“Venimus-Vidimus-Vicimus,” which roughly translates to ‘we came, we saw, we conquered’ has been our subconscious motto the past year because of covid. We’ve learnt. We’ve adapted. Not only have we had to adjust to drastic changes in our lifestyle, but we’ve also had to find new ways to balance our social lives, our mental health, our careers from the confines of our homes for most of the past year. It’s been a hard time, but as we move forward, the new year 2022 brings with it hope for a better future.
Tarot readings have often come to our rescue when we’ve felt unsure of what the future holds for us. Let’s take the guidance from Tarot to see what’s in store for us in 2022 and how we can make the best of the opportunities that come our way.
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Your preference to be self-reliant and independent has brought you this far, Aries, but it doesn’t hurt to rely on loved ones every now and then too. The 3 of Pentacles reminds you to be open to working and collaborating with others. You never know what new perspectives and ideas can strike you by involving other people in your life. There lies “strength in numbers” is a popular saying for a reason.
Communication is the key to any successful relationship. The Queen of Swords in your love reading suggests that you could be holding yourself back and possibly even coming across as disinterested or detached to those you’re close to. If there’s something on your mind, instead of speaking it outright, add some of that emotion you’re keeping locked away while expressing yourself. This year, opening up more and working on your emotional bonding with your loved ones can pay off.
Bold. Determined. Ambitious. These traits have often come to your rescue, especially at work. But as much as you love to push yourself to your limits, this year, the 4 of swords comes as a reminder to focus on your mental and emotional health as well. You may be overworking yourself and could be coming close to a burn-out. This card can also come as a reminder to find a better work-life balance. Re-evaluate your priorities to that which serve you best.
The year 2022 can bring with it new opportunities, new ideas, and a lot of positive moments. Don’t let your overanalyzing brain ruin these experiences. Instead of getting stuck in your own head, communicate clearly what you wish to express! The Ace of Swords advises you to pay close attention to what your subconscious mind might be trying to tell you.
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Being intelligent and hardworking can be good, but when you can feel cornered or find yourself amidst conflicts, like a bull, your instinct can be to charge forward. But a Minor Arcana card that popped up for 2022 suggests you to be wary of the consequences and not always let your stubbornness get the better of you. Try to find a more peaceful approach that allows you to collaborate with others. As much as you love a good fight, everything need not be a competition.
The Page of Cups brings with it positive news, either from or about a loved one. If there's someone you have a crush on, this can be an excellent time to take a step forward and see what lies ahead for you both. Pay attention to your intuition, so you don’t miss any signs and can appropriately direct your motivation to get the best results, Taurus. Your stubbornness could get mistaken for childish behaviour. Let your creative, optimistic, and sensitive side out for a change, and see what experiences it can line up for you.
This year is all about moving forward, especially when it comes to your career. For those of you who’ve had a stressful time recently, the 6 of Swords takes you forward to calmer waters and more stability. If there’s someone at work you look up to, asking for guidance or some support can be a good idea. Make the most of this transitory period by letting go of any residual stress and conflicts. Be flexible to changes and be open to accepting help from others.
The Wheel of Fortune as a guidance card for you rings the bell for better times to come. As the year moves forward, things can finally fall into place for you. The card is a reminder to go with the flow, as resisting change may prove fruitless. The Wheel also brings with it positive vibes, opportunities for success, and expansion and can open the door to enlightenment. For those of you looking to take their adventurous side for a spin, this can be your sign!
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Your enthusiastic and outgoing nature would be fuelling your engines this year, Gemini. The year 2022 is all about working hard, staying focused on your goals, and getting down to the nitty-gritty. While your energy can be a boon for a productive year, your indecisiveness and impulsiveness can hold back progress. So, the Chariot reminds you to look at the good and bad in any situation before making a decision and to stay consistent with your efforts this year.
More often than not, relationships require compromise. If there’s outside interference or if your attraction towards your partner starts swaying, this card can be a reminder to figure out your priorities and intentions. Ups and downs are a part of life, so don’t let minor disappointments come between you and your loved ones. For those of you looking to connect with someone new this year, not having healed from a past lover or relationship could be what’s holding you back from moving forward. Let go of that which does not serve you.
When it comes to your career, the Major Arcana card, Magician, is as positive as it can get for you. This card encourages you to explore and extend your boundaries this year, Gemini. There is nothing you cannot achieve if you set your mind to it and are willing to commit to it for the long haul. You’re skilled and resourceful, and the year can be an excellent time to use that which comes naturally to you- your people skills, your intelligence, and your adaptability. Whether you’re looking for a promotion at work, wanting to start your own business, or finally going after what you are passionate about, this card is the green signal you might have been waiting for.
It can seem challenging to curb your energy and enthusiasm, especially once you set your mind to something. But The Hanged Man advises you not to rush things this year, as it can be better to wait for more information rather than jumping the gun. Taking things slow and being patient can pay off in the end, Gemini.
But for those of you on the other end of this spectrum, you could be delaying progress by overthinking and overanalyzing your situation. You cannot have all the information, and waiting for a perfect time can seem redundant. Try to make the most with what you can.
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Yes, sometimes our emotions can get the better of us, especially for someone as sensitive and emotional as you, Cancer. But this side of you is accompanied by your high intuitive abilities. The year 2022 can be an excellent time to focus your intuition inward and choose to be the one in control and responsible for your emotions. Devote time to your emotional cues, and let your heart guide you to understand them better when interacting with your loved ones.
Expect the unexpected. Better to be prepared than not. When it comes to your love relationship, the year can bring some surprising changes. Your beliefs could be challenged, and it could set the pace for uncertainty; in your relationship or your partner. However, going with the flow and using it to rebuild the foundation of your love can make your equation stronger than ever. This can be a time to find the silver lining in the darkest clouds, to reestablish and realign your values and goals.
People often misinterpret your reservations about new things. It’s not that Cancers are resistant to change, but they can seem that way when things don’t make sense. When it comes to your career, the year can bring about changes, transformations and bring opportunities to start afresh. Welcome the start to something new, and it can open new doors for your career. Especially if you’re not happy with your current job, it can be a good idea to explore new ventures. If something isn’t working your way, it’s best to cut your losses rather than letting a bad investment drain your savings when it comes to your finances.
You tend to keep your emotions locked away. But strength doesn’t just mean not letting your sensitive side show; your strength also comes from your courage and calmness. You have the power to guide and inspire others. You can stand firm in your beliefs and desires without having to be forceful and aggressive. Don’t mistake a gentle demeanor for weakness.
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With the courage and strength of a lion, you, Leo, know no bounds when it comes to going after what you want. You can be stubborn and relentless and for the right reasons. Your motto can be simple- you know what you want, and you’re not afraid to go after it. The Knight of Wands suggests you hone on this zeal, but also not let your impulsive side sabotage your progress. You have a charismatic and charming personality, but being cocky may just kill your chances.
The Ace of Pentacles can bring with it the possibility of starting something new when it comes to your love life, possibly even an office romance. If there’s someone you feel a connection with or someone you have a soft corner for, this card can serve as a reminder to make efforts towards where you want this connection to be heading. What you sow, you may reap. This proverb holds true for this incredible potential to thrive in love. For those of you in a relationship, make sure to prioritize and focus on your partner as well.
Your career can bring with it some stress and frustrations. It could seem like you’re not able to achieve your goals, which can lead to disappointments and sadness. A strong personality as you are, there could also be times of conflicts and arguments with coworkers or seniors. This Minor Arcana suggests you to let go of past hurt and be more open to compromise in order to achieve your long-term goals. When it comes to your finances, be careful who you trust. Avoid investing in any shady schemes, and do not borrow from anyone this year.
The King of Swords advises you to make intelligent and wise decisions, keeping your future in mind. You’re confident and often love the attention, but this year, the focus should be more on planning for a better future than only living in the moment with no regard for the consequences. A clear and logical thought process can keep you on track, provided you don’t become too rigid or controlling about it.
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Life is all about decisions and choices. And this year, there is a choice between staying in your comfort zone or opening the door to new experiences and opportunities. When it comes to prepping and planning for the future, there’s no one like you, Virgo. The new year 2022 can bring in progress for your plans and dreams, but you need to take a step ahead. Don’t let your overthinking tendencies make you second-guess your abilities and hold you back.
Love can be a tricky thing, especially when your daydreaming tendencies can get the better of you. While you prefer to be the one in control, when it comes to matters of the heart, you would rather wait to see what your (potential) partner feels. Making the wrong choice can leave you feeling indecisive and overwhelmed. Follow your intuition to choose the path you truly desire rather than the one you think you do!
Yes! We know you want to be the best at everything. However, when it comes to group projects, there may be no room for your overly competitive nature. Being open to collaboration can bring you the opportunity to learn from others. You’ve got the dynamic energy that can help you level up this year, Virgo, but you may have to walk a fine line between aggression and ambition to get there.
The last two years of lockdown have brought enough stress and worry to all of us. But it’s your choice to carry on. Don’t let the negative thoughts gain control of you. If there are any unnecessary anchored fears, this may be the time to test their validity. Your negative-self talk is taking away from your self-esteem. Let go of what is beyond your control and choose to focus on that which you can.
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2022 might just be your year, Libra. After much hard work and letting go of that which may be holding you back last year, the new year 2022 brings accomplishments and victory your way. The goals you were working towards till now could bring you success and stability. You could be seen and appreciated by others, but don’t let the attention get to you to an extent that you start craving it constantly.
Known for your indecisiveness, this trait may play into your strength this year. Your Love reading suggests not to rush a decision and rather to take things slow. Wait for more information that can help you make your decision. For those of you looking to take the next step in your love life, patience would be key. Take the time to realign your heart and passion, and for those of you holding on to the past, this could also be a sign to let go of what isn’t meant for you.
When it comes to your work and finances, the Ace of Pentacles brings in double celebrations. Aces are known for new beginnings and new ideas. The year 2022 can be a great time to sow the seeds for a successful future. If you focus your attention well, you could manifest your ambition and prosperity. On the other hand, you could miss out on opportunities if you let greed get in the way. Prioritizing can help you align your goals and focus.
The Major Arcana, Temperance, guides you to find moderation and balance in all that you do. A neutral and patient approach can help you find the purpose you may be looking for. This is the time to stay away from the ‘all or nothing’ kind of thinking. For those of you who tend to meditate, continuing your practice can bring in more inner peace.
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The 10 of Pentacles brings in all the love, abundance, and joy that you could ever want. This is the time to make the best of this abundant positive energy that’s coming your way. This year, Scorpio, there can be stability all around you, provided you don’t get too greedy and share all that comes your way with the ones you love. The new year 2022 is also the time to focus on family and avoid ego clashes with your loved ones.
People can often misconstrue your mysterious and secretive demeanor as disinterest and detachment. Yes, you tend to be protective of your feelings and those you love, but you also need to learn to let your guard down every now and then and let your loved ones in. Lower your walls. You don’t have to worry about getting hurt or developing expectations because you were more expressive of your feelings and needs. For those of you in a relationship, this card can be a reminder to communicate more openly and express your emotions rather than bottling them up.
Your determined and ambitious nature can help you reach a point of stability in your life this year. The year can also set the pace for abundance in your career and finances. While this is a good money card to get, it’s also a reminder that money isn’t everything. Don’t block yourself by holding tightly onto materialistic things. Don’t let your paycheck be your driving point for those who feel that you are stuck in an unfulfilling job.
This Minor Arcana card is a reminder to take charge of your life. Don’t let your past failures hold you back. You can be charismatic, confident, and fierce if you can find a way to curb your aggressive side. Yes, taking a stand for yourself can feel right, but compromising and letting go of your stubbornness can be a good idea too.
The Queen of Wands can also represent a strong woman in your life who can guide you well in times of distress.
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Your optimistic, just, and honest nature has helped you reach where you are Sagittarius. Having faced challenges and troubles in the past, the 9 of Wands comes as a sounding sign that you have emerged victorious. Despite the hurt you’ve had to deal with, you have come out stronger than before. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? Your persistence and grit have gotten you this far, but don’t let go of your determined outlook just yet. You’re close to success, and your willpower and resilient nature will help you get there!
Stability and abundance are what the 10 of Pentacles can do for your love life this year, Sagittarius. Enjoy the success that comes your way, and make sure to share your blessings with your loved ones. If you’ve been struggling in your relationship, the year 2022 brings with it peace and harmony. This is also an auspicious time for those of you looking to get married and those of you looking to get pregnant.
This Minor Arcana is also a reminder to ensure that you are on the same page as your loved ones, that there aren’t any ego clashes or misunderstandings happening with them.
Regret can often come as a partner-in-crime with the ideology that the ‘grass is better on the other side.’ You have a habit of looking for more rather than working with what you have. Instead of complaining about what may be missing, make the most of what you’ve got. This year, try to take a more grateful and appreciative approach to your career. Give your best where you are now. Focusing on the negative could hold you back from the opportunities that do come your way. If you’re feeling unhappy or frustrated with your career, try changing your perspective before approaching a new opportunity.
As spontaneous and independent as you love to be, Sagittarius, the Chariot advises you not to be too headstrong and stubborn with your plans this year. The goals you set for yourself this year, make sure you’re able to follow through with control and focus. Don’t worry about getting there first; just focus on getting it done. Discipline is what can help you see your plans through. You tend to make impulsive decisions, and then when the time comes, you can often become laid-back. But this year, explore your willpower and see where it can take you.
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Known to be the worker-bees, your ambitious and goal-oriented nature helps you stay focused and organized at the task at hand. However, the new year 2022 can jump-start your passionate and romantic side as well. For those of you looking to form new connections or searching for where your passion lies at work, the year 2022 can bring in much-awaited positive news. Keep your heart open for new opportunities and experiences that life can bring to you, and you might just find that bliss you’ve been searching for.
With the Major Arcana, Magician, coming in your love reading, the universe reinforces you with the power and potential to make things happen for you, the power to manifest your desires. This card is a reminder that you have the resources and creativity to bring magic to your love life. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the Magician reminds you not to abuse your potential, such that you come across as controlling or manipulative to those around you.
Ace of Wands is all about the energy and action you can bring to your work. This Minor Arcana can bring in a new project or can open the door to a new job for those looking for one. Wands express your fiery side, and when it comes to finances, they can bring in the good news. But, when it comes to finances, it’s also a good idea to not play with fire, so be careful not to invest in any shady schemes.
Heartbreak and disappointments are a part of the ups and downs of life. The question is, would you rather fester in it or let it go? You, Capricorn, feel immensely and have a sensitive side to you. But sometimes, that also means you tend to hold grudges. The year 2022 can bring in the opportunity to let the past hurt go and let yourself heal. Being stuck in the past may only serve to hold you back.
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You are known for your unusual approach to life and your eccentricity. This Major Arcana card enhances just that. You have everything you need to make things happen for yourself. With a little bit of focus, energy, and action, you can achieve all that you set out for yourself. You could just be one of the selected few who does follow up on new year resolutions. So let the sky be your limit as you set your goals for the year. If you are feeling unmotivated, the card reminds you to find what inspires you and get the ball rolling for a productive and prosperous year.
Whether it’s not having moved on from a past relationship or still holding onto hope about it, the Chariot represents emotionally being stuck in the past. You are still carrying unresolved past issues with you, and they could be slowing down your progress in matters of love. If you’re in a relationship, this card can also be a reminder to take the good and bad and find a mid-way to move forward and seek stability with your partner. No relationship is perfect, and only focusing on what’s lacking may be keeping you away from even the good parts of it.
The 8 of Swords in your career spread suggests that you may be creating obstacles for yourself. You may be overthinking and hesitating about your next move. Get out of your own head. Follow your heart as you’ve always done and let it be your guide- whether it’s moving out of a job that is no longer suiting you, switching careers, or going after your passion as a career opportunity. When it comes to your career, you thrive in jobs and projects where you can hone your innovative and unconventional side. You do not need approval from others, just your own.
You’re full of energy and enthusiasm, and this can bring out your creative side. You could be struck with inspirational ideas, working on plans and actions to be carried out. Give yourself permission to be curious and try out new things this year. Let your zeal lead you. Yes, it can be a good idea to be mindful of not being too aggressive or impulsive in your approach, but this year is all about chasing your dreams.
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The year 2022 can bring with it abundance, successes, and stability for you. Make the most of the opportunities that come your way, and it can set the pace for new levels of consciousness and wholeness. There is joy, happiness, and positive energy around you if you can open yourself up to it. Whether it’s projects getting completed or the chance to start something new, relationships moving to the next stage, the opportunity to travel and explore the world, this Major Arcana card urges you to stay focused and avoid shortcuts to chase your dreams.
Your career can have its own challenges, and it can sometimes be difficult due to your sensitive nature, Pisces. But, you have always managed to come out stronger. The battle can seem eternal for those of you facing instability at work or having clashes with coworkers. But this card is a reminder not to give up. These troubles are temporary, and soon you’ll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ensure your finances are accounted for during these challenging times and use the 50-30-20 rule towards your savings.
If you’re looking to meet someone, you may need to put yourself out there more rather than hoping someone would always approach you, Pisces. For those in a relationship, the card suggests you open up more with your partner and be more expressive about your needs. Ups and downs are a part of life, and there have been many challenges in your love life recently; the Queen of Pentacles however can bring in more stability and a sense of feeling more grounded with your partner.
When it comes to love relationships, this card can be a reminder not to let money or financial security be your driving force. If you’re looking to settle down or tie the knot, 2022 can be your year!
Whether it’s a decision you feel is pending or feelings you may be hiding away, the 2 of Swords guides you to open yourself up to the fact that you need to follow your heart while making a decision. For those of you who tend to procrastinate, you need to stop hesitating. To get clarity, lower your guard and center yourself as best as you can.
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✍️ By-Tarot Poonam