The Major Arcana or trumps are a suit of 22 cards in the tarot deck. It is more concerned with the reasons behind events. It can be described like a man on a journey, he starts on the road and encounters all manner of people and events along the way and through these experiences he learns life's lessons and becomes more enlightened and fulfilled by the time he reaches the 22 cards the World. It is a physical as well as a spiritual journey. Wherever the major cards fall there is a stronger influence in that area of the inquirer's life.
The Hermit is the ninth card of the Major Arcana.
It represents:
Astroyogi.com helps you understand what it means when the Hermit card appears in your reading. Discover the fascinating side of Tarot Cards and understand what they signify.
When you draw the Hermit in its upright position, it represents a situation where the solution to the problem is right in front of your eyes. All you need to do is look up and find it there. This card is also trying to tell you that it's perfectly fine to experiment with things to find a solution. Only thing you need to remember is that care is needed right now- you cannot make a mistake. And, don't forget that the ultimate responsibility is yours. Although you can get guidance and assistance from outside sources, in the final analysis, action will be yours to take. It is time to withdraw from a difficult situation and wait. Since this card has appeared for you, it means you need to give due and careful consideration to issues.
You probably desire peace and quiet and solitude. Take advice from someone you trust before making any decisions. Be wise, patient, prudent and silent within; this is what this card urges you to do and be at this time of your life. In this, this is more of a "wake up" call card than anything else. Honestly, you can accomplish almost anything; divert your energies and your core Strengths to achieve what you want to.
Alternately, the card indicates this is not a good time to take action but to think and plan. Turn off your phones, switch off your TV...just turn inward, away from the external barrage of information and chatter. Doing this will ensure a higher level of awareness, especially about certain directions or decisions that you need to take. This is not a time for socializing; the card indicates. Nor is it a time for action, discussion or decisions. It is a time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock of your current situation. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent during this time of withdrawal. But, don't forget that such times lead to enlightenment, illumination, and clarity, eventually.
The card is trying to tell you to not lose your sense of wisdom, logic, or intelligence. Maybe you're simply wrong about something that they deeply believe in? Maybe you actually need the guidance, wisdom and advice of others more than you thought? Whatever else, do not be arrogance or obstinate, suspicious or refuse to accept advice which would be beneficial for you. According to this card, you may even be engaged in activities that are harmful to your present situation. And, don't feel as if nobody cares. This really, is your imagination! Conversely, you may become youthfully arrogant and dismissive of the past and tradition. Refusing help from the outside and forgetfulness is also indicated for some of you. There is nothing wrong with admitting that we need help; distancing ourselves from the ones who can help us is plain unwise.