December is the 12th and the last calendar month of the year, and hence we look for closures and new hopes in this period. December adds up to number 3, which is for Jupiter, and therefore closures bring us realizations, lessons, and immense growth.
This month, we will suggest extremely powerful, life-changing occult remedies that will cleanse, balance, and enhance your complete system. We will offer Pancha Bhuta remedies, including 5 elements - Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space.
We all are made up of these 5 elements. Each element has a crucial role in our lives like the water element is for our emotions, feelings, relationships, sexuality, creativity, and money. Similarly, fire is for growth or transformation in life. If balanced in our bodies, each element can escalate our growth and make us spiritually evolved.
There are multiple ways to balance your Pancha Bhutas. For example- energized rituals, chantings, meditations, etc. All this can be performed on video calls for which you may book your Online Zoom Sessions under the "Book Session" category on the Tarot Pooja Page of the website.
Aries, it is time to focus on your professional life as you have been avoiding or delaying your timelines for quite some time. It seems you have been struggling to maintain a balance between your work and professional life. Tread steadily and try to devote your time, emotions, and energies to your personal life. However, it can be overwhelming if you leave yourself drained and let it affect other aspects of your life. Maybe there were issues at home, or you were dating someone and trying to commit yourself fully. However, in the end, it has all proven to be futile. Your work has suffered quite a bit. So dear Aries, time to pull up your socks and get back to work with the same passion and drive that you usually have. Remember that you are a go-getter. Make use of your competitiveness. You always have to be the best in the team. So, no more compromises in your performances.
Dear Taurus, December will be a mixed bag for you. However, overall it will be filled with lots of joy and laughter. You will be spending a lot of time with your family and friends. Being a food lover, you will travel to new places to try new cuisines or dishes. Taurus people like to stay in their comfort zone and are unhappy with any change. But this month, you will be in an experimental mode and will be open to changes. Let me assure you Taurus, you will be happy with this new version of yourself, and who knows, this might be the start of a new journey accompanied by positive changes in your personality.
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Gemini, December is the month of colors and good news for you. A shower of good happiness will make December one of the luckiest months in 2021. It could be fruitful at work, including a promotion, salary hike, or a new project. It can also be productive at home, as the cards show childbirth in the extended family, a big vacation, or even a foreign trip or an overseas settlement. You will be so overwhelmed that you will be on Cloud 9. This is one of the best times of the year for you. Enjoy it, as this is the payback time for all the hard work you have been doing for so long.
Dear Cancerians, self-discipline is crucial at the moment. Be it your eating habits, or your regular workouts, or even the sleep cycle, you need to be cautious about your health. Our Tarot cards show that you have been neglecting your health and taking things for granted for quite some time. This is already a red flag, and it's in your best interest to take things in control before it's too late. Please keep a check on what you eat. Inculcate a daily exercise regime in your routine, and fix a time to sleep. Try not to use laptops, mobile, Ipad, etc., at least 2 hours before your sleep time. It will help you to relax. If you want to know how to get a peaceful night’s sleep, you may call Tarot Pooja.
Dear Leo, time to step out of your home and go shopping. You can also watch movies, catch up with your relatives and friends. For long, you have caged yourself up for no real reasons. Please avoid thinking about what people will say and stop living in the past. Time to look ahead and stay positive. Start writing a diary or a blog on any of your favorite topics. It can be about cooking, gardening, spirituality, or whatever you are passionate about. Doing so will help you use your energy constructively and liberate you of all your past baggage. Also, pick up a hobby - music, dance, anything that will help your hidden talents to shine and keep you busy. They say an empty mind is a devil's workshop. So, get a little busy.
Read More👉 Monthly Horoscope December 2021➔ Monthly Numerology December 2021
Dear Virgos, time-management needs to be implemented this month with vigor. Learn to spend your time wisely to grant you the best results. This will undoubtedly increase your efficiency and productivity in all segments of life. All successful people working in any industry need to value and respect the value of time and be aware of their actions. Virgos, you are undoubtedly capable of doing much more than what you are doing at present. Remove things that do not hold any value in your life. Remember, good time management skills will always help you.
Librans, the tarot cards show some new romance blossoming in your life, so be ready to grab the opportunity. This can be a new person or even someone from the past. It will certainly be worth giving it a try. Enjoy the blessings of the cupid and take it slow. Exchange your thoughts and life goals over coffee, lunch, dinner, etc., and let the ball roll at its own pace. Do not jump to the next level of commitment, and avoid being impulsive. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Romance at work will get tricky as the stakes are high, so we recommend you to think twice and then move ahead.
Scorpions, a lot of hard work is foreseen for you this month. The tarot cards say that you will be burning the midnight oil to complete your assigned tasks. There will be several deadlines and projects that will need your attention and time. Multi-tasking will be very much required, along with some smart work tactics. Like they always say, don't work hard, work smart. The best part is that you will complete most of the projects. Your management skills will help you to complete pending tasks. This hard work shall come in handy next year during the appraisal time and give you an edge over the others. You will go the extra mile to leave no stone unturned. We are so proud of you, dear Scorpions.
Sagittarius, you might patch up with the ex. It's time to settle the differences with near and dear ones and resolve conflicts. Please know that having a conflict does not mean you have to give up on your relationship. What matters is how we look at it, so introspect and resolve. Look at conflicts as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship and make the bond stronger. At times giving space helps the relationship grow fonder, and then you can get back with renewed energies after clearing the negativity. For some, it seems that it's already been a while since you parted ways with a loved one, and now that sufficient time has passed, it has allowed things to settle down naturally. Analyze things, review and then look for a resolution.
Dear Capricorns, time to keep your aggression in check. Consider working on your anger and stress management. Tarot Pooja wants you to know that passive anger is also a type of anger and is even more dangerous when it explodes. All the feelings which hurt you need to be evaluated and eliminated. Meditations, Reiki, Chanting can be used to de-stress and keep yourself relaxed at all times. Anger can damage relationships both at work and in personal life. So, it is better to keep it under check and work to reduce it.
Lovely Aquarians, it is family time. We see you spending more and more time with your family this month. December will bring a quality time for you and will energize your batteries. You will feel rejuvenated, and hence you will be productive in your professional life. Dear Aquarians, you deserve all the love and family attention after the sacrifices and hard work you do for everyone. This is the time that your contribution will be acknowledged and appreciated by all. You will also find a lot of peace and solace. Do try to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
My dear Pisceans, it's time to travel and channel your inner gypsy. Being a water sign, you love to travel and tell stories. You could not do it lately due to various reasons; however, now is the time to kick start the journey again. It does not matter where you travel and with whom; as long as you are packing a travel bag, you will create stories anyhow. Maybe, your work takes you to different places because you are employed in the sales, marketing, or business development field. One can always combine a personal tour along with the business meetings. Travel teaches us a lot of practical lessons, and you must know that one of the biggest regrets of people in old age is not being able to travel enough. So, step out of your comfort zone handbook your tickets.
My Love & Blessings
✍️ By-: Tarot Pooja
Certified International Celebrity Tarot Reader
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