Famous Tarot Reader Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot horoscope for the month of December 2018. Read on to find out what is in store for your sign this month. Consult Mita Bhan now on Astroyogi now!
The past few weeks have you seen you work your hardest. And somewhere you may find yourself getting tired of the daily grind, the deadlines and the volumes of work. This month sees you slack off a little, just for a bit. To recharge your batteries or to simply bring back the work-life balance. You may take a day or two off to vegetate. Or just not feel like working at all. Even at home your family members may be quite annoyed with your attitude and may demand some attention. Go ahead take a break, just remember to get back though.
Anxiety levels build up as you find yourself worrying about something. You may not even be able to pinpoint the source of tension but you do know that it’s eating you up from inside. Figure out what is it that’s upsetting you. At work you may feel a little scattered and disoriented. And your loved ones may wonder about your health. A visit to the doctor may be necessary about a recurring ailment. And if it’s your love life you’re concerned about, the cards assure you that all will be well. Soothing music will be very beneficial.
Set an example if you want to lead the way. Initiate whatever it is that you want to create. People will only follow, listen and believe you when they see you taking the first step. You have the makings of a leader but first you will need to be the change you wish to see. A great time for alliances and networking, reach out and stay in touch with people in your industry. Even in your love life, you’ll need to be a little more proactive. Go on and ask that special someone out. Or be the first one to share your feelings. It’s time to be courageous and it’s time to make a difference.
You know you can't go further if you continue to allow yourself to be trapped by your own fears. Things wont improve unless you face the situation with courage. And relax, things aren't as bad as you fear them to be. A tense situation at the workplace could suddenly get defused. Or a dreaded event will not take place. Be strong and hopeful. Others are looking up to you. And you cannot let them down. Your better half may require a lot more attention and reassurance. And you know only you can prop them up. Get out and show them what you’re made of.
Somebody doesn’t want you to get ahead and you may have to deal with unpleasant people or sudden obstacles that have been deliberately placed on your path. Nobody wants to be out shined. And you’ll just have to be a little more creative along your way. Don’t defy authority but do stand up for what you believe in. Even in your personal life there may be a battle for power ahead of you. Both of you think you’re right, and both of you want to win the argument. How do you reach a compromise without losing your cool and without appearing too bossy? Go figure dear Leo, the game has just begun.
A dishonest soul may reveal his or her true colours. You may discover an unpleasant truth about someone. Or find out who’s been behind the gossip lately. Instead of confronting them with anger try and find out what’s motivating them to behave this way. Or what you have said or done to deserve their angst. Your people skills are going to be put at test. Which means it’s all about how you get along with others and persuade them to do what you want. Single Virgos may feel a little lonely as many of your friends tie the knot. Don’t despair, your life partner is about to come into your life and it’s best to be just patient.
Time to re-evaluate your life. Start with your strengths and build upon them. Learn from your past mistakes. And get set for a new, more inspiring phase in your life. If you aren't patient by nature, then you may find yourself in for a bit of a testing time. Delays may frustrate you but once you realized they’re only there to teach you, things should sort themselves out. Your good heart may be taken as a sign of weakness by others. Do not allow others to use you or exploit you. Pay attention to what’s not being said by people around you.
Just when you were wondering if you had enough, an unexpected cheque arrives or a promise of gains comes your way. You manage to pay off a loan. And a part of your burden is lifted. This month brings relief your way. And you realise once again that you’ve been tested and you’ve passed with flying colours. Your dedication and diligence will never go unrewarded. A family member may turn to you for advice. And if you were planning to get married you may even fix a date in the days ahead.
The past few months have seen a sense of maturity come into you. Things which used to upset you no longer do. And you know when enough’s enough. You may choose to leave a job or even end a relationship that just isn't worth your time and effort anymore. Yes, there may be pain and sadness but in the long run, your own heart tells you it was all worth it. If you’ve been toying with the idea of going solo or starting your own consultancy or business, plans may begin to take shape. A good time to plan ahead.
It’s time to expand your horizons. You know you’re destined for bigger and better things. And you may consider higher studies or learning a new skill in this period. Open your mind to new possibilities. And if you can use this time to travel, go forth. New people, new ideas, new opportunities beckon. Confront your limitations and then expand yourself. A relationship that begins now could be more valuable than you ever imagined. A new friend proves to be extremely helpful. Stay open minded.
Value your work and your talents. Appreciate yourself for all that you’ve done. If your self confidence has been low lately, it’s time to prop yourself up and be your own best friend. A job offer may come your way. And there’s even a hint of an award or some form of recognition ahead of you. Realize things are never quite what they seem. And if you’ve been wasting time and effort on a relationship that only leads to pain and disappointment, slowly withdraw. Now’s not the time to give to the undeserving. It’s time to nurture your soul and get ready for a new journey.
The way you’re heading, you’re definitely going global. You may consider studying overseas or working in another country. An encounter with a visitor from another country opens your mind to a whole new set of possibilities. This is not a time for doubt but to go forth with confidence. Expect praise and financial gains. What appears to be a stroke of good luck, is nothing but good karma. Look at what you’ve achieved so far, be thankful for your blessings. And know that life’s going to get better and more beautiful for you in the days to come.