Celebrity Tarot Reader Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot horoscope for the month of June 2018. Read on to find out what is in store for your sign this month. Enjoy your reading!
You’re very enthusiastic about starting a new project, but somewhere half way through you may have a tendency to lose interest or give up. All the cards ask you is to complete whatever you’ve begun. This is a lesson in staying power. And the faster you learn it, the higher you rise. Relationships may be a bit testing this week as you learn to compromise. Patience will go a long way. Money matters may get frustrating mid month but do get sorted out eventually. Take a breath in and prepare yourself for a bit of a wait.
Not everyone is as efficient as you. And not everyone is as committed. You may have to work a little harder, or help your team mates complete their tasks. Ignore your critics, they are only jealous of your abilities. A good week for financial gains, if you’d been planning on getting a new car or home loan, things should run smoothly. On the personal front a young man demand too much of you. Decide in advance how much you can and cannot give. Overindulgence in desserts and rich foods may take a temporary toll on your health. Be mindful.
The routine is getting to you. And so are the same old faces and places. Time for a break. And if that’s not possible, make sure you get some quiet time for yourself. You’ve overextended yourself lately trying to do too many things for too many people. Slow down, recharge your batteries and remember the caregiver has to take care of him or herself. Family matters get resolved and you may find some of the recent tension ebbing. A good month for sorting out paper work and finishing jobs that are lingering on your list.
You may not find the answers to the problem. Someone may act difficult or secretive with some important information. Think out of the box. And learn to handle people better. Your teamworking skills depends on how well you understand others and not how they understand you. Something lost may be found. And if you’ve been single and looking for a little too long, the period for finding the special someone has begun. Keep an open mind to all romantic possibilities. Financially expect a pleasant surprise.
Consult celebrity tarot reader Mita Bhan on Astroyogi. Click here to consult now.
Sitting on the fence again? An important decision needs to be made. And the longer you procastinate the worse the pressure will get. A good month for those looking for jobs or travelling for higher studies. A favour will be granted but you may need to return the favour almost immediately. Make it a point to catch up with friends you haven't met in ages. Happiness lies ahead even if it's for a short while, it will be worth it!
Lessons keep repeating themselves until we learn. Are you falling for the same time of people everytime? Or do you find yourself in the same situation? Is there a pattern in your struggle? Take the advice of a third party and start making changes from within. Remember we cannot change anyone but ourselves. Inspiration will come from being in nature. And if it gets too confusing or overwhelming, remember there’s nothing like a long walk to clear your mind and energies.
Your gut feel has been telling you something, stop treating it as your imagination and pay attention to the message. You may discover someone’s been dishonest. Or you may discover you’ve been used. Time to set a few clear boundaries between yourself and others. Now’s not the time to blindly follow others, but to do what you feel is right for yourself. Personally a period of self assertiveness has begun. Stand up and speak out for what is right and just to you. Relationships will see a change as you stop allowing others to take you for granted.
Peace at last. One of your goals is reached. Or one of your dreams comes true. Celebrations are in store and if you arent getting invited, how about throwing a party. Singles may get engaged and if married, then you and your mate may renew your bonds. A lovely time to give and receive love. Enjoy it while it lasts. A short holiday should boost your spirits even more. Go on and start packing your bags!
Something’s completed and now it’s time to start a new chapter in your life. How would you do things differently if you were given a whole new lease to life? You may join a new job or move into your new house. Make sure you learn from past mistakes. Things are going to get better and brighter, but first you need to believe that you deserve it. An old friend or family member may reach out to you out of the blue for a favour. Start looking after your body and health.
Time to multi-task. There may be a number of responsibilities and demands coming your way this week. And at one level you may feel like just running away. But the hardworking soul that you are, knows you cannot survive without being productive. Another source of income may lighten your worries. And if self employed expect to be reading and writing a lot of mails and documents. If you feel overwhelmed by the excessive demands being placed on you just take a deep breaths and prioritise. Things should get back to normal towards the end of the month.
If you’re not happy about a situation why arent you speaking out? People may be taking you for granted. Or happilly assuming you’re with them when you’re not. Keeping silent is not always a good thing. At the workfront petty politics begins to disgust you and you begin to want a change. Alternative healing will be a beneficial way to de stress from the toxic people who are in your life at the moment. Relax, this is only temporary. Peace does return but only after you get a little stronger.
It's all about honesty this month. A part of you will face up to your past words or actions and another part of you will learn to recognise the liars from the crowd. Be transparent in your communications with others. A chance encounter with a stranger could lead to a sweet romance for singles. Married couples can look forward to some moments of happiness together. Tell your loved ones how you truly feel for them, even if you know they know it.