What July 2022 Has in Store for The 12 Zodiac Signs? Tarot Monthly Horoscope Can Tell!

Thu, Jun 30, 2022
Tarot Sonia
  By Tarot Sonia
Thu, Jun 30, 2022
Team Astroyogi
  By Tarot Sonia
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What July 2022 Has in Store for The 12 Zodiac Signs? Tarot Monthly Horoscope Can Tell!

Tarot predictions for July 2022 state that you can anticipate good times, promising prospects, and excellent opportunities coming your way. Interested to know more? Read this article to know what the Tarot monthly horoscope for July 2022 can reveal about your fate.

The month of July is here! This month was named after the famous Julius Caesar as it was his birth month. You might not know this, but Ruby is the July birthstone. This seventh month and its energy are exceptional, as it represents the planet Ketu, associated with Number 7. This month is in the middle of all the months in a calendar year. Therefore, this month is an excellent time to introspect and see where you stand right now vis-à-vis what goals and plans you made at the start of the year. Once you have evaluated your position, you can implement the strategies and plans to mitigate the gap between where you are and your goals so that you can be a winner and reach all your goals set for the year before entering into 2023.

As mentioned above, July is closely related to Ketu. The planet Ketu is the Karaka for armed forces, aggression, occult sciences, inner world, and spirituality. Hence this month will be extreme at both ends. You might witness general unrest in society at the community and national levels. However, people whose roots are grounded well in spirituality will be in total equanimity. Ketu, or the dragon's tail, is the significator for Sannyas, Moksha, and inner journey.

Looking for detailed Tarot reading July 2022 predictions? If so, connect with Tarot Pooja for a consultation on Astroyogi instantly.

Let's look at Tarot predictions for July 2022 for the zodiac signs, along with effective remedies.

Aries Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Leonardo da Vinci, Jackie Chan, Lady Gaga, etc.

Dear Aries, you have grown a lot in all the dimensions of your life. This is a fantastic thing, and you should be proud of yourself. With your overall growth, you will experience immense confidence and joy. You have become aware that you are complete in yourself and have the potential to take care of everything. All the deep-rooted insecurities will be shed away, and you will conduct yourself from a place of calmness and inner peace. You will automatically attract everything you want as the divine grace is on you.

Remedy - Offer water to the Sun every morning. This will strengthen your Surya and offer you blessings to become healthier, more confident, and professionally more successful.

Taurus Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Mark Zuckerberg, William Shakespeare, Sachin Tendulkar, etc.

Dear Taureans, it's time to move beyond self-interest and think about others. You might have been a little ignorant or selfish lately. Now it's time to be a little selfless and also practical. To solve any problem or overcome a tricky situation, you need to offer practical solutions which create a win-win situation for everyone. Any solution that benefits only one person and not the others will not be long-term or everlasting, and neither will people be happy about the situation. This time calls for you to be fair, reasonable, and transparent in your decisions.

Remedy - Worship the Chandra Yantra.

Gemini Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Angelina Jolie, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, etc.

Dear Geminis, July will be the month of hard work for you. So, you must prepare yourself! You will be busy with back-to-back meetings and schedules at your workplace. Management and your bosses will trust you and give you more projects to handle and supervise as they appreciate your skills and talents. You will leave no stone unturned to complete all the assigned tasks with proficiency using your multi-tasking and networking skills. You will also perform extremely well at your workplace. This will be your key to a salary increment and promotion soon.

Remedy - Chant the Gayatri Mantra daily to keep your vibrations high and aligned.

Cancer Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Elon Musk, Tom Cruise, Priyanka Chopra, Tom Hanks, etc.

Dear Cancerians, your analytical or logical mind is working exceptionally well right now. Therefore, you are in a position to invent new things in your line of work or domain. All the pending analysis work, reports, and excel sheets should be completed by you now as you will be able to research and do your work better than anyone else. Your research abilities will be excellent, so you must utilize this time and add value to everything and everyone around you. Remember, you must make the most of this time! 

Remedy - Practice Grounding Meditation to keep you rooted and balanced during the high-energy phase.

Leo Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Alton Brown, Barack Obama, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, etc. 

Dear Leos, you must take care of your health this month. This should be your priority this month. It seems like you have been traveling, partying hard for a while, and eating all kinds of food. This month you need to be mindful of what you eat. Therefore, you must eat healthy and nutritious food. Doing some daily exercises and workouts will also be a great idea, as it will be beneficial for your well-being. Your family members will support you and encourage you to choose a healthy lifestyle during this time.

Remedy - Do Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra Meditation.

Virgo Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Mother Teresa, Narendra Modi, Stephen King, Leo Tolstoy, Warren Buffett, etc.

Dear Virgos, it's time to connect with Mother Earth. This month, you can go for walks, head to the parks, take a vacation with your family or friends, or go on a solo trip to the mountains or beaches. This well-deserved break will truly rejuvenate you from head to toe, and you will be better equipped to deal with everything. Once you are back from your break, you will be able to perform better and achieve even more at work due to the charged-up energies you will carry back with you.

Remedy - Spend time in the Northwest direction of your house.

Libra Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Oscar Wilde, Will Smith, Kate Winslet, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Margaret Thatcher, etc.

Dear Librans, you will meet many new people and make new contacts this month. This will not only make you happy, cheerful, and delightful but also make you famous and a well-known name in social circles. You can even try to promote a new idea or business in these circles as people will trust, listen, and acknowledge it. You will be out of the house all the time meeting and connecting with various people and utilizing this time as a golden opportunity to grow and become a better and well-rounded individual.

Remedy - Wear Rose perfume as per Aromatherapy to attract people with the help of aligned vibrations.

Scorpio Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Bill Gates, Shah Rukh Khan, Julia Roberts, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, etc.

Dear Scorpios, July will be all about money for you. You will have the Midas Touch, as everything you touch will become gold, so make the most of this opportunity. This is the right time to make investments after doing a detailed study. Talk to your boss and management about the pending salary hike, and they will most likely approve it. Additionally, extra income from another source might also be generated during this month. You might think of starting a new business parallelly in addition to your current source of income.

Remedy - Install a water fountain in the Northeast direction of your house.

Sagittarius Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Walt Disney, Raj Kapoor, Pope Francis, Brad Pitt, etc.

Dear Sagittarians, July will be a lucky month for you in terms of your love life and relationship. This will be a good time for singles to mingle. Many single Sagittarians will meet their Prince Charming or Cinderella and fall in love during this time. Some of them will get engaged and move to the next level of their relationship, where they make a commitment to their partner. You will be delighted and content as everything will be going well in your life. This month you will feel like you are on cloud nine!

Remedy - Chant the mantra "Aham Prema" 108 times.

Capricorn Tarot July 2022 

Successful International Personalities - Isaac Newton, Swami Vivekananda, A. R. Rahman, Elvis Presley, etc.

Dear Capricorns, it's time to read as many books as possible. This month, you will become a voracious reader and read many books on self-growth and development. This July, your complete focus will be on yourself and your growth and development, which will be an excellent step for you. You will try to do all the right things like eat right, sleep on time, maintain an optimum level of water intake, exercise regularly, etc. Being this committed towards yourself will take you to places soon. So, keep going, and don't give up!

Remedy - Chant "Om" 108 times. This will increase your vibrations and help you achieve your goals. It is believed that 'OM' was the first sound of the universe; hence it is extremely powerful.

Aquarius Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Charles Dickens, Bob Marley, Michael Jordan, etc.

Dear Aquarians, in the month of July, you will become a true people person and associate yourself with many social causes. It could be NGOs, fundraising events, charity programs, etc. These causes will be very close to your heart, and you will genuinely try to be of help to others. You will be instrumental in connecting many influential and powerful people to the needy and poor. Hence, you will play a fundamental role in helping the weaker sections of society. This will give you immense contentment, genuine joy, and also positive Karmas, which will be majorly your Sanchit Karmas.

Remedy - Place a Guru Yantra in your house. This shall shower you with wisdom and blessings.

Pisces Tarot July 2022

Successful International Personalities - Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, George Washington, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, etc.

Dear Pisceans, you are finally looking after yourself and truly implementing self-love, which is an amazing achievement. You have finally broken your old patterns of neglecting yourself and trying to please and keep others happy, whereas you end up getting suffocated in the process. This is a huge shift in your personality, demonstrating that you have put in deep and serious inner work and taken good care of yourself. The key is to keep it up and always remember that you must be the most important person for yourself. Your priority should always be you.

Remedy - Donate or offer water twice a week to people on the roads.

Note - You must never forget that these are generalized predictions. If you want personalized predictions and remedies or are looking for guidance, reach out to Tarot Pooja on Astroyogi.

✍️By - Tarot Pooja

Certified International Celebrity Guru

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