The fifth house in the horoscope is the native sign for Leo and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It is the House of Creativity.
The fifth house shows how well you express yourself through your creativity. It tells about your learning abilities; the children you will conceive, your relationship with them; your romance; your business undertakings; your spiritual learning; your creative expression, specially through writing.
This is the house of ‘past life credits’ . If it is strong, native will have a strong character and will be blessed with good relationships and children. Native will be able to express himself well through his writings of books and other literary works.
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Physical attributes like, the stomach; is associated with this house as our body is nourished from here. When the stomach is content with its fill, the body’s creativity surfaces.
Let’s Take A Look at The Varied Impact of The Nine Planets on The Fifth House
Sun - The Sun in the fifth house will enhance and illuminate your creative mind, improve your knowledge and making you wiser. The Sun will have an uplifting effect on you which could make you want to show off your creativity to the world. You will be actively involved with your children.
Sixth House | Seventh House | Eight House | Ninth House
Moon - Moon, being the softest celestial body and the planet of creativity, will bestow you with great powers of intuition, love for your children and partner to the extent that you will want to regulate all their movement, make you sensitive, honest, loyal and romantically inclined.
Mars - When Mars is placed in the fifth house, it will energise you and make you impulsive and possessive. You will develop a competitive and creative nature but take unnecessary risks in relationships. Your son will do you proud.
Mercury - Mercury in the fifth house will bring out the creativity and communication skills in you. You will be able to express yourself well through writing and oration. Your interest in learning new things will be enhanced. You will be romantically inclined and enjoy being with your children.
Jupiter - When Jupiter is placed in the fifth house, you will have excellent career, wealth and knowledge. You will be kind, affectionate and indulge in humanitarian tasks like teaching and guiding people. They will rise further in their career after the birth of their son.
Tenth House | Eleventh House | Twelfth House
Venus - Venus will accentuate the niceness and softness in you. It will make you appreciate beautiful things and promote the artistic talents in you. There will be a deep need for giving and also wanting to receive love. You could be disappointed with the later.
Saturn - Saturn in the fifth house will bring to the fore-front, your very practical and serious nature. This will make you a reliable and sincere person to have around, but the absence of fun and amusement in your outlook, would make you boring. Your “too concerned’ attitude with the children could become claustrophobic for them.
Rahu - The presence of the Shadow planet, Rahu, in the fifth house can be beneficial and adverse at times. When it is benefit, you would lead a peaceful life with good progeny, love and education. But when Rahu is malefic, it would make you self-centered, aggressive and rebellious. You could have problems with your children and that may effect your health too.
Ketu - Ketu in fifth house could bring with it problems regarding child birth, their and your health and unhealthy relationship with progeny. Your love life may not be satisfactory and your mental peace could be disturbed. There could be decline in your education and creativity.
To learn more about other houses of your Horoscope visit
The 12 Houses of Astrology and Their Significance | First House | Second House | Third House | Fourth House