Famous Tarot Reader Mita Bhan unfolds Tarot horoscope for the month of September 2018. Read on to find out what is in store for your sign this month. Enjoy your reading! Consult Mita Bhan now on Astroyogi now!
If you’re feeling frustrated about something, perhaps the Universe is teaching you the lesson of patience. Hold on to your impulses. Exercise a bit more self control. And wait till the situation clears up a little. Relationships feel stifling or you may be just bored with the routine. How about bringing in some positive change in your life. Join the dance class you’ve been eyeing. Or just head to the spa for some much needed rest and rejuvenation? Financially a slow month, it doesn't mean money isn't coming, it just means, you need to wait a little more.
Life is asking you to learn to be more versatile and flexible. And the faster you learn to adapt to changing circumstances, the better it will be for you. Expect routines to go haywire and plans to change at a moment’s notice. Promises made by others are broken and you realise you have no choice but to be even more self reliant. A move is indicated either job wise or home wise. Even in your personal life you may notice your mate has changed or your children suddenly grow up. How will you keep up with them if you don’t change yourself. Go with the flow, and keep an open mind.
After a whirlwind past few weeks, time to slow down and bring back the routine in your life. Get things organised again. Clean up a few wardrobes. Empty out your desk. And clear the clutter. To invite new energies into your life you will first need to clear up the old. You may need to sort out a financial matter and with patience, it should go smoothly. A good time to begin a diet or fitness regime, the results will be slow but sure this time. Resolve to take more care of your health. And see how your body begins to respond to your decision.
At times you can be a little too naiive with other people. Learn to be a little more guarded with what you say and who you trust. At work the more self reliant you are the better (and safer) you will be. Someone may be dishonest with you and it’s better to be careful than hurt later. An ailing parent may act difficult. And if you were planning to go on a holiday expect delays. Do not be taken in by appearances, look beneath the surface for the answers to your questions. A mystery could get solved.
The same old faces and the same old places. Kinda gets boring doesn’t it? How about bringing in some newness into your life. Hang out with a different crowd? Join a new club? Do something to reach out to absolute newness. If the job is getting to you, you may like to update your resume and consider a totally different industry. Someone may offer you a job or an opportunity that could change your world. Open your mind to different viewpoints. Let go of past regrets and stay positive regardless. In love matters makes sure to keep talking and listening, your mate may act defensive and difficult. Be patient.
A part of you is tired of playing the people pleaser and the diplomat. You may suddenly choose to tell people exactly what you think of them. Be prepared for a few looks of utter surprise as you go on an honesty mission. Just remember not to go overboard. An impulse decision may lead to regrets. And if you are rushing to meet a deadline make sure to double check for errors. A month of action and productivity, you may get a lot of things done. Love life may take a back seat as you find yourself preoccupied with work matters. Reassure your mate that you havent forgotten them!
Encounters with people become very lively this week. New relationships may take place which may be totally different from anything you have experienced before. Open your mind to differing points of view. And realise that you may be attracting a new circle of friends and colleagues who could be unusual or at times downright weird. Emphasis this month is on freedom, spontaneity and doing things you wouldn’t normally do. Before you get carried away with the wackiness of the days ahead remember not to get into any binding agreements or commitments till you sober down later.
This is a time of huge responsibilities and hard work. Results will be slow but sure. And do realise though it may seem back breaking at times, all this is shaping your success story. Avoid taking on projects that don’t directly influence or involve you at this moment. As it is you have enough to do. Family may make a lot of demands on your time. Politely but firmly buy time from them. Monetary gains are indicated. And an investment begins to reap rewards. Slow and steady does the win the race!
Your creative juices are flowing again. A part of you wants to sing, dance, draw again. What stops you? A job or assignment may ignite your spark again and if all goes well this could be an enlivening and electrifying month for Saggitarians. A social outing could be the meeting point for someone who could play a very significant role in your life. Your children may surprise you with their talents. And if you’d been wondering about a delayed payment, wait no further. Just watch out for overindulging, too much of a good thing could lead to illness. Moderation is key.
Whatever you do, just keep your cool. Staying calm and patient is the key to rising above any conflict or confusion in the days ahead. Just because someone’s provoking you doesn’t mean you have to react. Learn the power of silence. And realise that this is simply a test, the rewards will soon follow. You may begin to get second thoughts about a special somebody and ask for time out to examine what is really going on. Avoid lashing out on loved ones, better to retreat and ask for space. Financially a good month, expect an increase in income in the following months.
Whatever you do right now will yield results in the long term. Every soul you meet now could be a potential ally or supporter someday. A business partnership turns out to be profitable. A period of success awaits you, but you must be willing to ask for what you want. In the personal sphere a special someone may propose. Don't allow pressure to make you commit. Watch out for impulse shopping. And if you were planning to move house you may begin the process of house hunting and even finalise a place in the days ahead.
When it comes to learning you are a topper! And I don’t mean just studies. It could be skill, a spiritual lesson or simply a deeper understanding of your world. You’re moving up the ladder quickly with your alertness and your willingness to learn. Every experience is shaping the soul that you are. If you’ve just joined a job ask for more responsibilities. And if you’re job hunting opt for something you’d love to learn more about. Friendships get deeper in this period. And you may find yourself wanting to commit to someone. Marriage is also on the cards for those single and looking.