The Effect of Jupiter’s Transit in Virgo

Tue, Aug 02, 2016
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Tue, Aug 02, 2016
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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The Effect of Jupiter’s Transit in Virgo

Jupiter is considered to be an auspicious planet in Vedic Astrology and is also the largest planet in our solar system. This planet represents education, fame, success and prosperity. Jupiter can give beneficial results especially to natives who are governed by the same. On a general note, Jupiter remains in one house for about a year.

This year Jupiter will move to Virgo on 11th August 2016 and will remain here till 12th September 2017. Depending upon the Ascendant or Moon signs of any individual, generally this transit is likely to have good results except for a few signs.

This transit will be most auspicious for Moon sign born Pisces, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Moon sign born with Virgo, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius will get average results.

Below average results are likely for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Aquarius.

Read further for a detailed description of Jupiter transiting in Virgo on 11th August 2016 for each sign. Please note that the true picture can only be ascertained after analyzing other factors like planetary position, aspects of other planets and other factors.


As mentioned earlier this transit will not be very favorable for you. You may face challenges in your personal life. Misunderstandings and arguments are likely, you will struggle to maintain peace and harmony. There will be tension around you and no one will be of much help.  Dangers of theft or loss of property are also likely.

Opponents and enemies will be quite active as they will try everything within their power to create obstacles and problems for you. Right now even your best efforts will go in vain and will not bring you any results. This will keep you frustrated and irritated. You need to try your best to stay away from people who may try to defame you or get you in trouble. Also, during this period be careful while signing any document or before entering any new agreement.

Health wise, diseases related to stomach or your digestive system will be a cause of concern. Keep your expenditures in check during this period. Do you find it hard to save money? Speak to India's leading astrologers on INDIA'S FIRST astrologers app and get immediate solutions. Download astroYogi app now!


Good times are here for you as Jupiter transiting in Virgo will give you desirable results. This is the time when you will reap the rewards of your hard work. A promotion, appreciation or a hike in your pay are most likely. Those in authority and your co-ordinates will be quite helpful to you. During this period, you will be inclined to earn more knowledge. You will enjoy a comfortable financial position. The strength of Jupiter will give you positive results if you are self-employed as you can expect good returns. This transit will make you optimistic and energetic to face any challenges.

If you are in a relationship and wish to get married, you should move forward with your plan as this time is auspicious for you. Looking for a relationship consultation to help you get compatibility details for you and your partner? Get connected to India’s leading astrologers and talk to them on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!


As mentioned earlier, the transit of Jupiter in Virgo will give you average results. To begin with, this will be a good time for you to recover from any problems you experienced in the past. However, peace of mind will elude you and worries will still be very much present. Vague, undefined fears about the future troubling you? Address these issues with full privacy by speaking to India’s leading astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!

Problems with your spouse are indicated and you may experience a strong sense of detachment. You are likely to remain disconnected from your loved ones during this time. You would want to spend time in solitude and do some soul searching in order to find the purpose in your life. Keep your calm and do not enter into any unnecessary arguments be it personal or professional as things may not result in your favor. Also, keep a check on your expenses and curb your urge to spend on anything unnecessary.

Apart from taking care of yourself, you need to keep an eye on your mother’s health as well.


The transit of Jupiter in Virgo may not bring you desired results. You may remain stressed possibly due to a number of events especially related to your professional life. There could be a feeling of dissatisfaction in your life during this period. In order to avoid any kind of loss, it is advised that you do not invest in large amounts. However, those in the field of writing or education should take advantage of this time as the planet will be in your favor.

Personal relationships may be strained during this period so avoid any kind of argument and make things worse. You need to be patient and watch what you say at all times.

The only way to keep yourself in a balanced state of mind is by keeping yourself engaged in seeking knowledge and by learning something new every day.

Watch out for health issues related to the liver and take care of your father’s health too. The planets do play a significant role when it comes to health related matters. Connect with India’s leading astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app and speak to them now. Download astroYogi app now!


Jupiter’s transit in Virgo will prove to be auspicious for you. The support of your loved ones will be very apparent and any obstructions that you were facing in the past will now be taken care of. The atmosphere around will be peaceful and harmonious. For those who have been planning to tie the knot, you can move forward with your plans as well as this is an auspicious time. Married couples can enjoy pure conjugal bliss and you can only expect your relationship to strengthen during this period.

On the other side, you will be in a comfortable financial situation and this will allow you to take care of the needs of your loved ones.

For those who are self-employed, it is time for you to get into action and start working on any new business investments. To ensure results in your new venture during the Jupiter transit, speak to India’s best astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now! This is a good time for acquisition of wealth so the luxuries and comforts of life.

At work, you can expect desirable results from your hard work. Success will be yours for taking and a promotion may be on its way.


Jupiter’s transit in your sign will bring you mixed results. Problems related to property matters are indicated and you may not be able to have any material possession during this period. You could be in a tight financial position so keep a check on your expenses.

The atmosphere at work will be tensed and your relationship with co-workers will not be cordial. Just try to walk through this with a lot of patience. Well planned career moves can reduce your worries in life. Seek guidance from India’s leading astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app for greater happiness and peace of mind. Download astroYogi app now!

There could be worries regarding your personal life and stressful situations will coerce you to lean towards things which may bring you inner peace.


As Jupiter will be transiting on your 12th house (the house of losses and expenses), this transit will not be auspicious for you. Some unfavorable situation may be in store for you on the personal front. You may come across some circumstances which may force you to live separately from your family. It is likely that you will struggle to maintain the peace and harmony at home. In order to ensure the reign of peace and harmony in your life during this powerful transit, speak with India’s leading astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!

Problems related to property matters are also indicated and disputes are pretty much likely. Financial difficulties may arise due to excess expenditures so be careful. Your health may be affected with so much going around in your life so make sure to address any health issues with a lot of promptness.


With the movement of Jupiter in Virgo, you can expect desired results to come your way. Professionally, this will be a good time for you to get recognition and adulation for your hard work. Anything you undertake during this time will yield you positive results. Promotion is also expected during this time so keep working hard.

Your financial condition will be steady and may come across ample opportunities to make things better through different channels of income. Expansion of business will bring you good results. During this transit you can expect to enjoy good health as you will be in a balanced state of mind.  Maximize the benefits of the Jupiter transit in every sphere of your life. Get immediate consultation, speak to India’s leading astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!  Friends and family members will be supportive in all your endeavors so use this time to strengthen your bonds.


Tough times may be ahead of you as Jupiter transits in Virgo. You could be frustrated as your expectations will disappoint you and repeated failures will lower your confidence. This may affect your productivity and seniors will not be satisfied with your performance putting you under tremendous pressure to perform or even change your job. You may feel restricted in your surroundings. This is surely not a good situation to be in, learn how you can avoid the malefic effects of this transit. seek guidance from India’s leading astrologers now on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!

Be careful in terms of any business investment, you should wait for the right time and prefer to invest in long term basis.


This will be an auspicious time for you as Jupiter transits in your 9th house (house of luck). This transit will give you positive results in every sphere of your life. Luck will be on your side and it will be evident in your professional life. You will be satisfied with the way things change for you on the professional front along with the co-operation of your seniors and co-workers. Success in all your endeavors will keep your spirits high and will make you confident. Fame and name will come your way and you may also avail a long pending promotion.

This is a good time to invest in property related matters and you will enjoy good health. You will be in balanced state of mind and this will help you take major decisions in life. Having a hard time deciding what will be good for you and what won’t be? Consult India’s leading astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!


This Jupiter’s transit may not give you favorable results and negative energies may encircle you. Be careful of the challenges or obstacles in your way.

You should avoid any kind of investment during this period as it may result in losses making you stressed. Work may require your extra attention and overindulgence could result in health issues and fatigue, take care.

Handle your personal relationships with a lot of care. There are indications of trouble on the domestic front if you are not careful. Even though Jupiter may not have desired results for you, you can reduce the malefic effects. Get to know more about this by speaking to India’s leading astrologers on INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!


You will feel the positive changes in your life as Jupiter transits in your seventh house. Married couples will enjoy pure marital bliss and this will be a good time for lovers. If you have plans to tie the knot there is no better time than this.

Your financial condition will be steady. Those who are self-employed will be encouraged to invest in profitable business, what’s more is you may come across other income sources to make your financial condition stronger. At work, luck will be on your side and you will be able to gain favors from higher authorities with a lot of ease. Your status will reach new heights which will keep you elated. Your success is all about the right timing, find out more by speaking to India’s leading astrologers with INDIA’S FIRST astrologers app. Download astroYogi app now!

Travel is also on the cards and you may plan for a long journey during this period, especially to a holy place. 

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Vedic astrology
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