Monthly Tarot Prediction January 2022 by Tarot Pooja

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Monthly Tarot Prediction January 2022 by Tarot Pooja

Tarot prediction for January 2022 exhibits a beautiful ray of hope. Read now to know all about it. 

Here comes a new beginning with the advent of January. Welcome the New Year with new promises, hopes, resolutions, a fresh start, and fresh beginnings.

January, the 1st Calendar month of the year, carries the Sun's energy. It gives power, leadership qualities, vision, and strength to everyone. 

Here is the monthly prediction for all the 12 zodiac signs. Hope you are happy, excited, and full of energy with the New Year as it ushers in new beginnings for all of us. Let us look at what the cards predict for each sign in the month of January-

Aries Tarot January 2022 

Dear Aries, this is certainly the best time of your life. Anything and everything that you always wanted is getting attracted to you. You wish, and it will happen. So be very careful with what you wish for as it's a very powerful space that you are in right now. Aries are trendsetters, tough and magnetic people. January's Sun's energy adds manifold to it. Just go and Realise your dreams. (Aries tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - It is time to live your life!

Remedy - Express gratitude to Sun every morning. 

Taurus Tarot January 2022 

Dear Taureans, you need to keep a check on your communication skills this month. It will help if you analyze everything before you speak. There are high chances that you become a role model for others, especially the young ones in your circle of family and friends. Avoid nagging and complaining now, as all is well, and learn to accept people with their shortcomings. (Taurus tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Life Is Beautiful!

Remedy - Practice positive affirmations to program your subconscious mind.

Get a personalised prediction from Tarot Pooja. Call now. 

Gemini Tarot January 2022

Dear Gemini, the world is changing, and so is your energy as you exude very high vibrations. This is all there is to life. We all want to become a higher version of ourselves all the time, but how many can reach the stars and follow their heart at the same time? You are in a magical space where you can simultaneously perform your best, so please enjoy every bit of it. (Gemini tarot 2022

Tarot Reader says - You have a beautiful life, have gratitude!

Remedy - Keep practicing grounding meditations to strike the balance of energies. 

Cancer Tarot January 2022

Dear Cancerians, it would help if you focused on your work and profession this month. The target should be to achieve much more than the tasks at hand. This is the time for higher efficiency, higher targets, more innovation, and  thinking out of the box. Become the best in your vertical. Be the leader of your chosen field with which you need to fall in love. (Cancer tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Work is worship! 

Remedy - Feed Bajra to birds. 

Leo Tarot January 2022

Dear Leos, it would help if you took care of your health right now as health is wealth. Remember, "Your body is a temple. " Any anxiety, stress is not suitable for your mind, body, and soul. It would help if you worked towards being more positive and happy. (Leo tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Love your life to the fullest!

Remedy- Practice self-love. 

Virgo Tarot January 2022

Dear Virgos, there are high chances of falling in love. Time to spend all your energy and time on the relationship front. If you are looking for a relationship or marriage, this is an excellent time, and you must get aggressive in your search. If you are already committed, it's time to cherish the bond more. Spend quality time with your lover and create memories that you will talk about in the future. (Virgo tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Yes, it is the time for true love!

Remedy - Chant "Aham Prema "

Get a personalised prediction from Tarot Pooja. Call now. 

Libra Tarot January 2022

Dear Librans, connect with nature, connect with mother earth. Our planet is going through a significant transition from a 3-dimensional planet to a 5-dimensional space. Hence in the process, we lose some, we win some. This is the reason so much is going on around us. Therefore, this is the best time for cleansing energies, and what is better than natural Panchkarma. Go out for walks in the park, watch the sky and stars. Look at the birds, squirrels, and animals on the street. Each of them speaks a language; try to connect with them. I bet it will all make sense to you once you start to look into it, and each one of them will echo back the energies to you. (Libra tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Mother nature is divine!

Remedy- Feed Cows 

Scorpio Tarot January 2022

Dear Scorpions, time to plan a house renovation or relocation. Good time to buy a new property if that has been on your mind for now. Funds will be arranged, loans will be sanctioned, property owners will offer discounts, and everything will fall in place as this is your time of movement and growth. There is a scope of investing in multiple properties as well. (Scorpio tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Your house is your temple!

Remedy - Activate the northwest corner of your home. This is a Vastu remedy for movement. 

Sagittarius Tarot January 2022

Dear Sagittarius, time to make money. Increase your cash flow, increase your liquidy. Try to create multiple sources of income and, more importantly, work towards generating passive sources of revenue. Focus on building a legacy and not just money. Offer solutions that offer value to your customers, and money will follow you and take you to places. (Sagittarius tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Stability on the financial front is foreseen!

Remedy- Activate the northeast corner of your house as it is the water element per Vastu and is beneficial for cash generation.

Capricorn Tarot January 2022

Dear Capricorn, this is the time to pamper yourself and practice self-love. Enough of guilt, enough of feeling bad about things that are not in your control. Shed the baggage, cut the cords of the past and move away from the people and situations which are unwanted. Only then will you start attracting new things and people in your life and will be able to manifest your desires. (Capricorn tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Self-love is the highest form of love. 

Remedy - Practice law of attraction. 

Aquarius Tarot January 2022

Dear Aquarians, the cards reveal that you certainly do not have enough water, and your body is going through an elemental water imbalance. When we talk about Panchkarma in Ayurveda, we talk about the 5 basic elements - water, earth, fire, air, and space. Water is the most Important, and almost 80% of it is elemental, and hence any deviation will cause a significant impact. Water also happens to be the prime element of our 2nd Chakra - Sacral Chakra, which governs our romantic relationship and sexuality. (Aquarius tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Water Is Life!

Remedy - Balance your water element. 

Pisces Tarot January 2022

Dear Pisceans, travel this month and try to go near the beaches. A journey with family or a trip with friends is foreseen. As long as you travel, it makes sense; you get to feel the fresh air this way, and your soul will get happy. You are a giver and only think about others and sulk when you find yourself alone. A good idea will be to make a bucket list and cover everything under the Sun that you always wanted to do but never had enough time or enough resources to accomplish. Now you have everything, and you have all that it takes. (Pisces tarot 2022

Tarot Reader Says - Time to see the world!

Remedy - Energise the northwest corner of your house for more travel.

My Love & Blessings 

✍️ By- Tarot Pooja 

Certified International Celebrity Tarot Reader


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