From an average middle-class Sikh family in Canada to becoming India’s most googled celebrity, the gorgeous and charismatic Sunny Leone, has been a controversial figure for quite a few years now since she participated in the reality series, Bigg Boss.
For a former porn star, to be so interesting for the general public so as to even have a biopic made on her in different languages speaks about the hype that has been created around her. But to her credit is the fact that she has managed to not get bogged down by a society that can be quite a prude in their outlook. “Love her or pretend to ignore her”, seems to be the general undercurrent with the audience in India.
So, what is it that has catapulted a porn star to the heights of stardom in a society that thinks twice before uttering the word ‘sex’?
Sunny Leone’s real name is Karenjit Kaur Vohra. She is also known by her stage name, Karen Malhotra. One of the most surfed actresses, who managed to bring her name out from lewd discussions at stag parties, to being talked about openly in mixed crowds, Sunny Leone has gone on to prove that,”If you care about what people think about you, you will never be able to excel in what you want to pursue’.
Sunny Leone’s birthday falls on May 13 and this makes her a Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac. Taurus element is Earth.
Taurus has an inherent need for independence. The shy, next-door girl turned to model and later to pornography in order to stand on her own feet. Sunny, like a typical Taurus, behaved in a sensible and responsible manner by informing her parents about her decision. Taureans are persistent and can be very stubborn sometimes. Her parents had to give in to her decision.
A Taurean needs her financial stability in order to feel in control of a situation. Being surrounded by comfort is a necessity for them as this sign is ruled by Venus. For this, sunny needed money.
However beautiful and docile a Taurus woman may look, they can have a hot and fiery temper.
While a career in pornography may be described by the orthodox as being ‘characterless’, Sunny has her own ‘strength of character’ which she displays, when she reiterates angrily that there is a difference between a porn star and a prostitute.
This former pornographic actress is definitely not beauty without brains. And that's the reason she is also the media’s favorite as they love to quote her.
As her element is Earth, it is not surprising that Sunny Leone is deep down, the original earth mother. This made her adopt a baby from India and later have her own babies too.
According to Sunny Leone’s horoscope, 2019 will add more feathers in her hat as she will get an appreciation for the work that she will put in. On her birthday, Astroyogi applauds the spunk of this Bull and wishes her further success in her endeavors.
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