It is said that the hardest part about moving forward in life, is not looking back. All of us have been through so much this year and hopefully, the worst is now behind us. Here’s looking forward to a new dawn every day this new month, that will bring with it blessings of new opportunities for all.
Consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Poonam, now on Astroyogi.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Aries
Rams will have an all-round good month in August and this can give you a reason to share your blessings with the less fortunate.
To be motivated to perform well, it is important to at least once in a while get an appreciation for the effort you put into your work. Get ready to expect this treat this month. How does it feel to be a role model for your colleagues?
For the student Rams, the universe sends the message to keep going the way they have until now, in order to master the subject they are studying.
Putting in that extra hard work now will help in building your financial security for the future. But do not take risks in investing without being sure of the profit involved.
Your partner will respect the traditions you like to follow and you will now be assured of a solid relationship as you both will be pretty much on the same page about lots of things.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Taurus
If there is some loss of a job this month or business not doing as well as anticipated, the industrious Bull needs to place his trust in the universe and believe that when one door closes there definitely is another one opening somewhere. Don’t bother wasting your time feeling discouraged, disappointed or unproductive. Focus on the positive as there is something better waiting for you than the one that didn’t work.
The career anxiety will be compensated with some unexpected influx of money. That should keep you happy till you get back in the ‘work’ mode again. Use this money wisely as mindless spending will waste this good fortune.
Pressure or dissatisfaction at work may make you behave irrationally with your loved ones. You will end up disagreeing with your partner, picking fights or ignoring rules you two agreed to abide by. Maybe you are not thinking clearly now and getting overly emotional about situations. Make a conscious choice to remain grounded and fair in your approach.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Gemini
Time to be more action-oriented at your workplace. Take the initiative to lead the pack. Be enthusiastic and take a bold approach. Bring those creative ideas that you pushed at the back of your head, to the forefront and act on it. Now is not the time to hold back. Go ahead, listen to the inner voice egging you on to take that risk. Still, wondering about that job or post offered to you? Ponder no more and just go for it.
You may, otherwise, miss out on some good money coming in just because you are being fixated about certain ‘wants’. Keep up a constructive attitude and you can even bag a promotion this month.
A great time to make a positive move towards someone you have been attracted to for some time now and been wondering if he/she will respond favourably to you or not. Even if this relationship does not covert to a committed one, you and your crush can have a great time together.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Cancer
Tap into your professional and ethical principles to continue working hard to give your all in your career. The perfectionist in you can develop better strategies to improve the quality, efficiency and standards at the workplace. Do not hesitate to put up your ideas in front of a male superior. You are in yourself, a force to be reckoned with. You will find your colleagues approaching you with their problems as you are always supportive and offer sound and logical advice to them.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of small luxuries or comforts. But again, this does not mean you go on a binging spree of swiping your credit card.
In your relationship front, do you think you are being confronted with too many demands? To maintain some degree of harmony, you need to balance all the elements within your life. While doing that, do not forget to take time out for your own self.
Those looking for marriage alliances could be confused between two very eligible partners.
2020 Tarot Card Reading | Love Tarot Reading
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Leo
In order to fulfil your goals, tenacity and dedication is needed. An ambitious Lion will not stop at anything to achieve it. A big change seems to be coming your way and so you need to work hard if you wish to succeed. You may be forced to go in for a career change. Do not let that bother you as you have great potential and there may be bigger and better things waiting for you.
It’s ok to take a step back and stay silent and inactive for some time so that you can clear the ‘clutter’ in your mind. Regain perspective of how you would like to take up the new challenge after reviewing your progress so far. And then, having healed your mind and body, go for the kill.
You may enter a new phase in your relationship. Maybe an engagement or even a marriage, if you feel financially self-reliant. For those who are still trying to manifest their goals, the relationship may take a back-seat for some time.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Virgo
You have a natural head for business and are dedicated and willing to work for the things you desire. Your hard work will pay off this month and you may acquire a new position of status. You can tap on the new opportunities headed your way in order to increase your financial safety net. With the stars shining in your favour, conditions will become more favourable. But it is important to maintain equilibrium between work and other responsibilities in life.
Do not forget to share your blessings of the upcoming financial prosperity with the less fortunate.
Your relationship can go through some serious issues. If you are being unfaithful in love, you need to be careful as your partner may be getting suspicious. If you are unhappy with your companion, isn’t it better to be upfront about it than sneaking behind his/her back. Some of you may be having a commitment problem as you may be insecure with your partner.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Libra
To actualise your goals in your career, you have to consistently make the necessary effort. Or you will end up feeling overwhelmed with the tasks in front of you, not knowing where to start in order to get ahead. Fortunately, you are not one to adopt a defeatist attitude. But why pile up work which can be dispensed off easily and get done on time?
Your hard work and dedication will reward you with extra funds, improving your financial stability. Remember, it is not chance or luck that will ‘up’ your bank balance, but your abilities to perform.
You need to sit up and take notice of where your relationship with your partner is headed. Maintain a balance between your work and your feelings. Are you confused as you find yourself getting attracted to another? Are you feeling emotionally uneasy with the situation? Everything looks like a dream, doesn’t it? Well, go with the flow now and make the decision when the time is necessary.
Your favorite tarot reader Poonam Boetra is now available on chat.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio
Be cautious at your place of work this month. Your work may stagnate as your colleagues may not cooperate with you for their own personal gains. Try and remain professional and civil with them in spite of their betrayal. If you find yourself in a difficult and precarious situation and have to leave your job, trust the universe to give you a new opportunity that may yet turn out to be better than the one you are leaving behind.
Your predicament may also teach you the nuances of handling or investing money in a better manner. You will learn to recognise the new opportunities coming your way, for making that extra income.
Take a little break from your relationship, if that is bothering you. ‘Sleep off’ any tensions that could be building up with your partner. Even a little meditation or religious enlightenment can further your intuitive abilities and guide your life in the right direction. Make peace with those raging emotions and half your battle would be won.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius
August will be great for the Archers. Do make every moment count this month!
Virtues, such as exercising patience and self-control, when imbibed, helps a person achieve goals in his/her career more easily. Try and avoid extremity in any situation. Use your wonderful communication skills and be diplomatic in order to bring out the best in your team. Yes, your hard work and dedication has been duly noted by your superiors and that promotion which you are hoping for is already in the pipeline.
You will enjoy financial stability. Those thinking of investing in business should make a go for it. You will get some wonderful opportunities to invest your money. Do learn to recognise them and take full advantage of it.
If you were unsure about your partner, rest assured that he/she will stay by your side, no matter what happens to you. So, if you have been facing some bad situations in your relationship, you will soon be blessed with security, love and friendship.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn
You need to organise yourself better this month at your workplace. This means you are to delegate duties methodically between your team members instead of taking an extra load on yourself in the quest for perfection. If you over-extend yourself on a regular basis, you will be exhausted and unable to perform your best. Even if you are a workaholic, you can take only so much. Maybe it is time to dispense your knowledge to some, whom you can trust to do the things the way you do.
Goats are careful with their finances as they know the worth of hard-earned money. A bonus could be coming your way soon or a windfall raise. You don’t need to be reminded not to squander this on something foolish.
If your relationship was going through a bad phase, rest assured that with a little effort, it will eventually get better from this point. ‘Re-negotiate’ with your loved one and take the appropriate action to make sure it does make it.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius
If you are feeling trapped in your career/business, and believe that you cannot change your job, remember that there are always options if you stay open to them. All right, so you cannot change the attitude of others around you and that can be frustrating, but it does not stop you from looking for a different and better situation. The fault in the current circumstance may lie in your own thought process. Are you bound by self-imposed denial and confusion?
Stay wise in your financial transactions too. This is not the time to make any risky investments or dealings or you could be in for a rude shock. Gambling is definitely a total no-no.
You will experience happiness in your relationship as your partner will be having good feelings about you. Those who are still single can find someone really interesting soon. It’s time to give some attention to your personal life too.
Tarot Monthly Horoscope for Pisces
Do not take up so much responsibility or commitment at your workplace which you may not be able to accomplish. Be reasonable in order to maintain that balance and harmony in your life. Do take out time to seek guidance from within..maybe with meditation. This will help you feel grounded and make you realise your actual capacity to perform. Go with the flow and give your best shot to accomplish your goals.
Make informed decisions about investments and financial transactions. Do take the advice of a mentor before buying any asset.
Not the time to be shy in your love relationship as you could reach a new level of maturity in it. Wear your heart on your sleeve and get passionate. Your partner will love you for it. Be creative while expressing yourself while making sure you are not so caught up in work that you miss boarding the love bus.
Tarot Reader
Tarot Horoscope For July 2020 | Tarot Horoscope For June 2020