Exams can be a very stressful time for both children as well as parents. Many students in the country would be facing exams during the months of March and April. The over emphasis on fear factor of students, by educational institutions, teachers and parents to ensure maximum results from them may sometimes push them too far. Our education system is not the most versatile and does not recognize other qualities of a student except there, analytical abilities and the ability to grasp and memorize teachings. This is exactly the reason why efforts don’t transform into marks for all students.
However, adding on to all of these factors, there are some movements and positioning in their horoscopes which can induce stress and tension in a student’s mind. The movement of the Planets can also affect the amount of work and interest the person puts in his studies, because as they rightly say any one would be doing his best at that point of time, the rest is up to his destiny and luck. Astroyogi experts explains a few planetary positions and transits which would add on to the exam pressure:
Among the Planets, Moon (Influencer of emotions and mind), Mercury (Influencer of intellect and education) and Jupiter’s (Influencer of learning) placements in the various houses during the exam days, are very important. Planet, like the Mars, put an obstacle in the child’s learning, if placed in the 4rth or 9th house. The Planets in the 2nd house tell us about the Primary learning of the child, 4rth about the college studies and 9th about the advanced degrees.
We would advise our dear readers who are facing exams to distress themselves and relax, because your mental capabilities and output would be much better if you are in a relaxed state. Do plan your study timetable well in advance, make sure you get your 8 hours sleep every day and if you are a night bird, switch your study routine a week before exam to make sure you are the most alert during the exam hours. Our advice to parents and teachers is that, you need to support your child/student and not pressurize them.
Rally around and be available always, but do not be too persuasive and demanding. However if you think you are facing some other difficulties which are arbitrary and unusual, our expert astrologers would be happy to help you out.