The last month of the Gregorian calendar has arrived, and it's amazing how quickly 2022 flew by. After two difficult years during which the entire world experienced natural disasters and lockdowns, aren’t we grateful to the Divine and the universe for such a wonderful year? With the same optimism and belief in the Divine, we are also getting ready for the year 2023. So, let's read the Tarot monthly horoscope and learn how December 2022 can help us prepare to embrace the new year with more optimism.
December, the 12th month of the Gregorian calendar, represents a pause for much more in-depth introspection and inner reflection before we put on our new shoes in 2023 with new objectives, aspirations, and commitments to keep. This is the time for us all to look within and ask ourselves, "Who are we?", What did we accomplish this year? Where do we see ourselves in a year's time, and What are we willing to do to get there?
The number 12 adds up to 3, which is associated with Jupiter's or Guru's wisdom and knowledge. We must all apply and demonstrate that level and intensity of wisdom in everything we do and how we live our lives daily. Here are the Tarot predictions for December 2022 for all 12 Zodiac signs to further assist you in your growth and transformation. Hope that everything goes according to plan, and may we all advance individually and collectively.
Continue reading for insightful Tarot monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign, as well as astrological remedies to keep your life on track in December!
Dear Ariens, with so much fire energy in you, you are rightly called the Ram. With Mars as your sign Lord, you have so much potential within you that if channelized in the right direction, you can achieve anything and everything; the sky's the limit. You will be the trendsetter and the best in your chosen field or domain. You'll gain followers who will look up to you for guidance and consider you their mentor. The Tarot Aries horoscope advises staying focused and motivated while avoiding temptations and addictions. Show the world where you belong, and the rest will be history!
Remedy- Read Shiv Puran. This will help you stay grounded and focused as you face your challenges.
Dear Taureans, this is the time when you don't need anyone else to tell you what's right and wrong. You must also stop pointing your fingers at others and take a pause. Please look within to see what you did and where you went wrong in order to receive what you have now. The seeds of the present were sowed in the past, and what you see now is simply a result of time. As per the Tarot Taurus horoscope, have no regrets; just reflect on what went wrong and the lessons you can learn to build a better tomorrow for yourself and those around you. To atone for your actions will be your source of strength.
Remedy- Read the Ramayana. This will help you move in the right direction and ward off the past negative Karma.
Dear Geminis, as they say, it's a small world. Indeed, it is! Your past will suddenly appear in front of you, which may seem frightening at first, but the divine is being so kind by giving you this chance to make amends. This could be your ex-partner or a close friend whom you have previously let down, or it could be a previous boss or a work assignment that you have always been afraid of. The patterns may repeat to present you with a challenge. However, according to the Tarot Gemini horoscope, you will undoubtedly succeed if you believe in yourself, surrender to the almighty, and do the right things.
Remedy- Read Sunderkand Paath. This will give you the much-needed strength to face your challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth.
Dear Cancerians, life is beautiful, and you deserve all of the peace and love in the universe. You have gone through a lot of struggle in the past few years. And finally, now that you have cleared all your Karmic tests, the divine will bless you bit by bit. You will glow with divine grace as your electromagnetic radiation and energy spread. People will be attracted to you wherever you go for no apparent explanation, as they will be drawn to your Aura. This did not happen overnight; you have worked very hard for this.
Remedy- Read Durga Saptashati Paath. This will increase the grace of the goddess and elevate your level of bliss!
Dear Leos, you need to relax and stop the one-sided war. Please understand that we can either spend our entire lives fighting over petty issues or resolving major conflicts in minutes. We all have the ability to choose, and that is both Karma and wisdom. Please be aware of your actions and introspect whether they are worthwhile or just a waste of time and energy. To move towards the higher realm of more abundance, peace, love, and joy, we must ignore many things and focus our energy on the truth; this, in turn, will raise our vibrations and bring us closer to the divine by synchronizing our vibrations with mother nature.
Remedy- Read Bhagavad Gita. This will give you the realization that nothing is happening for the first time, and everything has happened before, and the pattern keeps repeating.
Dear Virgos, you will continue to be blessed by the Goddess Annapurna. You will enjoy good, nutritious, and tasty food and become a true foodie. Your style will be to experiment with food by trying out different cuisines. Additionally, the Tarot Virgo horoscope advises you to share this generosity and grace with others by serving and donating food, especially to the less fortunate. When you give to others, you receive more.
Remedy- Organize Langars and donate as much food as you can. Everyone has the right to good food, and no one should go to bed empty stomach.
Dear Libras, it's time to make plans and goals for your higher education and professional life, whichever applies to you in the present life. You have already done well in the past by demonstrating higher levels of skills and motivation, and now is the time to take your performance to the peak and new heights. You might invent or develop a new technique in your domain area, so the only thing you can do right now is devote all your energy and focus on your deliverables. Nothing else should be visible to you, just as Arjuna was only able to see the fish eye with his arrow.
Remedy- Read Shiv Chalisa. This will provide the needed calmness and steadiness for the focus right now.
To learn more about how your life will unfold in 2023, read the annual Tarot 2023 predictions!
Dear Scorpios, this is the time for you to improve your Karmic equation and generate more positive Karma. We are specifically talking about the Prarabdha Karma here. Please be aware that even Karma comes in many different forms. The Prarabdha Karma is the one you create in this lifetime, but it will reward you or have an effect on you in a future lifetime. You performed certain Prarabdha Karma in previous lifetimes to obtain this good body and life. You can work on improving your Prarabdha Karma through acts of kindness and giving.
Remedy- Donate food, clothing, medicines, and educational resources to charity. You can choose to give one, two, or all of them based on your heart's desire.
Dear Sagittarians, love is an essential aspect of our life, and without love, life can be pretty hollow and meaningless. You need to love back someone who loves you intensely and deeply. The Tarot Sagittarius horoscope suggests that if you are single, please read between the lines, as there may be a friend who likes you but is scared to confess. If you are married or in a relationship, then you may have been taking your partner for granted for a while or not been treating them with enough respect and care. Please know that we need to nurture our relationships as well, as they are your real long-term investments.
Remedy- Chant Aham Prema. This Sanskrit chant means, “I am divine love.” This will make you more receptive to receiving and more open to giving unconditional love.
Dear Capricorns, it’s that time of the year now when you show the world who you really are. You will become a magnetic personality attracting everyone around you with the way you walk and talk. You will have the possibility of inspiring many, so please use this opportunity to your best so that you do not miss the bus, as regrets have not helped anyone. Work on yourself at every level required, be it your personality, grooming, fashion style, communication, business acumen, numbers and data churning, or your inner world of meditation. You shall come out with an overall balanced personality.
Remedy- Read Hanuman Chalisa. This will add much-needed aggression and energy to your energy systems, enabling you to seize all the opportunities head-on.
Dear Aquarians, this is the time to spend with your most loving family, as they are your real roots. Every family goes through a rough patch and its own set of issues and struggles; however, the glue of love and care holds them together through thick and thin. We must learn to accept each other the way we are and especially accept ourselves also at the same time with no guilt or shame. Forgiveness is a much-needed tool to find true inner peace and acts as a catalyst to your growth by cutting the unhealthy cords; otherwise, you continue feeding your energies to the wrong weeds in the garden of your inner well-being. Choose beautiful roses for their beauty, color, and fragrances rather than their painful thorns.
Remedy- Do Cord Cutting meditation. This is a very powerful Reiki level 2 meditation. This truly helps in disconnecting from the people and situations which are unhealthy for our growth and brings us to a state of much more balance and equilibrium.
Dear Pisceans, you are finally happy in your own world and learned the true meaning of life. Outside circumstances have not changed and will continue to push you, but you have learned to activate your inner energy systems, and nothing from the outside world can now disturb your inner well-being. The remote control of your life will be now in your own hands, and any trigger from the outside will get no reaction from you, says Tarot Pisces horoscope. This is the state in which each of us thrives, and you have finally connected with it and learned to accept it. The next challenge will be maintaining it long-term and not returning to the previous state of chaos and circus.
Remedy- Chant “Om” 108 times every day. It is believed that Om was the first sound the universe produced and therefore has high vibrations. By chanting this every day, you will be able to maintain your higher states of well-being and spirituality.
Note - Remember that these are only generalized predictions; for more detailed individual predictions, connect with Tarot Pooja for consultations.
✍️By - Tarot Pooja
Certified International Celebrity Guru