The Cardinal Signs

Tue, Jun 25, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Jun 25, 2013
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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The Cardinal Signs

Cardinal signs are famous for their leadership qualities and are never afraid of taking up challenges in life. They are the ones who initiate but when the time comes to wind up the task, they would have taken off to some other project, since they are not too fond of seeing a task to its completion. That’s not what they are supposed to do or so they like to believe. Their energy and enthusiasm is what distinguishes them from the crowd. Some people might find them domineering, perhaps because of the role entrusted to them in life which often happens to be that of the leader. They are ambitious and more often than not end up being highly successful in life.

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are the four cardinal signs of the zodiac.


Aries belongs to the element fire and people born under this sign are always brimming with energy. This energy however causes them to become restless. The cardinal aspect of their personality becomes evident when they are handed over some responsibility especially one that requires them to lead. They are excellent task masters and are extremely determined. They have an unmistakable air of authority about them. Keeping up with their element fire, these fellows will breathe fire, when agitated, and anything that gets in their way would have to face the heat.


Water is the element assigned to this cardinal sign of the crab. Out of all the cardinal signs, Cancer comes across as the most restrained but that does not mean that they are any less powerful or independent or even ambitious. They can rage wars if they like but it just isn’t their thing. They are probably too wise for things like these! They experience emotions like no other and only some other signs can boast to be as good as the crabs in the department of understanding emotions.


Libra is associated with the element air which endows it with high intellect and the ability to see things clearly. Also, since it is a cardinal sign, Librans end up achieving more than their peers and that too in a short period of time. And not to forget, with their pleasing demeanor and sweeping charm they aren’t many people who would  be able to raise an objection when a Libra become the leader.


Much like their symbol, the mountain goat that continues its climb to the top of the mountain without ever giving up, unfazed by the difficulties that come its way, the Capricorns too have their eyes firmly fixed on their goals, no matter how long it takes to achieve them. Working hard is not a problem for them since they have an inner resolve that helps them pursue their goals relentlessly.  The more difficult it is to achieve a goal, the more pleasure they derive in achieving it.

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