Famous Tarot Reader Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot horoscope for the month of February 2019. Read on to find out what is in store for your sign this month. Consult Mita Bhan now on Astroyogi now!
In your enthusiasm to do something you different, you may start off with a bang but run out of steam half way. The cards remind you to stick with the process until the end. Success is yours but first you need to complete all those unfinished projects and ideas you’ve got buzzing around your head. A short and sweet encounter with an interesting person may leave you yearning for something more stable and committed.
So much to do so little time. You may find yourself stretched and pulled in different directions. Learn to prioritise and say no to the time wasters. A lot can be achieved in the days ahead as long as you stay focused and calm. In matters of the heart, someone may pressure you to make a commitment, if you still aren’t ready, be honest and ask for more time. Married souls may feel overworked and underappreciated. Ask for help when you need it.
Your worries about money matters need a reality check. Things are not as bad as you think they are. And a little more caution is required with the way you’ve been spending lately. Tighten your purse strings and learn to budget your resources and time. A friend may need your advice. And your spouse may continue to be on his own trip. Hold on tightly to him and he may rebel, just give him his space and know he will come home when he’s ready.
Expect a surge of activity in work and business matters. Your money situation begins to get better and better. And you may even buy something you thought you couldn’t afford earlier. A new job promises financial gains and a chance to show case your skills. If single, you may find yourself getting quite a bit of attention. Enjoy this phase, just don’t get carried away by your impulses that’s all.
Travel may be necessary this month. Or you may find yourself making a number of short trips for some work. Bureaucracy and red tape may get frustrating at times, but just hang in there. Don’t get bogged down by the demands on you. Learn to operate in a new way and develop more strength of will. An unpleasant confrontation with a family member or a friend will get resolved. And if you were planning to buy that home or car you’ve been eyeing for a while. Know that it will happen.
Someone or something may inspire you and give you new hope in your life and affairs. Things are working out in your favour. Just have faith. And know things will get better with time. A good period to do something for your soul, you may like to try alternative healing, or enroll in some classes which uplift your soul. Pay attention to what is not being said to you. Financial gains are indicated, and more is ahead.
As long as you keep believing in yourself you know that nothing and nobody can stop you from living your dream. There will be challenges and obstacles but remember they’re not here to defeat you, merely to test your resolve. People around you will be friendly and supportive and you may get unexpected news or assistance. In terms of your personal life, single Librans may get wooed by a younger admirer. Enjoy the attention, you deserve it.
A critical period has begun for you professionally. You may meet some important contacts or be involved in high level discussions. Open your mind to different points of view and know that all these experiences are going to add to your success later on. Just remember to address your emotional side as well. Shutting out your feelings to loved ones may help you focus on work better but it’s not helping the relationship is it? Work for a balance in your life.
Trying to control a situation or mould another’s opinion can only work to a point. Ultimately we are all free to do as we please and the harder you try to make things go in your favour, the more shocks you may encounter. Someone may openly rebel in the days ahead. Or your advice could be completely ignored. Don’t get hurt by what’s happened. Detach yourself and realize you did your best. And then just let go.
Ignore your critics and let nothing distract you from your course of action. You’re being watched but don’t get overwhelmed by attention. Straighten out your affairs, and refuse to accept anything that’s mediocre. In the home front, a family member may be a bit too critical for your liking. Remember it could be their insecurities which make them speak this way. A lucky period is ahead of you in negotiations, property and money matters.
You may find yourself at the crossroads again. Before you make any hasty decisions, take the advice of someone you can trust. It could be about your job or your life partner. Think things through and remember at the end of the day it’s your life. Pay a little more attention to all documentation and paperwork. Double check everything for errors. You may miss a special someone and if things go well, expect a pleasant surprise in matters of the heart.
The situation appears a little murky. People may behave in a suspicious manner. And you may feel as if you’re not part of the latest plot. Don’t try too hard to get to the answers, just stay honest with yourself and focus on what’s on your plate. A lot can be accomplished this month if you stay detached. A social outing may lead to an encounter with a very unusual or striking soul. Remember he or she may promise more than he can deliver. Take everything that’s being said with a pinch of salt.
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