The tenth house in the horoscope is the native sign for Capricorn and is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is the House of Career and Reputation.
The tenth house is also called the ‘Karma House’ or the ‘House of Action’. This house is the strongest pillar or ‘kendra’, supporting the astrological chart as a whole.It tells of the native’s achievements in life which he will get by his name, fame, status, success, repute. The native could gain this through his profession or by his possessions. It also tells about the native’s father, his debts, his permanency and promotion in jobs, his stay in foreign lands.
Physical attributes like the knees, front of the thigh, left side of body and nostrils are influenced by the tenth house.
Lets now look at the varied impact of the nine planets on the Tenth House-
Sun - When the most powerful planet is in the tenth house, you will definitely be very affluent, successful in your career and have a high capacity of handling duty, responsibility and pressure. You will be an effective leader with a humanitarian outlook.
Moon - The presence of moon in the tenth house will make you emotional, stopping you from taking strong decisions in your professional life, not allowing you to handle pressure well and be responsible. You will be adored by people as you will be sensitive to their needs. You could have a troubled childhood.
Mars - When Mars is present in the tenth house, you will be dominating and successful in your career. You will be hard working with a serious outlook and invite fame. There will be no financial restraint but you may make unnecessary career changes due to your impatience.
Mercury - Presence of Mercury in the tenth house will give you success provided you work hard and are sincere. You will not want to be dominated by others at work. You will be blessed with oratory skills, financial security and a blissful life.
Jupiter - When the Guru of all celestial bodies, Jupiter, is in the tenth house, you will be wise and knowledgeable. You will be a natural leader, an excellent teacher and guide. You will do well professionally but the remuneration will not be as you deserve.
When Jupiter is malefic, your family may desert you.
Venus - Venus in the tenth house will bring to the fore-front, your creative and artistic nature. You will do well with the backing of women or in a women oriented set up and enjoy success, power and prosperity. You will have a compassionate nature and may want more fun than hard work in life, which could effect your reputation.
Saturn - Saturn in tenth house could make you stubborn and aggressive, which could invite foes. You will aim to reach high professionally, for which you are prepared to work hard, inspite of Saturn placing obstacles in the way. You will have good relations with people in high places and will be financially stable.
Rahu - Rahu in the tenth house will make you seek power, fame and popularity by hook or by crook. It could make you greedy too. When Rahu is benefic, you could gain respect and bring good luck to father, but when malefic, it could effect your mother’s and your health and also produce enemies.
Ketu - Like Rahu, Ketu’s effect on you will be based on its position related to other planets. You will be aversive to take up responsibility and duties and instead bad mouth others in position of authority. When Ketu is benefic, you will be serious in life and will be blessed with good fortune. But when malefic, you will have a stressed life with a bad career and health.
To learn more about other houses of your Horoscope visit https://www.astroyogi.com/articles.
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