The New Year is a time for change, and many people adopt it as a benchmark for new beginnings, and a way to better their lives. Without tarot sun sign forecast you can see what 2015 potentially has in store for you, and make the most of the year to come, in love and life.
Aries Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Orange | Lucky Crystal- Carnelian
Aries, the year to come brings you great opportunities for passionate and romantic relationships. You shine with a brimming confidence that has you attracting many admirers. You may have to make a choice between your adoring followers, and this can lead to a steamy, but short lived affair. A deeply romantic experience may be waiting for you, but the cards suggest that this may not be the year that single the Aries will settle down. It is more likely that 2015 will bring about exciting and adventurous partnerships, deep romances maybe, but none that will result in marriage. Be sure not to allow unpleasant encounters with hateful people distracting you from love. The early months of the year could bring financial and social turmoil for you Aries, but this will soon be conquered, making love affairs more likely from March onwards. Find out how to conquer the chaos, and find love in 2015, with a personalized tarot forecast!
Taurus Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Grey | Lucky Crystal- Grey Cat's Eye
Our tarot forecast suggests that the year 2015 could bring many new experiences for you Taurus. You may find yourself drifting into new social circles and scenes, and this can open you up to a totally different breed of people than you would usually associate with. If you remain open minded then you will benefit greatly from this, and a new love may form. It is quite likely that those of you who are seeking a romantic relationship will find it by the end of the year, so the single Taurus will not remain single for very long. Your new partner may bring you a new and exciting outlook on life, or a lifestyle that is a change from usual. The cards suggest that the Taurus who already have a partner will embark on a new experience with them; perhaps by traveling to a new destination together. The overall message is spontaneity, so be sure not to let any indecisiveness stop you from getting the love and life that you deserve in 2015. Understand how to make the most of the opportunities to come; get a personalized tarot reading!
Gemini Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Silver | Lucky Crystal- Hematite
Gemini, our tarot reading for 2015 suggests that love might not be your top priority this year. That is not to say that you are actively avoiding love, or that you will necessarily suffer any damage to your existing relationship, but you have such a busy year ahead of you that love might take the back seat for a while. This is fine, and you shouldn't fight against your feelings if you are not looking for anything serious. Do not let jealous and possessive people come between you and your life goals. You were never really one to be controlled anyway were you Gemini? Your focus and persistence will pay off financially this year, but this may cause you to put any love developments on hold, and you might even find this to be the case with your wedding plans, as well as with new partners. Still, anything is possible, and the cards suggest that while love is not likely, it could be round the corner as soon as your goals have been achieved. Get a personalized tarot prediction to find out more!
Cancer Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Sky Blue | Lucky Crystal- Blue Topaz
Cancer, your tarot reading has revealed the possibility of conflict in the year ahead, and you should do your best to remain calm and peaceful if people are trying to start a battle with you. The year 2015 will bring you into a process of de-cluttering, physically and mentally, and it is useful for you to cut loose damaging relationships that have been weighing you down. Romantic partnerships that are not right for you could be coming to an abrupt end in 2015, and again you should try to remain diplomatic and avoid the temptation of involving yourself with pointless clashes and arguments. Let go Cancer. This may be a year when you should focus on yourself, and realize your own independence and self-reliance - important traits that will eventually help you to fall in love again. When old attachments have been shed there is more opportunity for you to find new love Cancer, and according to the cards this could occur in 2015. To find out whether you will find new love, get a personalized tarot reading!
Leo Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Pink | Lucky Crystal- Spinel
Our tarot predictions for 2015 show that this year will help you to further your understanding of love, and especially of giving, Leo. You will learn how to come together and merge with your loved ones, how to see yourself as a part of a team, both professionally, and in your personal relations. You see yourself as fiercely individual a lot of the time Leo, but you will come to realize that you will go further in love by working with your partner. When you learn to share all aspects of yourself fully, then you will find yourself falling in love with your long term partner all over again, with a new type of bond forming. New relationships are also possible thanks to your new found appreciation for team work, and so 2015 is looking good for Leo's love. To find out more about what 2015 has in store for Leo, get a personalized tarot reading!
Virgo Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Green | Lucky Crystal- Green Tourmaline
Virgo, the cards suggest that 2015 is a year that will bring great success to your current projects, and advancements in your professional and financial life are likely to be granted. Your hard work is paying off, but this could cause some tension in your relationships, as loved ones feel they are being neglected. Be careful to dedicate good time to your family, friends, and your romantic partner if you have one; balance is the key, even during these times of progression. The tarot prediction also shows signs that you may become too critical or controlling with your loved ones. If you want 2015 to be a prosperous time for love as well as business, then you should take care not to be negative with those who are trying to support you. To find out how to stay strong in love, get a personalized tarot reading!
Libra Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Yellow | Lucky Crystal- Yellow Chalcedony
Rejoice Libra! Our tarot forecast suggests that the year 2015 will bring you great fortune, and the rivers of your life will begin to flow freely again. All sorts of new experiences are on the horizon, so if you have been unhappy with your current situation you can expect great change to come. New partners are likely in 2015, and the love may turn out to be long lasting and meaningful. Existing relationships may also deepen, and come even culminate in marital union if the time is right. The cards only suggest one major warning; stay open minded, and make the most of the new experiences that come your way. Do not pass up on love through reasons of fear. To learn more about the new experiences that 2015 will bring, get a personalized tarot prediction now!
Scorpio Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Navy Blue | Lucky Crystal- Iolite
Scorpio, according to our tarot predictions, 2015 is a very good year for you! You can expect your endeavors to pay off, and although work might be a bit of a grind sometimes, you are soon to be rewarded. Your hard work won't get in the way of your love life though, and you could find yourself developing a deep interest in a new romantic partner. What is strange is that your new partner could reflect back to you who you really are, and teach you a thing or two in the process. Other unexpected encounters could come during the year to follow, but it is unsure whether they will be of a romantic nature; it is more likely that your most profound connection of the year will develop into an irreplaceable friendship. To find out what your relationships really mean in 2015, try a personalized tarot reading today!
Sagittarius Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- White Lucky Crystal- Clear Quartz
Our tarot forecast for 2015 shows that some tough choices lie ahead for you Sagittarius. When it comes to new partners you may find yourself indecisive about whether to commit, or whether someone is truly right for you. It is important that in 2015 you follow your razor sharp instincts; learn to trust yourself, and your decisions on matters of love will become much easier. When you have made your decision, make sure you stick by it. The cards reveal that a special person in your life could shock, and perhaps offend you; forgiveness is a must but again you will have a decision to make. Have they overstepped the mark? Find out more with a personalized tarot reading!
Capricorn Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Brown | Lucky Crystal- Lepidolite
Capricorn, have you been holding onto relationships that are damaging to you? In 2015 you will learn to let go. No more will you be plagued by the attachment of someone who is leeching you emotionally. The trick for you is to know that everything is happening for the best. You will also be confronted with a person who is trying to take too much from you, while giving nothing in return. Capricorn, you must understand that while giving is always good, you should not put so much energy into someone who will never give back to you. Pull back and give only to people who return your love. For Capricorn who are already in a deep relationship you can expect your love to deepen in 2015, and if you had marriage or proposal plans then they may come to manifest in the year to come. To find out whether you are giving to the right person, get a personalized tarot reading!
Aquarius Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Turquoise | Lucky Crystal- Turquoise
Aquarius, 2015 is a very exciting year for you according to the prediction of the cards! You will become much more involved in a social circle that will open you up to new experiences. You will meet new friends and acquaintances and the opportunity for new romantic relations will be there if you want it. You must be careful not to overindulge at the expense of your health, or at the expense of your happiness. Do not let all of the good times ahead become something sinister. Remain moderate and enjoy yourself. Other than that you should not be afraid to go ahead and get close to people, but be aware that the tarot cards have predicted that you may have the chance to close the deal with a long term sweetheart; perhaps someone who you have had a deep crush on for a long time. To find out whether you will unite with your crush this year, get a personalized tarot prediction!
Pisces Tarot Forecast
Lucky Color- Purple | Lucky Crystal- Amethyst
Your tarot prediction suggests that 2015 is going to bring about greater responsibility Pisces. Your life will simultaneously be filled with meaning, and with a greater weight to bear, and more hard work to endure. As a result you may not be too focused on finding new love, and this may be a year for concentrating on your own life endeavors. You will be more hard-pressed for time this year, and if you are already in a committed relationship then you should be careful to attend to your partner's needs Pisces. Everything will pay off for you later in the year Pisces, and then you will be able to focus more of your energy on love. To find out how to find love in a time of great responsibility, get a personalized tarot reading!
astroYogi Tarot Reader Mita Bhan wishes you all a Very Happy New Year!