One of the most oft question to a tarot reader is a Yes/No question.Thats because such questions look like a quick ‘fix’ to most people. “Will I get the job”?, “Does she love me”?, “Will I get a pay Hike”?….. questions that appear simple and innocuous but are not that easy to answer because they depend on a lot of hidden factors.
But since tarot readers cannot keep explaining to every querent that tarot does not answer a yes/no question, they have worked out some methods that give a high probability of the right answer.
Some commonly used ‘spreads’ for a yes/no query are-
1) One of the simplest methods that can be used is - shuffle a deck that has equal number of upright and reversed cards. While asking the question, take out a card from the deck. If it is upright, the answer is yes, if reversed, it is no.
In the same vein, ‘yes’ can be a Major Arcana card and ‘no’ can be a Minor Arcana.
The important thing here is to speak to the cards about the method you are adopting while you are shuffling the cards to ask the question. Only then will you get the correct answer.
2) Another method is, shuffle the cards while asking the question. Then start placing one card each, face up, in three different piles. Keep placing cards, one in each pile, by rotation, till the count of thirteen for each pile. While placing the cards, if you come across an Ace before the count of thirteen, stop placing cards on this pile and continue with the other two piles.
The same applies if you get an Ace for another pile.
Now, if you get an Ace each for all the three piles before you reach the thirteenth card, your answer is a definite ‘yes’.
If you get an Ace for two piles, then 70% probability of a ‘yes’ and if you get an Ace only on one pile , then you have only a 30% probability of a ‘yes’.
If no Aces appear on any of the piles, before you reach the thirteenth card, the answer is a definite ‘no’.
3) An interesting method that comes with a bonus of also giving you the reason of why the answer will be a ‘yes’, is-take four small squares of paper and on each write the following-Yes, No, Soon, Delay. Place these on four corners. Remove ‘The Wheel Of Fortune’ card from the deck and place aside. Now shuffle the rest of the cards while asking your question. Take out any seven cards from the deck and shuffle them along with ‘The Wheel Of Fortune’ card. Keep the rest of the deck aside.
Place these eight cards, one by one, on the four chits of paper, starting with the square that has ‘yes’ written on it. You now have two cards for each paper. Check to see which paper got dealt with ‘The Wheel Of Fortune’ card. If it was on the ‘yes’, your answer is affirmative. The other card along with ‘The Wheel Of Fortune’ card, is your reason why the answer will be a ‘yes’.
Similarly, if ‘The Wheel Of Fortune’ card falls on ‘no’ or ‘soon’ or ‘delay’, you get your answer with the card that is dealt with ‘The Wheel Of Fortune’ card.
Thus, there are many ways of doing a ‘yes’ and ‘no’ reading and a reader adopts a method which resonates with him/her the most.
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