Many people have asked me what makes a good reading. And I always answer “Your Question” because everything depends on it. The truest, most authentic answer always emerges when you are focused and clear, knowing that your future lies in your hands. The cards can merely inform, guide or nudge you gently on your chosen path. You ultimately must walk your path, as the master of your own destiny.
What makes a good reading? Here are a few time-tested tips which will help you make the most of your money’s worth from a Tarot session.
Here goes.
Think Your Question Through. Note It Down
Take time out and carefully think through your issue before you go in for a Tarot reading. Not only will it save you and the reader’s time, but if you’re paying for a session, it will save you money as well. Carry along a notepad with your questions and jot down the insights.
Be Clear and Direct
Questions should be straightforward and clearly defined. A brief background to your concern will help the reader focus better and offer you insights on your specific situation. Vague questions lead to vague answers. If you want a general overview, state it. Remember the Tarot Reader will give you the most honest insights to your situation so the more honest you are with yourself and your reader, the more beneficial the insights will be.
Avoid Bunching Too Many Questions in One
I’ve had countless people coming in and ask me to tell them about why their relationship is going through a bad patch, why they are not getting a promotion and if so, how much can they expect? Not only do such questions exhaust the reader, they confuse the issue and the clarity disappears. Slow down, relax, one issue at a time.
Accept Responsibility for your life
The Tarot believes we can shape our future and provides helpful insights into your present moment and what direction your life can go if you follow a particular advice etc. Ultimately we as human beings are responsible for our own lives, and a Tarot is simply a tool that gives us empowering knowledge. The more informed we are about our present moment, the better decisions we can make about our tomorrow.
Avoid Yes/No Questions
Frame a question in such a way that you get more out of a reading. Instead of asking “Will I be happy in marriage?” ask “How can I work towards a happy marriage with my spouse?” In that way, you not only receive guidance, an honest assessment of your situation, you become an active and not passive participant in your own Life. Remember happiness resides in all of us. Sometimes it helps to have a little information to help us find it within.
Come with an Open Mind
As Tarot readers have been saying for centuries, a good tarot reading occurs when you believe and come with an open mind. Without belief, the whole operation is an exercise in futility. You should also be willing to at least consider the advice given to you by the reader, and not dismiss it off hand. Tarot only works for those who are willing to listen.
Don’t expect Fortune Telling
Tarot cards, in the hands of an experienced Tarot reader, can tell you things about your past, about your present, and often, things that may happen in the future. But Tarot card reading is not fortune-telling. Any possible outcomes the reader sees are possibilities only. Your future depends on your past and current actions, and you can change your outcome by changing your actions.
Examples of Good Questions to ask the Tarot
What do I need to know about my professional life right now if I want a promotion by the year end?
How can I improve my relationship with my mother/brother/girlfriend etc?
Why am I facing recurring troubles with my business?
What is holding me back from achieving my financial goals?
What is the best way to handle this situation?
I have been struggling to find a job that suits me but have not been successful, what aspect of myself am I not seeing?
Where do I stand on my Life Path?
Ask the Tarot Reader to help you Frame Questions
Questions need to be factually correct and clear, grammar doesn’t matter, explain your concern to the Tarot Reader and allow them to frame a question for you. And look forward to what the cards reveal.
Celebrity Tarot Reader with Astroyogi.com