will transit in the 3rd house and will deliver promising results. You will be focused on your actions, and you will enjoy a wonderful time.

  • Love Life- This time will be favorable for your life partner, so your love life will flourish. 
  • Career- The Sun will provide you with great courage and vigor. Your coworkers will support you, and you will reach great heights in your career. When it comes to creative work, you will participate actively. 
  • Education- Students will get favorable results during the Sun transit in Taurus 2023. As your concentration powers increase, you will focus better on your studies. 
  • Finance- Any work related to astrology or counseling will be favorable for you. Getting involved in such work will be profitable for you in terms of finances. 
  • Family- Your relationship with your brother and sister may deteriorate during this time, so you will have to pay a lot of attention to your relationship. On the other hand, you will win any court case. Get to know more about the Pisces sign here.

Remedy- It will be advantageous for you to recite Surya Ashtakam daily. 

Remember that the above-mentioned predictions are general in nature and may vary depending on your horoscope. If you want personalized predictions and to make the most of the 2023 Sun transit effects, immediately connect with Astro Neelu on Astroyogi.

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