We have discussed about different aspects of Vedic astrology and its scientific side in many articles. The respect and appreciation for this science would only increase if we dig deeper into it. There are valid reasons and explanations for the predictions of an astrologer and if you are to understand it you should also understand certain basic aspects of Vedic astrology. One such important consideration in Vedic astrology is the houses in one’s horoscope and the planetary positions with reference to these houses. There are 12 houses in a horoscope/ Kundli and each of them pertains to different facets of human life. We would be talking about your first house in this article and will subsequently publish 11 other articles about each of the houses later on.
The first house is the native sign for Aries and is ruled by Mars/Mangal. The First House is known as the House of Self. The cusp of this House is the home of your Lagna/Ascendant. The House relates to many psychological and physical aspects of one’s life. It tells us about one’s self-actualization and realization of true potential. In short, it has a lot to do with the success and respect one attains in life, mainly on the career front. The social life of the native is also influenced a lot by the First House because one’s status and general disposition in life are influenced by the first house. Apart from these, many physical attributes like - complexion, head, hair and pituitary glands are also influenced by the happenings in this house. For instance, a weak first house or its Lord can cause a headache, Nausea or mental stress; but a strong Sun and Mars here would account for vigor and energy.
Now Let’s Look at The Varied Impact of the Nine Planets on the First House:
Sun: The King of planets in the first house will boost your self-confidence. However, it may also make you a bit arrogant and egoistic. Your relationship with your parents, especially your father will be good.
Second House | Third House | Fourth House | Fifth House |
Moon: The planet if positioned in your first house would bolster your softer side. You may be a bit emotional and sensitive. It would turn you more approachable by nature. Natives may try to blend into social groups and make some compromises with their ego if the moon is positioned in their first house of their birth chart. These people may try hard to impress others and connect with others.
Mars: The planet being the significator of energy and vigor, if positioned in the first house can make you pushy and aggressive. However, there would be a lot of passion and enthusiasm for life during amongst these natives. You will be very competitive during this tenure.
Mercury: If Mercury is positioned in the first house, it would make you curious and you would develop an experimental approach to life. You would be very adaptive to all circumstances and situations in life. Needless to say that you would be very versatile in your conversations and persuasive as the Mercury is the key significator of Communication.
Jupiter: The Behemoth amongst the nine, if positioned in the first house can bring on some positive vibes in your life. You will be very hopeful and will sound philosophical in your conversations. However, you may overlook some important details when you become over optimistic.
Venus: The goddess of love if positioned in the first house of your birth chart will make you look very attractive and can usually bring in lovely eyes and curly hair. You will be well mannered and likable. But this can also make you pretty lazy and compromising.
Sixth House | Seventh House | Eight House | Ninth House
Saturn: Shani in the first house of one’s birth chart can give tall and thin physique. He might be a very rough guy to deal with and can develop an 'on the face' attitude. Such people may not be very friendly and sociable, but trustworthy and dependable.
Rahu: If found in the first house, this karmic planet can make you a lover of solitude for the whole lifetime. You may feel out of the league in social gatherings and even amongst your friends but may achieve great progress in self-actualization.
Ketu: If Ketu is in your first house then you are well aware of yourself and most probably an introvert liking to blend into the crowd, and sometimes to stay anonymous. However, there is a good potential hidden inside you which for some reason you wouldn’t like to flaunt.
Tenth House | Eleventh House | Twelfth House | The 12 Houses of Astrology and Their Significance